25 posts
Posted in First Post + Other Stoof #1 • 6th June 2015, 07:47 PM

Applebobbi wrote on 6th June 2015 06:42 PM:
So today I want to talk to you guys about Supernatural occurences. These happen at random times at random places, they could range from an Alien Encounter to a Ghost or Poltergeist.

Todays Lesson!

Whats the difference between a Ghost and a Poltergeist? -Miles Prower

Thankyou for asking, Miles, a ghost is something that lives inside of a house, it cannot take control of items or beings within the house but can be found by a 10 degree temp. change. If the airs temp. goes down by 10 or more degrees in an abrupt manner, then it is most likely a supernatural occurence. But a Poltergeist can latch onto beings or other things inside of house by any means. It can "posses" these items. These are the two main differences between a ghost and a poltergeist.

Todays FUN FACT-

Russia has a larger surface area then Pluto!

Pick your Poison-

Red Pill
Blue Pill

You're making me scared. I really tried quitting on reading stuff like this and watching horror movies. I even saw the movie poltergeist. I'm very thankful for this post.

25 posts
Posted in Moderator Application ~Jack283 • 6th June 2015, 07:43 PM

Jack283 wrote on 6th June 2015 05:16 PM:
Hello, here is my application:

Forum User: Jack283 OldCp User: Jack283
Moderator Birthday: November 17,1999

I joined Oldcp on recently and forums on today
and really liked it and saw that there were moderator positions available. I've been in CP armies for many, many years so I get how most CPPS work too.

I know every rule. Don't harass people ,keep personal information to yourself,
dont abuse your position, etc.

OldCp Rules- Do not use bad language.
-Do not spam.
-Respect everyone including Staff members
- Obey the judgement of staff members.
-Do not bully others.
-Do not cause drama.
- Do not impersonate as DSGHQ criminals.
-Do not threaten staff or members.

/Summon (user)= To bring a user to yourself.
/Goto (user)= To move close by to a user.
/Kick (user)= To kick a user off OldCp for awhile.
/Ban (user)= To ban a user.
/Sendto (user) (location code)= To send a user to a location.

Thank you for reading my Application
I hope you will take my application under consideration.
Thanks and best of luck, great CPPS this is!!!

Amazing application, here are some things you need for this position:
1. Member or master on forums 50 post 30 rep
2. This is not a cpps so rules are different
3. Experience with the dsghq and with this rank

Good luck!
Suspended my account for two weeks

25 posts
Posted in i should be unip banned • 6th June 2015, 07:39 PM

Fake excuse probably. No offense but I can't believe this, I'm sure no one else will too. Get proof, and that's all I can really say.

25 posts
Posted in Master Application • 6th June 2015, 07:37 PM

Good luck. I can see you didn't write a lot, but it still shows you care, and will do your best :)

25 posts
Posted in Moderator App ~Dice • 6th June 2015, 01:27 PM

Dice wrote on 6th June 2015 12:23 PM:
Hello! Here is my Moderator Application.
Forum user: Dice
Oldcp User: Dice
Applying for: Oldcp and Forums
I joined Oldcp in September 30th 2013 as JeffCSGuy, then Sandstorm, and finally Dice. I joined the Forums in October 5th, 2013 as Dice, and October 2nd as JeffCSGuy. I was made mod in 2013 or 2014. I have forgotten. It's been awhile. I was Forums and Oldcp mod. I come on at least 29 or 28 days a month, or 24 days a month in summer.

I have experience with moderating. Like I as, I was forums and Oldcp mod. I have made many applications. Many mods, 2 admins, and many others think I am worthy for the job.

I know lots of rules. Never abuse your power, 3 kicks or ban, keep private the things your suppose to, always be on top of your game, try to be friends with all users.

