Taco Bell King
55 posts
Posted in Staff Please See This. • 11th October 2015, 09:01 PM

phanshee wrote on 11th October 2015 08:42 PM:
Skits said on 11th October 2015 08:38 PM:
[quote id='10892' name='Bonwe Backup' date='11th October 2015 08:19 PM'. Also he admitted he made more fake accounts even knowing they were not aloud after hasher suspended him the first time.

whos hasher?!?!,!? =$$
Hashear's Brother.[/quote]
Skits wrote on 11th October 2015 08:38 PM:
Bonwe Backup said on 11th October 2015 08:19 PM:
Also he admitted he made more fake accounts even knowing they were not aloud after hasher suspended him the first time.

whos hasher
U guys caught a typo xD

Taco Bell King
55 posts
Posted in Staff Please See This. • 11th October 2015, 08:19 PM

Bonwe's Backup is not aloud to PM since he is not a member so he has to make it post, sorry if causes Drama I just need that staff to know.

The Secret Accounts

Hi guys, Bonwe here. Sorry if this starts drama in the DSGHQ I just need a staff member to handle this. Today Roesner was bossing Terry also screaming at Terry saying "UNIPBAN ME RIGHT NOW THATS WASN'T ME" he was saying Toxic wasn't him. But, here's the but both of the accounts have the same birthday month. Also he admitted he made more fake accounts even knowing they were not aloud after hashir suspended him the first time. This is one of the fake accounts probably. But we don't know. I'm not saying its him, its just a little fishy around here with this evidence.

Hard Times

Alright so here is another thing. Okay so this guy was having some serious hard times cause his mom is crazy and his dad is crazy too also his sister recently died and his brother hates him. He was depressed, then Roesner comes up and says "Shut Up and complain somewhere else nobody needs to hear your lies". I found that a awful thing to say to someone. Even if it was fake it could of been real. Just thinking of a person going threw this much having to hear that.

Mean Accounts

Alright so this is where I come in. This one I have proof on. Alright so if you look up on search bonwe you will find a account made by Roesner, Bonweisweird. I don't find that offensive cause being weird is cool. Unless you pick ur nose of something... But yea, I think he was trying to put me down by making this account and I find that against the rules. He has made so many accounts nobody can keep track of them.

Rude Outfits

Alright so Roesner has made mean outfits for people to see and I find them highly offensive. I can not fully remember the outfit names but I think one of them was "/outfit Bonweisugly" something like that. I think I told coffeecow but I don't fully remember. That isn't the only rude outfit he made.

Fake Accounts To Get Likes

Alright so you already know this one, he made fake accounts to boost his likes for he can get member for he can apply for Knight. This is it again, what kind of knight would act like this. Also if he were to get knight, he'd probably have so many complaints.

Rude Advertisements

Alright so Roesner took my outfit and was at town then started saying I was dumb and all this stuff. He also was advertising the rude forums account name. He told people to go to it. I found it awful and disrespectful.
Alright, these are all the rude things that he has done that I know of. I'm pretty sure there are a lot more. When people try to talk to him he says "LALALAALALALALALA" so that kind of annoys people but yea. A staff please do something about this. Thank you for reading this.

Taco Bell King
55 posts
Posted in Bring Back Old CP! • 11th October 2015, 04:04 PM

Hi guys, Bonwe here. I just wanted to say that you guys should bring back Old CP. Like when penguins were aloud to have cats and the cats would be named "Bonwe's Cat". Those were some fun times. Also when the coffeeshop was broken into and upstairs had things that were stolen. I loved those days. There was also this weird jr that was like a block with a face running and people would sit on it. I loved those days. Also when jr cyberwolf would actually move and said something sausage. Also the oldcp bot, I loved it. Please bring it back. :)

Taco Bell King
55 posts
Posted in Suspended >_< • 11th October 2015, 02:40 AM

Lylance wrote on 11th October 2015 02:34 AM:
XxBonwexX said on 11th October 2015 02:01 AM:
Lylance said on 10th October 2015 10:27 PM:
You made like 50 reports about roesner.

