359 posts
Posted in FAKE MALL SANTA SIGHTING! • 28th December 2018, 06:31 AM

he's come to grab your kids.

359 posts
Posted in 10K Gold Winner • 11th March 2016, 10:45 AM

Bri wrote on 11th March 2016 10:02 AM:
Ghosteal said on 11th March 2016 09:56 AM:
-Unknown Old User

I know who you are. Hi Grounder.

Lol. I told I am Grounder in my every post.

359 posts
Posted in 10K Gold Winner • 11th March 2016, 09:56 AM

Hey guys, Grounder here and I wanna tell you who is the winner of the lottery! It was a close contest but the winner is... LOGICALLY! Congrats!!!! Sorry to those who were close. Bye.

-Unknown Old User

359 posts
Posted in 10,000+ Gold Lottery!! • 10th March 2016, 07:40 AM

Hey Guys,Grounder here, this is a very late post but after LOTS of thinking I decided I would give ALL my gold that is more than 10,000 gold. Yes YOU SAW IT RIGHT. 10,000+!!!! Okay,so this is a lottery so just quote this comment and LIKE please too. So I notice you joined. You have to choose a number between 1-100 and I will select the winning number (PS: It is my Roll Number in school) Anyways.. If numbers are repeated by different people,the first person to comment wins as The Early Bird Gets The Worm. So that's all. I hope someone wins,lol. Winners will be announced TOMMOROW. :) Good Luck to all.

-Unknown Old User

359 posts
Posted in Anime Lovers Unite! • 5th March 2016, 04:14 AM


359 posts
Posted in Dane • 5th March 2016, 04:12 AM

R.I.P Dane. May your soul pass through Heaven and return.

359 posts
Posted in PW App -Grounder • 4th March 2016, 11:06 AM


Hey guys! Grounder here, and sorry for the inactivity and the "Quitting" post. I could not leave behind this place as it had many memories filled, but today the topic for which this post is about is that I wish to be a PW.

Why I wish to be a PW?

The reason why I wish to be a PW is because, whenever I am online, I notice that some players take advantage that there are no Staff Members online and break rules. Of course,you can report them, but taking a screenshot especially when they type fast or spam other messages to cover with the chat log,they manage to get away with it. By becoming an active PW , I can be able to kick or at least warn them about the rules. Thus,I wish to be a PW

The advantages/disadvantages of me being a PW.

Of course,I wish to be a PW as my time zone is different from others [IST- Indian Standard Time] and staff members are rarely online that time. But the Main disadvantage is that it would be almost impossible for me to attend events and other things. But perhaps, I will be able to watch over PW when no staff members are online.

The PW Commands.

The PW commands are /kick (player name)
/warn (player name)
I promise to NOT abuse any commands.


Yes, I believe I am very trustworthy as many players,staff members have faith in me. My experience of OCP has been almost a year or above. And of forums has been about 8-9 months.

Conclusion :

Thus,this is my PW App. Thank You!! For reading,seeing it. Please like/dislike if you want and quote this if you comment :) Thank You!

-Unknown Old User (Grounder/Ghosteal)

359 posts
Posted in Quitting-Grounder • 31st January 2016, 05:40 AM

Hey guys,Grounder here! Well as you MAY know I have been very inactive on OCP as well as DSGHQ. I have told some very close friends of mine about this but I want to tell you all that today is the day I am Quitting. I cannot tell you the reasons,sadly as it is personal,sorry. The only reason I am putting this as a post is because I do not want people to start rumours that I died irl and all. Anyways,thanks a lot for reading my last post and thanks DSGHQ AND OCP for giving me a aweome year of awesome friends and happiness. Thanking you all. Remember,though YOU HEARD IT LAST FROM GROUNDER :D. Have a good life,Farewell... -Unknown Old User

359 posts
Posted in LEAVING FOREVER • 5th November 2015, 03:13 AM

I don't wanna be rude but I did not understand a thing..

359 posts
Posted in Fox's Picture Shop • 21st September 2015, 01:42 AM

Foxehhhh wrote on 20th September 2015 07:49 PM:
Welcome to my shop.

Include in your order:

~ Head Item(s)
~ Body Item
~ Hand Item (if wanted)
~ Skin color
~ Face Item (if item)
~ Message (if wanted)
~ Pose

Is this for like penguin charecter? And what is the cost? I will perhaps buy it! :D And awesome art!

359 posts
Posted in The Best Invention • 21st September 2015, 01:37 AM

Why did I even get a dislike? O_O I mean I really didn't know what's peanut butter..

359 posts
Posted in Dsghq Tycoon [Roblox] • 21st September 2015, 01:35 AM

Nice! I'm gonna try it out right now! :D And I think you should add more players as you know a big company and all requires more players so I would suggest at least 12 players in a server?
ollo wrote on 20th September 2015 11:28 AM:
Hi guys I would like to show you a new Place I have made called The Dsghq Tycoon on Roblox. Just to say, can a moderator move this to the Roblox Category please? That would be truly appreciated.

