The Wicked Boss
466 posts
Posted in Royal Wedding of Damen Drake and Empress Chelsey • 24th September 2015, 12:10 PM

Damen Drake wrote on 19th September 2015 08:18 AM:
Dear DSGHQ users,

I am proud to announce the wedding of myself and Empress Chelsey Drake!

This will be the greatest royal wedding of all time, there will be much cake and pie! And the celebration will last more than an hour!

After marrying the Empress I will regain my right to the throne of the Emperor.

Sunday the 27th of September


OldCP Throne Room

I invite Grand Most Wise High Toblermoth Priest Jacobg627 of if failing this I invite Wise Priest Balin or Most Wise Mico.

Best Man
Emperor Tennis

Flower Girls
I invite any of the following to wear a dress and throw flowers around
~ Sampop
~ Jilly (jilloy)
~ DreamBurst
~ Reds
~ Adawg

I invite
~ Cyberwolf
~ Hashir
~ Sriram
~ Gamer
~ Ghost

Chelsey invites
~ Kara
~ Sadie
~ Mckinlee
~ DanceBear II
~ Kricken

Minute of Silence
We will have a minute of silence to remember DanceBear I 's sacrifice


Wedding Feast
There will be two feasts, before the wedding in the courtyard and after the wedding in the throne room.

There shalth be a royal jousteth after the weddingeth between two brave Knights. Whoever wins will become a Knight if they are not already and receive 2000 gold!

See you there!
(by the way someone please make a wedding gfx I will pay well)

Damen! I have a wedding gift, it's sorta out of shape....I call it a slimy green ball....enough chit chat.

The Wicked Boss
466 posts
Posted in 9/11 ( Please Read! ) • 12th September 2015, 01:39 AM

MidNightWolf wrote on 11th September 2015 09:58 PM:
Hey guys! As you some know it is 9/11! On 9/11 is the day that people died just for our beautiful strong flag.. In the Star Spangled Banner there is a 3rd rervse.. This is what is it..

And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion
A home and a country should leave us no more?
Their blood has wiped out their foul footstep's pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave:
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

^ I copied and pasted that from As you can see that up there is very deadly. This guy was VERY mad that the British tried to take the flag..

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!
~ MidNightWolf

I appreciate this post. :D +1

The Wicked Boss
466 posts
Posted in Read Dis. • 11th September 2015, 06:20 PM

Hey Guys! Yes I have been very inactive, why? Obviously where you go to bored your butt off. School. Yes u heard me.

Yeah yeah I was inactive so Wha?

Some News.

Well, the superhero/love story trailer is here, but it has been really tough. I'll show you the trailer in this post. If you don't know about the superhero love story, it's coming and if u see a post thats called like....SL that stands for superhero/love story. Yeah. I did the trailer on newcp because the temporary stupid camera I have now does not record oldcps typing. WHY?!?!?!?

Here's the trailer. ;)

Most of u guys probably don't read my comedy time posts, but this counts as one because I was a little comedyish. By the way the superhero was spiderman because obviously who does not like spiderman? Bye!

The Wicked Boss
466 posts
Posted in Witch One #4 • 28th August 2015, 06:53 PM

Amandapink30 wrote on 28th August 2015 06:26 PM:
Hmm... I would say Hulk because he can smash anything and anyone.

Amanda smash!

I can't believe everyone hates spidey! Even hulk does not even have a normal life! he is slow too, but he is cool too.... :(

The Wicked Boss
466 posts
Posted in Witch One #4 • 28th August 2015, 07:58 AM

MidNightWolf wrote on 28th August 2015 06:48 AM:
I would say hulk.. Because like what Jess said, he could smash anyone or anything.
~ MidNightWolf
Darn typo soryy I meant to like midnight lol ugh stupid mouse. I like what you I think but, hulk will be too slow for speeedy pants agile Spidey. Just saying. I like your guys votes, thanks for voting!

The Wicked Boss
466 posts
Posted in Witch One #4 • 27th August 2015, 09:46 PM

HEY GUYS! WASSUP I AM THROWING A DEBATE AT YOUR FACE! Okay, I was wondering....In a superhero battle who would win, Spiderman or hulk? I mean hulk is super big and strong but spiderman is quick fast nice and can control his self and have a normal life. Let me know in the comments below!

The Wicked Boss
466 posts
Posted in Japanese Commercial #2 • 26th August 2015, 09:59 PM

Cabin wrote on 26th August 2015 08:40 PM:

This is freaking hilarious.

The Wicked Boss
466 posts
Posted in Comedy Time #4 • 26th August 2015, 09:55 PM

Wassup, no I do not want this job. NO WHY WOULD I WANT A JEEP? CHECK THE CALLER ID. Ugh sorry guys, so many people want me to buy things. >:-( It's dissaproval!

