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Taco Bell King
55 posts
Posted in Excuse You! • 20th October 2015, 07:43 PM

Help wrote on 20th October 2015 07:18 PM:
If you want to say something, but it might cause some issues, it's always better to private message a staff member.
I was trying to tell everyone! Who would I PM!?

Taco Bell King
55 posts
Posted in Excuse You! • 20th October 2015, 06:42 PM

I got banned on my forums account, for saying. "Guys if you are going to dislike a post at least put a comment saying why you did for people can fix there posts. Also don't say mean things about there posts try to improve there posts" Want to know the reason I got banned "Causing Drama". Why did that post get tons of dislikes, and why did I get banned for doing nothing wrong? Explain that, please! I didn't put anyone down, I was being nice and calm and telling you guys don't put someone down cause of there posts. There is no reason for me to be banned.

Taco Bell King
55 posts
Posted in News Reporter Application • 18th October 2015, 07:36 PM

Cheshire wrote on 18th October 2015 07:35 PM:
Good luck on news reporter, Bonwe! I consider News Reporter a "starter rank", because you usually can go news reporter > knight > mod > admin > emperor helper!
Thanks :D

Taco Bell King
55 posts
Posted in News Reporter Application • 18th October 2015, 07:26 PM

Hi guys, Bonwe here. Today I'm going to be telling you some true facts. True fact #1 Bonwe is applying for News Reporter. *Cricket* Come on just clap! *1 clap* Pleeeease. *1 laugh* Fine then. *everyone claps* Thank you! Since it took you to long to clap I won't be telling you other facts. *awwwwww* Fine, maybe later. *Yay!*

First things first *I'm the realist realist* Hey no singing fancy! *awwww* Alright so first things first, am I trusted?

I'd say I'm trusted. I've gotten suspended for writing a report about someone but other then that I'd say I'm trusted. Cause my friends trust me. They have told me they trust me. Unless they lied.... DID YOU LIE ABOUT MY TRUST!? XD just kidding! So yea I'd say I'm trusted.

What's your Username?


What's your TimeZone?


Desired Rank

News Reporter


12, August 7th 2003

Date Joined

Oldcp: 2013
Forums: 2015


I've been Moderator on Xat, Minecraft,, and

DSGHQ History

Well plenty of Staff and Administrators also Emperor Damen have likes my posts.

Taco Bell King
55 posts
Posted in Spirit Week - Day 2 - Purple • 18th October 2015, 05:31 PM

Hi guys, Bonwe here. Its officially the second day of Spirit Week! Today were wearing purple to help support LGBT. Sorry for the short post!

Taco Bell King
55 posts
Posted in Dice Talk- Happy Bday Orbay and CoffeeCow • 18th October 2015, 02:53 AM

Wait why do you only have 8 likes?

Taco Bell King
55 posts
Posted in Igloo Reseting = SERIOUSLY!? • 17th October 2015, 08:22 PM

Hi guys, Bonwe here. Today I'm going to be talking about a bug that pisses me off so much. I'm not talking about a fly XD I'm talking about THE IGLOO RESETING GLITCH. Okay so many have witnessed yesterday that I was having a big igloo party and when I tried to edit my igloo HALF OF MY STUFF DISSAPEARED! Please someone needs to fix it. Its the most annoying thing on earth! I will show you my before and After!



Taco Bell King
55 posts
Posted in Spirit Week - Day 1 - Orange • 17th October 2015, 03:43 PM

Hi guys, Bonwe here. Okay so its officially the first day of spirit week. Today were going to wear Orange to fight bullying.

Also thank you for the Amazing Igloo Party last night! I can't believe we made it popular. There was 13 users at my igloo. (There wasn't that much people online at the time)

Taco Bell King
55 posts
Posted in To Everyone • 17th October 2015, 05:10 AM

I know, that's why today people are going to be wearing Orange to stop Bullying!

Taco Bell King
55 posts
Posted in Spirit Week • 16th October 2015, 09:06 PM

Sadie wrote on 16th October 2015 09:00 PM:
Our spirit week just ended, and it was fun. Also instead of doing the words with a "*" simply put "LGBT" because it is everything in to one abbreviation.
Wait your spirit week at school ended?

Taco Bell King
55 posts
Posted in Spirit Week • 16th October 2015, 08:57 PM

10/17/15 - Wear Orange to show that you don't agree with Bullying.

10/18/15 - Wear Purple to show that you are not against Bise*ual, G*y, and L*sbians.

10/19/15 - Wear Pink to help support cancer.

10/20/15 - Goofy Outfit Day.

10/21/15 - Crazy Hair Day.

10/22/15 - Nerdy Day.

10/23/15 - Wear old/rare clothing to remember old Club Penguin.

Taco Bell King
55 posts
Posted in SAB: Stand Against Bullying • 15th October 2015, 11:54 PM

Hi guys, Bonwe here. I want to start a Stand Against Bullying Campaign. If you Stand Against Bullying please like this post now it will show how much people in this forums Rock and Love to stand against bullying. Also if Damen sees this post he will be proud of how much good players we got in the DSGHQ.

Okay so lets get to the Stand Against Bullying Campaign. Alright 10/17/15 everyone should wear Orange to support. Also it will show how much people will actually love to Stand Against Bullying. Bullying is a big deal cause it can scar a person for life. Not only kids adults can bully kids too.

Alright so for 10/18/15 everyone should wear Purple to help the people who are G*y or L*sbian and Bi*exual. Cause along time ago they would beat up people who were different. Also I know some people who are those things feel uncomfortable. I think we should make them comfortable by wearing Purple to support them and show them how much we respect there way of life and they don't have to feel left out!

Taco Bell King
55 posts
Posted in Suspended: Fighting For Rights • 14th October 2015, 08:25 PM

Hi guys, Bonwe here. I just found out Sugar got suspended for fighting for her rights. So what if she believes that Poolpie didn't do it. Its like people who don't believe in god. She shouldn't be suspended for the reason of fighting for her rights. That's just telling me that people cant share there opinions, such a great influence. Its like someone who is G*y and fighting for there rights then you just ban them cause you don't believe in that. Yea you can dislike this post, also you can suspend me. Just know that I got suspended for fighting for my rights. Peace out!