Old Wise Council Member
114 posts
Posted in Tyler's Moderator Application • 7th January 2019, 04:24 PM

Cryophytes wrote on 7th January 2019, 02:44 AM:
your first goal shouldn't be to punish and enforce rules as a mod tbh

I agree with you on that, and currently, that isn't my main goal, it's just one of them.

Old Wise Council Member
114 posts
Posted in Tyler's Moderator Application • 6th January 2019, 10:15 PM

Hi there! I'm Tyler and I currently just came back to DSGHQ after a few years as I've grown older and I have more free time. I figured with this free time, I would apply for Moderator since I have nothing to do and I love jobs in the Moderation field. Anyway, that is all for my introduction and you can refer to my application below. : )

Name/Username:Tyler. My username is teeler.

Age: I am currently 14 years of age.

Reason for my application: I want to apply for this position because I like enforcing the rules and making sure everyone follows them. I also think the staff members in the DSGHQ community are friendly and the working environment would be positive and I feel I would enjoy it and that it would be a great experience overall.

Experience: I currently have not had any experience within the DSGHQ community, but I've had other experience in the moderation field. I currently have been playing Roblox lately and I am the Director of Moderation of one of the groups called Harlem Cafe. I make sure all the moderators are doing their job and that they are enforcing the rules. I also read, review and administer moderator applications.

How long I've been in the DSGHQ community: I've been here since 2014, but I joined the forums in 2015, so basically I've been here for 4-5 years.

Why you should choose me over other applicants: I believe you should choose me over other applicants because I am a trustworthy, mature and cordial individual. I am kind to others and I help them when they're in need. I also would never abuse my powers and that's where my responsible and trustworthy characteristics come in to play.

That concludes my moderator application and feel free to comment any questions you have and I'll most likely have an answer to it. Thank you for taking the time to read this and have a wonderful evening. : )

Old Wise Council Member
114 posts
Posted in Problem Saving Profile. • 6th January 2019, 03:47 PM

Zelrus wrote on 6th January 2019, 03:45 PM:
krik wrote on 6th January 2019, 03:39 PM:
Damen wrote on 6th January 2019, 03:36 PM:
Most likely you have put some emojis or special characters into it. (The forum doesn't support those yet)
Ah, okay. That was the problem. Thanks.
If you want emojis or special characters, you could always upload an image of it to https://imgur.com and paste it in the [ img ] [ / img ] format.

Much thanks. I've fixed the issue now. : )

Old Wise Council Member
114 posts
Posted in Problem Saving Profile. • 6th January 2019, 03:39 PM

Damen wrote on 6th January 2019, 03:36 PM:
Most likely you have put some emojis or special characters into it. (The forum doesn't support those yet)

Ah, okay. That was the problem. Thanks.

Old Wise Council Member
114 posts
Posted in Problem Saving Profile. • 6th January 2019, 03:22 PM

Hi again, I'm having a little trouble with something. I edited the About Me section and my title in my profile, but when I click "Save Profile" it won't save the changes when I go back to my profile. Any reason why? If anyone could help, that would be good. Thanks.

Old Wise Council Member
114 posts
Posted in Help and Possible Comeback. • 6th January 2019, 01:40 PM

Chelsey wrote on 5th January 2019, 11:16 PM:
Nice to have you back! It's great you're able to admit to things like this now.
krik wrote on 5th January 2019, 06:52 PM:
Can someone tell me what to do for like text size and stuff? I don't remember anything.
To change text size, use this code:
You can replace the 5 with any number you want, depending on the size you're looking for.

Thank's so much. <3

Old Wise Council Member
114 posts
Posted in Help and Possible Comeback. • 5th January 2019, 06:52 PM

Can someone tell me what to do for like text size and stuff? I don't remember anything.

Old Wise Council Member
114 posts
Posted in Help and Possible Comeback. • 5th January 2019, 06:12 PM

Hi. Uh, some of you may know me from 2015 as Shinusha. Well, I'm back and I have some things to address. First off, everything on my old profile was a lie and I would like you all to know that. I was in 4th grade at the time and I had a mind of my own. I had a tendency to lie to make myself look better and I shouldn't have done that. Anyway, my actual name is Tyler and I'm currently 14 years old turning 15 in November 2019. I would like to apologize to those who read my profile full of lies and I regret all of it. On another note, could someone help me get back in the groove of things? By things, I mean text size with the whole code thing and requirements for moderator, etc. I haven't been here in 4 years lol I need some help. Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read this. It's great to be back. :)

Old Wise Council Member
114 posts
Posted in Hi! • 24th April 2015, 08:40 AM

xAllyTheWolf wrote on 23rd April 2015 11:44 PM:
Hi my name is Ally and i am gonna be apart of the forums with
you guys! so let me tell you a bit about myself shall i?
my name is ally you all already know i am a wolf
i love FNaF,i love to make songs,i love icecream! ()
and i love to draw. i make songs by starting out on a piece of
paper! and then using word 2013 to type it into my computer then i paste
the url to you guys so i can share it with you! or i can just type it
in here by itself! and i love cake,icecream,fries,chocolate,potato's,chicken
lol i love soup to lol and i love to draw cause it makes me calm
and happy! and sometimes when i draw at my school people just stare
at me and im like o-o what are you guys looking at? lol and when i draw
it makes me you know it makes me feel myself and it makes me feel free
and like i have never felt before i draw outside in my backyard to get away
from stress. and in my school time i do a lot of homework to get
my education in! sometimes i forget to im stupid -.- lol
and i guess that's all you need to know! bye guys and see
you around on discussions,pm's,posts and so much more! bye


Well first off, Welcome to DSGHQ forums! Allow me to introduce myself, I am Shinusha. A member of Old Cp, Snaildom, and Forums. You can read more about me in the about me section on my profile. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask me! I am on forums almost every day. I will try my best to answer your questions that you have. :) Have a nice day!

Old Wise Council Member
114 posts
Posted in Make it Pop • 22nd April 2015, 08:20 PM

Lloyd wrote on 21st April 2015 07:37 AM:
Allie said on 20th April 2015 11:59 PM:
Wend said on 20th April 2015 11:25 PM:
That show is lame. I suggest Attack on titan or The Walking dead.

Football56 said on 20th April 2015 08:22 PM:
That show is so dumb

That is just rude. RUDE!! It's not lame to her! Maybe you should think before you say. Others like it! If I didn't like the walking dead, I wouldn't call it lame. She's just talking about a show she enjoys, so back off!

Everyone can express their opinions.

Old Wise Council Member
114 posts
Posted in Imperial Knight App~Austin • 22nd April 2015, 08:16 PM

Alyssa20156 wrote on 20th April 2015 08:02 AM:
Wow it looks like we have another future knight here. Really good so +1.

Old Wise Council Member
114 posts
Posted in Home • 22nd April 2015, 08:09 PM

freindz wrote on 3rd April 2015 09:14 AM:
yeah i know lemonade it was night time and i was tired

I do it in the day. XD Good Job By The Way.