No I didn't I made 3 -.-

cough 3+ like 47
Can you not! How about you take pictures and show me know it all! Like I ONLY DID 3!

Taco Bell King
55 posts
Posted in Suspended >_< • 11th October 2015, 02:01 AM

Lylance wrote on 10th October 2015 10:27 PM:
You made like 50 reports about roesner.
No I didn't I made 3 -.-

Taco Bell King
55 posts
Posted in Suspended >_< • 10th October 2015, 10:16 PM

Hey guys, Bonwe here. Okay so my other account got suspended for no reason. It said for writing a report about another player, causing drama. So are you telling me is a person is bothering the heck out of me and I write a report and I get suspended. >.< Like what! If ur going to get suspended for writing a report about someone then you might as well take off the Report category. Like that was kinda stupid for me to get suspended. I also got a warning for writing a report. Like what! I swear... people these days. The next thing you know saying Hi will get you Ip Banned. >.>

Taco Bell King
55 posts
Posted in WHAT DO U LIKE • 7th September 2015, 04:53 PM

Jassie wrote on 7th September 2015 04:50 PM:
You just need to make more helpful and entertaining posts.

DreamBurst said on 7th September 2015 04:37 PM:
XxBonwexX said on 7th September 2015 04:34 PM:
DreamBurst said on 7th September 2015 04:17 PM:
XxBonwexX said on 7th September 2015 04:15 PM:
Guys! You all are disliking my posts for no reason!!!!!! I just made one about an apology and it had nothing bad in it! WHAT DO U GUYS LIKE FOR I WOULD KNOW! NOW I HAVE 21 DISLIKES ON MY PROFILE! ARE U TRYING TO MAKE MY LIFE MISERABLE

We dislike your post, because 1. We disagree 2. Your being dramatic 3. Your begging

How was I being dramatic about standing up for my friends or how was I begging about standing up for my friends and ur saying u disagree in friendship.

What a horrible thing to say about me. You were being over dramatic, and not all of your post, and how did your reputation go up that fast? You had waaaay more dislikes then it says.

He probably made alternate accounts and used them to like all of his posts.
No I didn't I can even tell you the account

Taco Bell King
55 posts
Posted in WHAT DO U LIKE • 7th September 2015, 04:44 PM

DreamBurst wrote on 7th September 2015 04:43 PM:
XxBonwexX said on 7th September 2015 04:41 PM:
DreamBurst said on 7th September 2015 04:37 PM:
XxBonwexX said on 7th September 2015 04:34 PM:
DreamBurst said on 7th September 2015 04:17 PM:
XxBonwexX said on 7th September 2015 04:15 PM:
Guys! You all are disliking my posts for no reason!!!!!! I just made one about an apology and it had nothing bad in it! WHAT DO U GUYS LIKE FOR I WOULD KNOW! NOW I HAVE 21 DISLIKES ON MY PROFILE! ARE U TRYING TO MAKE MY LIFE MISERABLE

We dislike your post, because 1. We disagree 2. Your being dramatic 3. Your begging

How was I being dramatic about standing up for my friends or how was I begging about standing up for my friends and ur saying u disagree in friendship.

What a horrible thing to say about me. You were being over dramatic, and not all of your post, and how did your reputation go up that fast? You had waaaay more dislikes then it says.

LOL you want me to have a bad reputation! And I have a friend who actually likes my posts cause they mean something to him! Cause he actually agrees! That's what friendship is about!