What is a "tycoon"
Tycoons are games on Roblox in which the player is in charge of something, usually a business or a company of some kind, and must use his/her skills to grow and expand the tycoon to be as big as possible. This game is Currently under development because I need suggestions on what else I could do to make this Tycoon better.

Is this game Multiplayer?
Yes it is. The game has as many servers as it wants and each server can contain at least 6 players. If you would like more players to be added then I may do that.

What happens when we've done?
Well as I said, the game is currently under development so the Game doesnt have much things to buy. But once you have done; I guess.. You can show it off to your friends..? I have no idea.. I will sort that out.

What is the point of making this?
Well I love the community and support it. I just also love making things on Roblox too. I just thought it could be a good Idea to mix it all together into a fun game.

Why is this still "under development"?
Its still under development because I need ideas from you. This is the main reason on why I made this post. It would be truly amazing if you suggested something either below On the comment section of the game. But you must have at least confirmed your email on a Profile to comment on Roblox.

I hope you can help me out on this.
Thanks for reading my Fellow Robloxians!
~Sir Ollo

Link to Game:

You can also join as a Guest but you don't have the choice to join your friends or chat to them.

359 posts
Posted in Quotes. ~A wisdom post By Becky. • 20th September 2015, 06:36 AM

Awesome! You truly are an awesome Wise One! :D

359 posts
Posted in A Sad Truth • 20th September 2015, 02:59 AM

Bonwe wrote on 20th September 2015 02:28 AM:
Choc said on 20th September 2015 01:47 AM:
This post is not intended towards anyone and is solely an opinion made by me. Some of the things in here or in any of my posts may offend or upset some users. Highly sensitive people are recommended to exit this post. Please read at your own risk. I'll be doing these warnings from now on.

You have been warned

A Sad Truth
A post by Choc.

Everyday, bullying happens. Everyday, cyberbullying happens.
People want to make charities and teams to try and "stop" bullying.
Can we stop it?

Unfortunately, no.

You're probably thinking to yourself "Choc, bullying can be stopped if we all joined together. Don't be a jerk"

I still say no. Bullying can't be stopped.

Bullying is a worldwide problem. This can affect everyone and anyone who sees it. People can simply make groups to stop bullying, but it's easier said then done.

Take it with a pinch of salt. Bullying is a never ending cycle. You can try to block one part of the cycle to try and stop it, but that won't hold out for very long. Most kids will keep on bullying, keep on doing harm, keep going. That's how cycle works. Bullying is a thing that is very, and take it from me, hard to get out of a human's brain. Once it's there, it will take ages for the person to stop. It's a personality factor. Once they start, it's hard to leave the habit. That's how effective bullying is.

Do you also notice that kids don't even know they are?

Kids don't know that they are actually bullying. Those kids are children, just like how the victims are children. Yes, I admit that some (like trolls on YouTube) do bully like hell, but kids don't know that they are bullying, and won't know the outside consequences until months later. What I think that people should do is to open their mouths and tell that what they are doing is hurtful. I'm not talking about standing up for yourself, but to tell that person that what they are doing is wrong. Keep our mouths shut, then they are going to keep on doing it.

To be honest, people make the victims incapable to stand up for themselves, yet make the bullies look like spawns from hell. What make the bullies so different? Nothing. They just don't know the consequences that their words have on people. I'm getting sick of double standards here, because as long people are around each other, it's certain that they are going to bully each other. That's how human nature works.

Bullying always and will be happening. Yes, it is a problem, but instead of making them look like monsters, educate the bullies. Tell them what they are doing wrong. You may not know them, so tell them that it's wrong. Don't wait until it's too late. It's sad, but it's true.

Victims don't need bullying. Bullies don't need to be demonised.
- Choc


This is so very very true. And this is a serious post.

359 posts
Posted in Being a role model & Standing up for yourself. • 19th September 2015, 12:35 PM

Zoe the Clever Beast wrote on 19th September 2015 11:43 AM:
Ghosteal said on 19th September 2015 07:34 AM:
That was just a kind of example..I guess. The Role Model example also shows us that if we want to achieve something, we must strive hard to get it. And if we lose hope in ourselves, others will lose hope in us.

Zoe the Clever Beast said on 16th September 2015 05:35 PM:
Why would people want to be a rolemodel?

Soccerball said on 16th September 2015 06:27 PM:
Zoe the Clever Beast said on 16th September 2015 05:35 PM:
Why would people want to be a rolemodel?

Ikr. I don't get why people would want to be a role model.

But who cares if people lose hope in you?
As long as you're happy with your life, that's great. ^ - ^

There are people who think your way but there are also people you think in my way.