Okay, get dis....This dude bought a moose! He is sooo smart. :)

Then I can't believe that this guy did an excellent flip!

Thanks for reading comedy time guys, shout out to Bailey for supporting me with this.

The Wicked Boss
466 posts
Posted in Do I deserve war knight? • 24th August 2015, 06:40 PM

Pancakes15 wrote on 24th August 2015 11:56 AM:
I'm only asking this because Adawgcp is giving me a hard time about it. He's been rude to me ever since I first met him.
Adawg is immature, Your great war knight! Don't let A-fool stop ya m8.

The Wicked Boss
466 posts
Posted in 3 Weird things/More • 24th August 2015, 06:35 PM

EmmieCat Cute Face wrote on 24th August 2015 06:19 PM:
To know the DSGHQ better I think I spelled it wrong I get confused O.O ok we could share 3 weird things or more I have 3 so yea here r they
1. I'm double jointed > picture
2. I can burp the ABC's
3. I can make a sheep noise xd video > dunno
That Sheep thing will be in my nightmares......

The Wicked Boss
466 posts
Posted in Comedy Time #3 • 24th August 2015, 09:37 AM

HEYYY FOOL GET OFF MY LAWN I DON'T PAY YOU TO SIT AROUND WHEN YOU HAVE YOURSELF STUCK IN A TOILET BOWL. Sorry guys this lawn mower guy just won't shut up about this python in my front yard, I mean it's not like its gonna do anything. His name is Jimmi he looks like this around my neck!

I have a bad feeling about the lawn dude, because this was me last night when I fell asleep...

I feel like the IRS is watching me.

This is obviously a remake of barney.

Thanks for reading, bye!

The Wicked Boss
466 posts
Posted in War Knight Application • 23rd August 2015, 09:01 PM

Bailey wrote on 23rd August 2015 08:59 PM:
Good luck on getting War Knight, Clark! You made a great one.

Thank you bailey, your always the guy who encourages me when I most need it. ;)

The Wicked Boss
466 posts
Posted in War Knight Application • 23rd August 2015, 08:49 PM

Hello Everyone, this is my War Knight App!

I'm 9 years old but almost 10 very mature and not foolish or childish, My username on Oldcp is Clark05.

I am pretty active, I want to be a war knight because I want this community to be safe and I want the bh screaming their pants off while Damen and the rest of us chase him. I will also be pleased to help you! Just mail me! I also believe that everyone should be forgiven because we will all make mistakes.

I joined in early 2014, I only started forums this year not to long ago at all. I have had two accounts that I remember, Drake88 and Rains. I know how to use a sword, Shift F to take out, f to hit and spacebar to block. I do not know how to use a sword but I'm sure it is easy, I am decently but not greatly experienced and late when no staff is on I moderate in the popular. I know it's not my job but when theirs no staff on people love to cuss.

How will I use my weapons? I will not dare take them out unless the room is cleared or we are in war or told to do so. I have a trusted reputation, and I will Not abuse with my weapons. I have helped some users. I will be honored to serve the community and have this small rank. I am loyal and will do my absolute best to be a best person I can be. I would also like to suggest a friend, her name is Aislynn she would make great war knight! Thanks for reading! Long live the DSGHQ!

The Wicked Boss
466 posts
Posted in War Knight Application • 23rd August 2015, 08:39 PM

Aislynn wrote on 23rd August 2015 04:11 PM:
Hi I'm here to apply for war knight ok so lets start.

Hi I'm Aislynn I'm 11 years old and I joined Oldcp in 2013 but I joined forums last month and my oldcp username is Aislynn.


-I'm a knight in training
- Have helped staff members
-Trusted by some users
-Helped users in many situations

Why I want to become a war knight:

I want to become a war knight because when I first heard about war knights and what they are I knew I wanted to become one. I'm helpful, I'm kind, i'm experienced, I would always protect this community, I will protect users from any harm, I know how to use weapons, I'm loyal, and I would never let anybody down.

Gun Commands:

Shift X (to take it out) and Shift X and then click (to shoot)

Sword commands:

Shift F (to take out the sword) , F (to swing) , and spacebar (to block)

Ok so that's my application hope you guys like it!

~ Aislynn

This is a great application, I really hope and will be glad to know that you get this rank. :D

The Wicked Boss
466 posts
Posted in S/LS Update • 23rd August 2015, 04:09 PM

Hey guys, you may have heard of the Superhero/Love story I'm doing. I just finished making half of the characters! It will be coming soon, sorry for the short post just thought we needed an update on it.