5th December 2013

Apply for Forum Mod & PI Mod

Made by Damen in Announcements

713 posts
Seen 6th October 2020
6th December 2013, 03:51 PM


There are many reasons I believe I should become a moderator on PenguinIsles.
To begin with, I was both a moderator and an administrator at one point on OldCP. In becoming so, I've proven to be trustworthy, responsible, and loyal. Seeing as I've been trusted with such a rank prior to PI's release, it only makes sense to trust me to protect PI, as well.
Being both mature and young gives me the advantage of serving your game well for a long time (as long as necessary.) I have no life outside of the Internet, basically (and I mean that in the coolest way possible), so I'll be insanely active.
I'm sure you already know, but if I were to acquire my aspired rank on PI, I wouldn't dare abuse the power I receive. I'll always hand out the proper punishment for any evil-doing.
I work really well with younger kids, and I would assume the majority of the PI users will be a bit on the younger side of things. I am understanding of everything so I can help anyone in need. I've helped many of the oldest OldCP users get used to the game and feel needed/loved around here. I'm friendly to everyone, I'm patient, and I am as helpful as can be.
You know me better than anyone else. I believe you also know I'd be perfect for the job.
I'm very excited for the release of your new game and it would be an honor to help you look after it.

+1 by SecretResearcher, Thisismyname, RoyalStar, Key and 2 others

810 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
6th December 2013, 04:25 PM

I would like to be a PenguinIsles moderator because I am very active and fair.I keep things in order and I am very responsible.I would follow the rules and be nice to everyone.I would be fair when using my powers and be attentive to what's happening around me.I will never be mean or disrespectful to any user.I also have good grammar and I'm also very creative.

Kara, Olivia, Tessa, Olivia, Adam, Olivia, Olivia

So without further ado.
263 posts
Seen 29th May 2023
6th December 2013, 04:25 PM

Hi there!
i would like to become a moderator because i have the knowledge and i know how to moderate,ban bad users who make some rude words and for those who dont follow the rules will be banned for a time, or forever.. and im responsible and online everyday.

the reason i want to become a moderator because i just want the peace for everyone who uses this community(No more bullying for players)
I know its short, but no matter how long is the letter, the importent this is, are you trustworthy for the moderation or not?

Best regards,

+1 by ThatguyPoops

1,761 posts
Seen 22nd December 2022
6th December 2013, 05:05 PM

Hello everybody, I am Key123 & I would like to apply for Forum Moderator. So here are a few reasons why. I help users alot especially when they are confused. I make alot of posts that are very well described & have alot of meaning.

1. I'm very experienced with typing.
2. I know alot about the forums in many different ways.
2. I know all the rules & follow them just as how they are suppost to be followed.
3.If there are bugs I will report them to the staff immediatly.
4.I will not abuse this power at all.
5.I am very experienced with this Moderator position.
6.I will do my best to remove all posts that are bad to the trash-can.
7. If there are any problems I will help solve them immediatly.

I would also like to also apply for the Penguin Isle Moderator position. Here are some reasons why.

1. I am very active online.
2. My schedule is almost always empty if the staff needs help with anything.
3. I can help people out with any problem.
4. I like to think positive & stay positive.
5. If there are Hackers I will ban them immediatly.
6. I don't threaten the staff.
7. I will be creative & make up games that people can play.
8. I will use dicipline if I have to.
9. I respect everybody no matter who or what mood they're in.
10. I can multi-task through out anything.

If you liked these two applications be sure to leave a like. I just want to thank everybody for rising my confedience to make posts.

~Wanna be my friend? Subscribe to #KeyFriends
~Do you wanna tryout for the Freehawks? Subscribe to #Freehawks
-Become Forum Mod
-Become OldCP Mod. (When it comes back).
-Reach 3,000 posts by the end of the year.
-More go as soon.

1,071 posts
Seen 24th June 2023
6th December 2013, 05:08 PM

I would like to apply for Forum Moderator, because I have good grammar, and I know a lot about OldCP. I have been playing OldCP for around 1 and a half years, except on different accounts. I forget the usernames of my other ones, for now I only do iMoose! Even before I started OldCP, I have played a lot of other CPPSes and Forums, so I know a lot about Forums and CPPSes. Infact, I hosted a CPPS once, I was part of the Atlantic Penguin staff and Extravaganza Penguins (The first cp) staff for a long time, so I would like to apply for Forum Moderator. Also, I have been using a lot of OldCP-related stuff, and I have been writing many stuff about OldCP and it's Forums, so I really appreciate it. I would really be respectful and grateful if I got Forum moderator. And I have some application information below, it's below:

Forum Username: iMoose/WereWolf
In-Game Username: iMoose
Joined OldCP Forum: November 11, 2013
Forum Rank Experiences: Rookie, Member, Master.
In-Game Rank Experiences (Glitched): For a few seconds, in-game I was an Administrator
Not Glitched In-Game Rank Experiences: Normal, Trusted User.

