359 posts
Posted in inactvity • 19th September 2015, 10:20 AM

Okay, have fun on your trip! I bet most of your friends and us will miss you! :)

359 posts
Posted in Member application • 19th September 2015, 10:18 AM

Mists wrote on 19th September 2015 08:32 AM:
Member application

Name: Mists

Age: I turned 13 yesterday

Why do you want to be a member?

I did a sacrifice that made me loose member. I thought that I would get the rank after a week or less but I did not. I would like to be a member because I need to add images in my posts and discussions. A discussion without images is quite boring. To be honest, I did not know that I would be a rookie forever.

Thank you for reading my very short application.

I don't think you need to apply to become a member..I asked a staff to promote me when I had the requirements and he did. :) But good application!

359 posts
Posted in How to escape a BH • 19th September 2015, 10:01 AM

MegaSharkMS wrote on 19th September 2015 09:12 AM:
Hi guys im showing you how to escape a BH.In 5 ways
I hope you like it

1.never picture a BH if you have no time.

2.Escape if you can here the safe way.were /safety and log off safety gives you high lifes
P.S report at forums were.your looking at.

3.never trust a BH it may lead you to. joining or trap p.s if you investigating you may.were /safety

4.if your a youtuber and got to some place ex:forest its good to log off and show you vid

5.this is ways to escape /safety,town,throne room,log off

Sorry if this discussion is pretty short i just.Hope you like it

This is good,but BH are gone because Mickey is dead..I guess..

359 posts
Posted in Royal Wedding of Damen Drake and Empress Chelsey • 19th September 2015, 09:46 AM

Cool, but why is my bad luck always with me :O! It will be 2:30 AM in the morning for me. o_o Anyways Congrats Emperor Damen and Empress Chelsey! This shall truly be the best marriage till now! :D

359 posts
Posted in Being a role model & Standing up for yourself. • 19th September 2015, 07:34 AM

That was just a kind of example..I guess. The Role Model example also shows us that if we want to achieve something, we must strive hard to get it. And if we lose hope in ourselves, others will lose hope in us.
Zoe the Clever Beast wrote on 16th September 2015 05:35 PM:
Why would people want to be a rolemodel?
Soccerball wrote on 16th September 2015 06:27 PM:
Zoe the Clever Beast said on 16th September 2015 05:35 PM:
Why would people want to be a rolemodel?

Ikr. I don't get why people would want to be a role model.

359 posts
Posted in I got a new pet :D • 19th September 2015, 03:45 AM

:O *RIP Bert* :( Hope he is in a better place now..

359 posts
Posted in A bh attack! • 19th September 2015, 02:12 AM

When these things happen, we should just log off or go on back-ups. Some people run around here and there and type "AHHH" and all and in all this,they die. Or you can just stay in your igloo if you want..

359 posts
Posted in The future of Snailschat • 18th September 2015, 12:33 PM

This is so very,very true. There is also a quote like this : To start something you need not start with He, They, Us. It should start with you,them,everyone..something like that..

359 posts
Posted in Top 10 Movies • 18th September 2015, 12:03 PM

You mean the top 10 kiddy know..

359 posts
Posted in I died! • 18th September 2015, 11:15 AM

Oh my God! Was that Mountain's spirit?! And so sorry you people died! :( And such a big BH attack OMG.

359 posts
Posted in Minecraft Link Please! • 18th September 2015, 11:13 AM

Oh, not your fault. I, too became a bit hyper when I saw your post. :P And thanks!
siena wrote on 18th September 2015 07:03 AM:
Ghosteal said on 18th September 2015 06:15 AM:
lulu2backup said on 17th September 2015 02:00 PM:
well if you wanna play with others on your phone then you should get the mc servers app. you can host a server and join any server. creative survival and even hacker servers (idk why they have hacker servers) but if you get that then you don't have to play alone. i use this app all the time to lay minecraft with my friends. you can make it private and only add certain people to the server. every person you add on the server gets an invite and they can either accept or decline it. hope this helped!

Can you tell me the name of it because on play store there are know a lot..

siena said on 17th September 2015 03:02 PM:
um no game that is famous would be free. i have minecraft pc, i play the dsghq server daily. if you want this information why bribe us for gold? but on pe there is multiplayer servers, its just that my cousins friend put them on there for me so id tell you, but i cant. to get mc pc go to click download then you make a mojang account, do your payment. when you get an email saying you have logged in or something like that, then you download the game. put your email and password in, NOT YOUR USERNAME. hope this helped

I did not bribe anyone, I just wanted to know this so I kept a small reward..

ok sorry i was in a grumpy mood last night and i should not have taken it out on you. well i hope that what i said helps you. ill ask my friend tomorrow when i go to my cousins house, then i will pm you.

359 posts
Posted in Minecraft Link Please! • 18th September 2015, 06:15 AM

lulu2backup wrote on 17th September 2015 02:00 PM:
well if you wanna play with others on your phone then you should get the mc servers app. you can host a server and join any server. creative survival and even hacker servers (idk why they have hacker servers) but if you get that then you don't have to play alone. i use this app all the time to lay minecraft with my friends. you can make it private and only add certain people to the server. every person you add on the server gets an invite and they can either accept or decline it. hope this helped!

Can you tell me the name of it because on play store there are know a lot..
siena wrote on 17th September 2015 03:02 PM:
um no game that is famous would be free. i have minecraft pc, i play the dsghq server daily. if you want this information why bribe us for gold? but on pe there is multiplayer servers, its just that my cousins friend put them on there for me so id tell you, but i cant. to get mc pc go to click download then you make a mojang account, do your payment. when you get an email saying you have logged in or something like that, then you download the game. put your email and password in, NOT YOUR USERNAME. hope this helped

I did not bribe anyone, I just wanted to know this so I kept a small reward..

359 posts
Posted in /ipjail • 18th September 2015, 05:55 AM

Tent II wrote on 18th September 2015 05:04 AM:
Mists said on 18th September 2015 04:49 AM:
sparka said on 18th September 2015 03:59 AM:
Hi people reading this,
I have a suggestion!

The suggestion is for oldcp, and it would be called /ipjail
What this command would do is, it would ip jail a user. Say if a user was in jail, and they kept making accounts and spamming, or the accounts would have innap names. Then the ipjail would come in handy, it would jail all accounts on that ip, until they make a appeal on fourms.. so its a bit like that.

I don't know if this is a good, or if someone has suggested it before.

I like this idea very much however, Damen isn't a god. He cannot create everything we want and making this command would be tough.
Thank you and have a nice day.

I'm sure Damen is capable of doing this, but what about relatives that use the same computer, etc.

I don't believe in the relative thingy. I mean like everyone says that their cousin or someone got them banned and half the time it is fake..

359 posts
Posted in Dear Bald People • 18th September 2015, 04:40 AM

Uhh, people don't become bald on their own choice. It depends on your body structure and you know all men MAY be bald 1 day.. :P

359 posts
Posted in Minecraft Link Please! • 17th September 2015, 10:01 AM

Tent II wrote on 17th September 2015 09:44 AM:
and you won't be able to play multiplayer with us in the dsghq server because that costs money.

And I told free? Wait. Is there a Minecraft free?