I do not. I'm concered about the rules. He must've spammed. That can get him banned, ya'know.
He didn't spam! Also about the horrible thing to say about you. I'm sorry

Taco Bell King
55 posts
Posted in WHAT DO U LIKE • 7th September 2015, 04:42 PM

SiLoXB wrote on 7th September 2015 04:37 PM:
XxBonwexX said on 7th September 2015 04:15 PM:
Guys! You all are disliking my posts for no reason!!!!!! I just made one about an apology and it had nothing bad in it! WHAT DO U GUYS LIKE FOR I WOULD KNOW! NOW I HAVE 23 DISLIKES ON MY PROFILE! ARE U TRYING TO MAKE MY LIFE MISERABLE

Don't worry.
TY ;)

Taco Bell King
55 posts
Posted in WHAT DO U LIKE • 7th September 2015, 04:41 PM

DreamBurst wrote on 7th September 2015 04:37 PM:
XxBonwexX said on 7th September 2015 04:34 PM:
DreamBurst said on 7th September 2015 04:17 PM:
XxBonwexX said on 7th September 2015 04:15 PM:
Guys! You all are disliking my posts for no reason!!!!!! I just made one about an apology and it had nothing bad in it! WHAT DO U GUYS LIKE FOR I WOULD KNOW! NOW I HAVE 21 DISLIKES ON MY PROFILE! ARE U TRYING TO MAKE MY LIFE MISERABLE

We dislike your post, because 1. We disagree 2. Your being dramatic 3. Your begging

How was I being dramatic about standing up for my friends or how was I begging about standing up for my friends and ur saying u disagree in friendship.

What a horrible thing to say about me. You were being over dramatic, and not all of your post, and how did your reputation go up that fast? You had waaaay more dislikes then it says.
LOL you want me to have a bad reputation! And I have a friend who actually likes my posts cause they mean something to him! Cause he actually agrees! That's what friendship is about!

Taco Bell King
55 posts
Posted in WHAT DO U LIKE • 7th September 2015, 04:34 PM

DreamBurst wrote on 7th September 2015 04:17 PM:
XxBonwexX said on 7th September 2015 04:15 PM:
Guys! You all are disliking my posts for no reason!!!!!! I just made one about an apology and it had nothing bad in it! WHAT DO U GUYS LIKE FOR I WOULD KNOW! NOW I HAVE 21 DISLIKES ON MY PROFILE! ARE U TRYING TO MAKE MY LIFE MISERABLE

We dislike your post, because 1. We disagree 2. Your being dramatic 3. Your begging
How was I being dramatic about standing up for my friends or how was I begging about standing up for my friends and ur saying u disagree in friendship.

Taco Bell King
55 posts
Posted in WHAT DO U LIKE • 7th September 2015, 04:15 PM

Guys! You all are disliking my posts for no reason!!!!!! I just made one about an apology and it had nothing bad in it! WHAT DO U GUYS LIKE FOR I WOULD KNOW! NOW I HAVE 23 DISLIKES ON MY PROFILE! ARE U TRYING TO MAKE MY LIFE MISERABLE

Taco Bell King
55 posts
Posted in User Bullying • 7th September 2015, 04:10 PM

love the picture :P

Taco Bell King
55 posts
Posted in Sad News • 7th September 2015, 03:43 AM

I saw Kind the other day

Taco Bell King
55 posts
Posted in My Friends Need Me • 7th September 2015, 02:09 AM

Hey Guys as you know, I'm Ip-Banned. I'm not going to start a whole big drama thing again because I know you guys will dislike it. So I want to put this out there. My friends know I messed up and they forgive me and I was just asking u one more time if you can forgive me. Please. My friends need me. My friends are telling me that they wish I was there cause I'm the one who usually stops the problems. But except the one night I snapped and got mad. I wish you guys were in my shoes to know how it feels. But you aren't. I just wanted to put it out there that I'm not a mean person and my friends don't think that either. And I was wondering why are random people are complaining about things I've done to them that aren't true and I've never heard of them? And for the person who said I bell spammed I didn't. I just want to say this. I will do anything and I mean anything to just come back and see my friends again. I won't even be near other people I just want to be with them. :( I miss them! And Chyna if you are reading this, I'm extremely sorry that I made you feel terrible. I just want to be friends with you again like remember the days we used to spend like half an hour telling each other minecraft stories and going on adventures.