24 posts
Posted in Rules for Rookies • 9th January 2015, 09:08 PM

Nice one! Even tho I'm a rookie I already have an idea what to do :P And I just created my forums yesterday! o_0

24 posts
Posted in FNAF Room • 9th January 2015, 09:06 PM

Minecraft Queen wrote on 9th January 2015 05:33 PM:
Nativequeen said on 9th January 2015 05:22 PM:
Minecraft Queen said on 9th January 2015 04:56 PM:

Well chica could be a girl or other! Others were a girl acts like a boy. Or a boy acts like a girl.

Chica also is in Spanish and it means girl, so I think Chica of FNAF's is a girl.

We will never know XP

It shall remain a mystery until someone can figure it out... >.>

24 posts
Posted in FNAF Room • 9th January 2015, 05:22 PM

Minecraft Queen wrote on 9th January 2015 04:56 PM:

Well chica could be a girl or other! Others were a girl acts like a boy. Or a boy acts like a girl.

Chica also is in Spanish and it means girl, so I think Chica of FNAF's is a girl.

24 posts
Posted in FNAF Room • 9th January 2015, 04:30 PM

Minecraft Queen wrote on 9th January 2015 09:22 AM:
I love it! I made a chica outfit myself its /outfit littleduckduck thats what Ihasacupquake calls him or her or other I dunno what gender he or she or other is!
Chica is a girl, btw.

But also I like this idea very much! That way all the FNAF's fans can go and play in there. :P

24 posts
Posted in We Need To Save Snaildom • 9th January 2015, 04:14 PM

I think that for Snaildom to be full with people is... If Oldcp goes down, because everyone went on there when Oldcp got shut down by Disney...

24 posts
Posted in Come And Read • 9th January 2015, 03:54 PM

To become a member, you need at least 50 post and 30 rep... At least that's what they said to me... :\

24 posts
Posted in Penguin watch application • 9th January 2015, 01:30 AM

You may have the badge, but do you have people's trust? PW isn't for everyone to become one of them. There's always new users and waiting for someone to help them. And you still need a bit more of reputation before you try again.

24 posts
Posted in Don't judge • 8th January 2015, 11:08 PM

We all have our flaws and we are suppose to enjoy showing them.
We are perfect at being imperfect. We are who we are and nobody can change that
We are possible. Impossible= Im possible
We are "perfect." Imperfect= Im perfect the way I am

Couldn't have said it any better, but sometimes our way being perfect at being imperfect can lead us to a dark path. So that's another reason of why we always need a helping hand with us, because that way we can avoid falling so much.

24 posts
Posted in Don't judge • 8th January 2015, 10:14 PM

Many people easily judge by how they look, but not what's inside in the heart. It's like an old saying '' Don't judge a book by it's cover '', because who knows, maybe you end up liking it.
Lets say that... There's a couple of girly girls and one who's not... What do they do? Judge the person by how it looks..

You don't like people judging you, right? Then do the same thing and don't judge them because they don't like it also! When you also judge someone, you're not giving the respect that they deserve.
Respect is connected to many things that we can't notice it sometimes. We all need to have respect to be able to: respect opinions, how they are, how it looks and etc. So mostly everything in life is based around respect.

If you judge someone without meeting them, then you lack of respect in others. Because if we all judge before meeting them, it would be horrible!
Respect starts with you, so respect others like you want them to. And don't judge them, because they'll do the same thing with you!We all are like sponges... We absorb and remember how they treated us, so we reflect the same thing on them. And if they treated you badly, then drama will start in just a few seconds.

So before you judge someone again, think about this!