Minion Legue 's moods

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Minion Legue
28th October 2015
Its snowing here no school for 2 days ^0^
Minion Legue
27th October 2015
4 more days until Halloween ^0^
Minion Legue
27th October 2015
Got the song "Hello by Adele" stuck in my head xDx
Minion Legue
26th October 2015
I just got back from a math test...something tells me my teacher didnt like what she saw xD lol
Minion Legue
25th October 2015
HELLO guys it ish me the blue minion i am back wut ish up?(and dont say the sky xD)
Minion Legue
11th May 2014
I think I'm gonna quit v.v....
Minion Legue
24th April 2014
I think I just made my own character for a comic book o-o
Minion Legue
24th April 2014
Quote of The Day: When life gives you flowers, take care of them knowing that they won't last forever
Minion Legue
23rd April 2014's dark.....o.o
Minion Legue
23rd April 2014
Quote of The Day: Don't judge me I was born to be awesome.Not perfect <<< Minion quote btw XD
Minion Legue
22nd April 2014
Quote of The Day: Roses are red, Violets are blue. Faces like yours belong in the zoo. But don't worry- I'll be there too! Not in a cage but laughing at you!
Minion Legue
19th April 2014
Back from my break guys!^-^
Minion Legue
8th April 2014
Good-bye guys i won't be on tomorrow cause' the airplane doesn't allow phones,Pods or laptops on.I'll be at the plaza.But for now i think its time for me to say Good-bye or Sayaonara....Anyways Bye guys!I'm going to miss you all! :(
Minion Legue
8th April 2014
Good-bye guys i won't be on tomorrow cause' the airplane doesn't allow phones,Pods or laptops on.I'll be at the plaza.But for now i think its time for me to say Good-bye or Sayaonara
Minion Legue
7th April 2014
Tomorrow my good-byes will begin....but im starting now :(
Minion Legue
5th April 2014
What do u choose? #Dice4Mod or #Freezer4Demoted
Minion Legue
5th April 2014
There's a bar of Kitkat right there on the table......Awe fudge my dog took the last one D:
Minion Legue
5th April 2014
There's a bar of Kitkat right there on the table......Awe fudge my dog took the lats one D:
Minion Legue
5th April 2014
My friend told me that there's something weird about Perrie from little friend also said that I'm AWESOME XD......jk
Minion Legue
4th April 2014