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No Reputation

Stop people from leaving any reputation on your posts

1,000 gold

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Profile Header

Add a header image to the top of your profile page

10,000 gold

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Forum Background

Customise the main background image.

1,000 gold

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Name Glow

A glow on your username

3,000 gold

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Rainbow Glow

Rainbow name glow

5,000 gold

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Bar Image

Put an image as a background for the bar above your posts

10,000 gold

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Bar Name Color

Color your name on posts

4,000 gold

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Bar Font

Style the font of your nickname on your posts

2,000 gold

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Bar Gradient

Color the header above your posts with a gradient fill

4,000 gold

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Stealth Stories

Anonymously view people's stories

2,000 gold

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Q & A

Allow people to ask you questions on your profile

700 gold

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Secret Search

Your search queries are not shown on recent searches

500 gold

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Cover Page

Add a close-able cover page to the top of your profile which can be customised to show anything.

2,000 gold

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Bar Color

Color the header above your posts

2,000 gold

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See Through For Profiles

See through your profile page

800 gold

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Undo Rep

Undo reputation given on posts

2,000 gold

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No Related Profiles

Remove the related profiles section from your profile

3,000 gold

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Infinite Posts

Removes all limits on posts, channels and about me's

1,500 gold

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Title Color

Color your forums title

1,000 gold

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Stops profile music playing

1,000 gold

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Profile Music

Plays any music/video from YouTube on your profile

1,500 gold

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Forum Color

Change the color of the forums.

700 gold

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Closed Mailbox

Block all sending mail to you.

1,500 gold

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Longer Titles

Enable creation of discussions with longer titles.

1,000 gold

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Not a Stalker

Stop your name showing under Recent Visitors on other peoples profile.

1,000 gold

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Profile Background

Customise your profile's background image.

500 gold

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