I can list the ranks, all below:

News Reporter

How Much Times I've Been Reborn: 3 Times
Reputation: Atleast 100 (constantly changing)
How Many Helpful Posts I've Done (Estimate): Around 50-300
How Many Short Posts I've Done (Estimate): Atleast 100

41 posts
Seen 10th March 2016
6th December 2013, 05:48 PM

Hi Damen, I would love to be a Penguin Isles mod because I love helping others and I am also active. I have had experience before on Atlantic Penguin and I will ban/kick anyone who does anything bad.
I have also read Chapter 1 of the PI story. I am at the part where they are discussing their baby's name, which would be Spike. Anyway, I won't abuse my powers like some people have done in the past and I will make sure that no one else does that either. I would keep the site safe as well and I will always follow the rules and will work very hard being a moderator!
Also, I was wondering if you like the Jason Bourne movies because your Forum pic and the Xat background look like Jason Bourne from the movie "The Bourne Ultimatum". If so, those movies are some of my favorite movies I have watched.

Thanks for reading this! Cheers! ~ Reus

+1 by Key

194 posts
6th December 2013, 06:09 PM

Hi! I am Royal! I would love to be a PI moderator! Keeping people safe is what I care most about being a moderator. I hate seeing people bully and break rules, it scares me! Most moderators are not online as long as I am! I love making new friends, seeing a fun happy place in PI would be the happiest thing I could see! I wouldn't dare just sit around with my friends and ignore users! If they needed my help, help is what I need to do! I understand that just because I would be a moderator, doesn't mean I can ban people who I dislike. They have to do something to deserve the ban! I'm not large and in-charge, I'm helpful and funny! I DO NOT want to be moderator for the badge of fame or because I want to be the boss of everyone, I want to be a moderator because I love helping users, and making sure they stay safe and cyberbullying is out of sight, so its out of mind. I'd make sure I was careful about who I banned, what they did, and make sure I had enough proof to ban them. I would try to help users get along, and not fight constantly! When penguins have a question, I have an answer! I would love to help make PI a fun, happy, rules followed place. I understand the rules, and I will be sure I follow them, as well.

+1 by frozo
made by Music :).
By Pearlr10
Made by Katie :).
By ThePast

194 posts
6th December 2013, 06:10 PM

Hi! I am Royal! I would love to be a PI moderator! Keeping people safe is what I care most about being a moderator. I hate seeing people bully and break rules, it scares me! Most moderators are not online as long as I am! I love making new friends, seeing a fun happy place in PI would be the happiest thing I could see! I wouldn't dare just sit around with my friends and ignore users! If they needed my help, help is what I need to do! I understand that just because I would be a moderator, doesn't mean I can ban people who I dislike. They have to do something to deserve the ban! I'm not large and in-charge, I'm helpful and funny! I DO NOT want to be moderator for the badge of fame or because I want to be the boss of everyone, I want to be a moderator because I love helping users, and making sure they stay safe and cyberbullying is out of sight, so its out of mind. I'd make sure I was careful about who I banned, what they did, and make sure I had enough proof to ban them. I would try to help users get along, and not fight constantly! When penguins have a question, I have an answer! I would love to help make PI a fun, happy, rules followed place. I understand the rules, and I will be sure I follow them, as well.

made by Music :).
By Pearlr10
Made by Katie :).
By ThePast

194 posts
6th December 2013, 06:11 PM

Hi! I am Royal! I would love to be a PI moderator! Keeping people safe is what I care most about being a moderator. I hate seeing people bully and break rules, it scares me! Most moderators are not online as long as I am! I love making new friends, seeing a fun happy place in PI would be the happiest thing I could see! I wouldn't dare just sit around with my friends and ignore users! If they needed my help, help is what I need to do! I understand that just because I would be a moderator, doesn't mean I can ban people who I dislike. They have to do something to deserve the ban! I'm not large and in-charge, I'm helpful and funny! I DO NOT want to be moderator for the badge of fame or because I want to be the boss of everyone, I want to be a moderator because I love helping users, and making sure they stay safe and cyberbullying is out of sight, so its out of mind. I'd make sure I was careful about who I banned, what they did, and make sure I had enough proof to ban them. I would try to help users get along, and not fight constantly! When penguins have a question, I have an answer! I would love to help make PI a fun, happy, rules followed place. I understand the rules, and I will be sure I follow them, as well.

made by Music :).
By Pearlr10
Made by Katie :).
By ThePast

286 posts
Seen 3rd February 2022
6th December 2013, 06:22 PM

Royal you Triple Posted.
Try not to do that again.

+1 by RoyalStar

194 posts
6th December 2013, 06:30 PM

i know i am so sorry i didn't mean to it told me i can only make 1 post every 10 seconds and i thought it didn't post, so i did it over and over again! Im so sorry i never saw the 5 tab thing!

made by Music :).
By Pearlr10
Made by Katie :).
By ThePast

Michigan J Frog
406 posts
Seen 7th August 2023
6th December 2013, 07:02 PM

Hello Damen! I would like to apply for PI mod. I know I will help out and be good. You can trust me. Check this post because I would like to be a PI mod. It would be a big honor and I will show responsibility and contribute my work to being a PI mod. I am putting detail into this post. You can trust me!

