FluffePuff's moods

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16th December 2013
Love is on every corner, guys!!! :D Yay!!
15th December 2013
You can't live without love <3
15th December 2013
LOL I put octavia, I am fluffepuff and I entered my own MLP club XD
15th December 2013
Just joined MLP club as Octavia, I am so excited! I hope Funfet/Dj Pon3 will login!!!!!!! I am so happy!!!!! SOME ONE PICK MISTY FLY OR SOARN OR DERPY HOOVES!!!! Some of the MOST EPIC ponies ever!! Leader is Fluffepuff
15th December 2013
Hey fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows! Join the MLP club I am making! It will be tons of fun!!! FLUFFY ON :)
14th December 2013
Why forget about fluffy puff? The fluffy unicorn that dances on rainbows, lives in Twilights house, can ONLY GASP and do that spit thing with her tounge, loves pie, and randomly walking up to strangers shushing them to put a donut in there mouth?