These are the commands:
/goto (user)= To move close by to a user
/warn (user)= To warn a user
/kick (user)= To kick a user off OldCP for awhile
/summon (user)= To bring a user to yourself
/sendto (user) (location code)= To send a user to a location
/whisper= To give a PM to a user in OldCP
/ban (user)= To ban a user
/ipban (user)= To ban a user forever on OldCP
/arrest (user)= To send a user to jail

Thank you for whoever read this and liked it. I do hope I get the job. I would be happy to get it. Thank you again! Bye...

Good luck. You deserve it

25 posts
Posted in Application for Knight • 5th June 2015, 10:29 PM

1kutya wrote on 5th June 2015 08:45 PM:
Greetings,I will be sharing My application on Knight, But I already might of made applications in past but now I found My true destiny. I have been into several training practices with My offical mentor Imperial Knight Coffeecow. I have been training for weeks and days and I finally knew My true dream My Really true dream even at the beginning I joined oldcp Imperial Knight. and Today was My last day of training the last training I wont be needed to train again. Because for I have been recommended to become Imperial Knight. I will do whatever It takes to support the Empire and Shrek and I will respect other users. I will help the community embrace. I will also help serve The emperor and Empress and keep away hackers,and also arrest, Users Who do wrong I will do My best for My family for My cousin for My internet family. I 1kutya maybe or now will fulfill My dream. And I know that miracles do happen in different ways. I will say to Myself in times of sorrow and sadness to never yield to the hands of the enemy never ever. I love My friends I love You all. I don't just love You I adore You. Long live the Empire Shrek is love Shrek is life God bless

Okay, well. I'm queenblue, so I have experience with this rank. Any rank needs member. Try earning 50 post 30 rep. And, did any one say you're recommended for Knight? Because I don't think they will if you don't have enough experience with it. You might of have been training but that's not all you need. You need

-Experience with the rank
-Being active on oldcp
-Member on forums
-When would you arrest?
-Commands/ only release/ only arrest/ How do you arrest? How do you release?
-To be trusted
-Don't make so many applications, you I suggest can only make one a month. Sometimes people add because they learned something new. So they edit, and put it as a mood "Hey guys! Check out my Knight Application (link)" Some people read it. Or you can EARN IT
E arn
A ccomplish all needed requirements
R espect the application
N ever ask for it

So maybe that might help. Well, personally, don't copy everything I told you, because basically it's me making it. These are just suggestions, okay? Good luck :)

25 posts
Posted in 2000 Reputation! • 5th June 2015, 05:16 PM

Zeternal wrote on 5th June 2015 01:35 PM:
Hi, DSGHQ. Today I have achieved a long-awaited goal of 2000 reputation! For a long time I have been stuck in the 1000's, and everyone helped me up.

It's taken me almost a year to earn 2000 rep, thank you guys so much!

Shout-out goes to Sam and Trinity for boosting me up!


Congrats. What's your next goal? 3,000? 4,000? Good luck on them anyways.

25 posts
Posted in Did I Pass My Grade OR NOT? • 5th June 2015, 06:35 AM

Cool. I been passing grades lately too, I started studying more. I always put school before oldcp and forums.

25 posts
Posted in Sacrifices • 5th June 2015, 06:33 AM

LoveMincraft wrote on 4th June 2015 09:47 PM:
Hello so today I choose "It's gold I want" Where you get Earn 1 gold per liked post up to 100 instead of reputation points. And it was fine with me! But then I choose to check but I didn't get no gold! I only got 2 likes! It doesn't work for me! And I am super sad now Because I used my sacrifice for no reason and you can only change those ONCE a month!!

Mine was worth it. I'm queenblue. I did the master returns and now suspended for two weeks, but I got double the rep (916)

25 posts
Posted in Meaning of a quote - Sam • 4th June 2015, 09:43 PM

Sam wrote on 4th June 2015 07:12 PM:
I think this quote means that even nice people complain about the hardships of life. Eventually we can't take it anymore. We turn depressed but there's always light in even the darkest night. Eventually, someone will turn on the light with you and they are the ones that care about you.

To me it seems like, even the nicest people can be mean sometimes. As you said kind of. By the way I'm queenblue just so you don't think "what a noob" :3
Suspension :P