4 posts
6th December 2013, 07:04 PM

Hi! I would love to become a Penguin Isles moderator because, I have much experience with being a moderator. I have been moderating for cpps.me,cpps.se,cpps.co,newcp(trial),minecraft,cp.EMU,and a couple more on mycp.ps, a new cpps is coming out by a forum user named Wolf, and he asked me to be a Server Administrator,so, I have been moderating all those, I think you can trust me. I will never dare abuse my powers, nor bully others because I am a higher rank or whatsoever. I have lots of experience with being a trustworthy moderator, I have never once been demoted, never, all those cpps are not working on my computer, thats all, and I do not play Minecraft anymore. So, now you know that I have much experience, and very good ways of being kind to others and being trustworthy.

I am very positive, so here is my application, If you believe you can, you will.

Hi there! So, I would love to become a forum staff, so I am here to apply. I am very progressive, I am very springy, very active. I am very accountable, you can totally trust me, I literally come right home from school and get on the forums. I used to open 2 tabs, but sadly, the game is down. Damen really hates people quitting, so I will not quit, not just for him, but because the forum is addicting somehow. I am very active like I said,very accountable. I would never abuse any kinds of powers, as, I am supposed to be responsible.

The first day I joined, which was 5 months ago, I thought, how exactly would I use this forum,I know how to play in game, now I need help with forums. I asked stompnbob on the island, he was the only one who helped me, any ways, he told me everything. I made my first discussion, named "Moderators deserve respect!". Day by day, I always opened up 2 tabs, one for the game, and one for the forum. Also, don't forget the fact that I am an A+ student in English, I have perfect punctuation,spelling, and grammar.

I was looking all around for a game like the old clubpenguin with a forum and some cool stuff. Finally, I had come across, this beautiful game. I was playing when cpps.pro was at its V1 stages, but not much, I did not realize it was this awesome game. I remember seeing so much players, like Tent, who is now Damen. Anyways, finally, I came back at the V6 stages. Now, I am more active than ever. I was very happy with the forum. I made funny jokes,thank you notes, etc.,

Now, I seriously would LOVE to become a moderator on this beautiful forum. I checked over the rules again for this post, and I know what not to do and what to do. The rules are amazing. Please accept me, I have achieved some stuff, but not much, because not much is offered, this is my only chance. Thank you so much if you do and Thank you very very much Damen for creating this forum. No other cpps would have this other than copiers. You spent you time to make kids happy, you did that. :)

(note: I have moderated many cpps, check the PI application above and I will tell you.

Welcome to the OldCP Forum, we thank you for using this amazing tool as a place to unite your words with the entire internet worldwide.

As this is a direct attachment to the OldCP Remake, it requires certain rules to be obeyed.

Here's a general list of the oldcp environment rules:

OldCP General Rules

- Do not use bad language.

- Do not spam.

- Respect everyone including staff members.

- Obey the judgement of staff members.

- Do not bully others.

- Do not try to trick the rules.

- Do not threat staff or members.

As this is a forum and not a chat room or game, there are some extra additions to the rules when you are on this community board.

OldCP Forum Rules

- Do not spam.

- Do not double post.

- Do not make posts containing less than two words.

- Do not make pointless posts constantly on a single thread like 'Alright thanks, your welcome' etc...

- Do not try to use 3rd party methods to use this website.

- Do not use more than one account at once, you may make a new account but use only one of them. You may switch whenever you want.

- Do not use foul language in signatures, moods, about me, nicknames, posts, discussions etc...

- Do not hate toblerone or anyone else, e.g. don't make hate discussions against others.

Thank you, remember to follow these rules!

(The rules were from the Rules page.)

Your Master Fashionista

Your Master Fashionista
I am rooting for you sister, you are the best sister. I hope you get in! You truly deserve it!

919 posts
Seen 2nd March 2016
6th December 2013, 07:59 PM

Hello Damen,I will love to be a Moderator in Penguin Isles.It will be a honor for me to moderate this game,Also I'm very active and fair and I wont ban or kick penguin for no reason,I will have proof and a reason.I will help any users right away! And I really love the Penguin Isles stories you made so far.I never been a moderator but I seen other moderators what they do and now I know exactly what to do.And i usually stay up late and day and night and making sure No one is breaking the rules.I hope you accept me as a moderator on your amazing game coming soon.

+1 by RoyalStar and Key

691 posts
Seen 7th May 2015
6th December 2013, 09:11 PM

I would pick Forum Mod. Because I always go to the Forums. I always check the posts. I also report if there's a bad post! I send mail instead of report. I am really active at the Forums! I am also kind, I promise. Even if I'm a Moderator at the Game, I will not ban abuse. I'll only ban if someone did not follow the Rules. I know the Rules, I read them already. I promise I will be a great Forum Moderator.

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