The Wicked Boss
466 posts
Posted in IPBan Appeal - Mists • 23rd August 2015, 07:54 AM

Forgive Mists wrote on 23rd August 2015 05:12 AM:
Name: Mists

Ipbanned on? Forums and OldCP

User that banned you: Hashir

Reason for ban: On OldCP

I threatened the War knights that I would shoot them, once I got demoted. Hashir ordered his knights to kill me and he ipbanned me because I called him a 'Noob' and started spamming.

On Forums

I cussed on forums. ( I did not know the rules properly )

Why should I be un-ipbanned? I really enjoy playing oldcp very much. I want to start a new fresh game without enemies and friends. It is okay if I will never get a rank anymore.

Anything else? I was not actually going to shoot anyone. When Kara shot me I did not shoot her back. I said "omg someone's shooting me! Stop!". When I got demoted Cyberwolf said that many users reported me ( Around 20 in game and 25 in skype ).

If you guys really hate me, you can comment below. ( If you want me to leave )

I apologize to Hashir, the war knights, the users who reported me, the staff team, Chelsey and everyone else. I've been a jerk lately and I was trying to bypass ipban.

Thank you for taking time to read this.
Bakon wrote on 23rd August 2015 05:39 AM:
The way you went around your rank was childish and selfish. Calling someone a noob was the way you would handle it? Honestly, you threatened to kill the users. I think you should stay ip-banned

It just only happened yesterday -.-

I forgive you with all my heart Mists. Bakon, it is right to forgive, no matter what someone does. Please forgive mists. :(

The Wicked Boss
466 posts
Posted in Comedy Time #2 • 23rd August 2015, 07:46 AM

TheSwagBag wrote on 23rd August 2015 03:16 AM:
Bailey said on 22nd August 2015 11:09 PM:
Loved this post. Great work, Clark. Please make more.

that was very supportive i would agree great work clark.
Bailey wrote on 22nd August 2015 11:09 PM:
Loved this post. Great work, Clark. Please make more.

Ty both of you, the rough part is finding new material lol

The Wicked Boss
466 posts
Posted in Comedy Time #2 • 22nd August 2015, 10:46 PM

What's up fancy losers!? I know your pizza is terrible, and NO I don't want a corn salad! Sorry guys just got off the phone with papa johns. what losers want me to buy a wig made of pizza?? This is insane! Then there was a sassy talkin waitress who asked if I want a PICKLE. LOOK AT DIS WORD! >> Want a pickle hun buns? It is at that very moment when things get...serious...

Were gonna talk about autocorrect, the flipping thing on your phone, tablet mobile devices ect. When you say "dat" it corrects it to:

Well ya ty for reading Comedy Time #2 Byeeee!

The Wicked Boss
466 posts
Posted in Quitting Posts • 22nd August 2015, 10:31 PM

Becky wrote on 21st August 2015 05:07 AM:
Hiya! Today I'd like
to talk about something we all will probably do one day, Quitting


Quitting Posts are something we have been told many
times not to do. They create drama; Also sadness, In the dsghq.
Sometimes it can be better to let the dsghq know in public, But sometimes
its better off just pming your friends about it. Why? Here's why-

Doing it in private is probably better, Because you don't
know what people are going to say. Somebody might get mad, And
say they never liked being your friend. People might hate on you,
And Dislike for you making a post like this. They may think You just
want attention and say ''Oh you'll come back in 5 minutes!''
Pming people about it better. Although letting all the dsghq know
may sound better, Its not, because users will just say ''Oh you'll come back
in 5 minutes!'', As I said before. Pming a friend about it and telling
them why, Will calm them, Because if you make a big post
people will continue talking about it and it will create drama and
sadness. Pming a friend to not tell anyone, And giving a good reason
Will sure make them calmer.

Attention is what people think you want
when you make these posts. Beware, You will be called names,
And just be plain cyber bullied. Thats why pming is much better, again.
And don't make a big thing of it. If your going to quit,
Don't always post on moods, ''Goodbye! I will miss u! '' Because
I mean thats just asking for trouble! Saying it once doesn't hurt,
But more than once, can just get annoying. Once told everyone,
Just wait til the time comes you have to quit, Say your goodbye's,
And decide if you really want to quit. Even decide before you
let us know if you want to quit. Users will call you a ''post wanter'' If you
just make the post then decide your not going to quit
five minutes later. So think before you post!

Deciding your not quitting 5 minutes after the post.
Okay yes, I've said this heaps of times in the post, But don't just
decide your not quitting 5 minutes later. Don't quit, and the next day
come back and be like ''I decided I dont wanna quit anymore'' Users
could say oh thats great, But deep inside they could be annoyed. Make
sure you think, and make sure you KNOW you won't come back in 2 days or
so, Because yes it can annoy users.

Just telling good friends, Is a good idea. Tell the people you know who will
care, and if you are quitting because of hating, Then if pming a moderator
or a great friend, and talking about it with them, They can back you up,
(Like Foxehhhh Backed up Allie) They can protect you and tell you to ignore
the haters. And you should ignore them. They are just jealous, Of how amazing
you are! So listen to the supporters, Because those are the people who know what
they are talking about.

I hope you take my advice on this post, And if you are feeling hated,
Pm someone you know, It helps. Even pm me, I love getting pm's!
The supporters will really help, Trust me!


Great post beck!

The Wicked Boss
466 posts
Posted in War Commando Triple Teams • 22nd August 2015, 12:51 AM

Hashir wrote on 21st August 2015 07:14 PM:
For organization, I have split the War alliance into three teams. Each team guards a certain place. Make sure to be very alert from times 9AM EST to 4PM EST.

War Preparation

Team Elite (Ski Hill)

Alchemist (Leader)

Team Count: 11

Team Blades (Cove)

Kacket (leader)

Team count: 11

Team Alpha (Plaza)

BobV (Leader)

Team count: 11

This will be updated when more users join, but updates won't show on this post.

How do I join?

The Wicked Boss
466 posts
Posted in Comedy Time #1 • 22nd August 2015, 12:48 AM

What's up guys...? Wait...I SPELT THAT WRONG....MAAAM, HOW DO YOU SPELL "I IS CAT? "

Oh much better. Okay sorry about the big ole chicken stuff, let's get to the main reason of this post, I have started series called Comedy Time! I just go on and...well on about comedy! Like when I was in my car with my window down thinking i was cool when I make a face like this to a guy and he freaks out.

Anyways, he probably cried at his grandma's feet and probably...let's just say went to his room doing this.

So yeah I know this was short but theirs more coming bye!

The Wicked Boss
466 posts
Posted in Another war update • 22nd August 2015, 12:11 AM

Damen Drake wrote on 21st August 2015 11:26 AM:
So it's been a long day. It started off with reports of an attack at the cove as warned by Sled. But the Cove held and we drove the enemies back into the Plaza.

Later on I led a siege of the Plaza, but the server crashed. We were waiting for Gamer at the Snow Forts to finish his grenade operation at the Plaza, but whilst we were waiting in confusion, the enemies figured we were in the Forts and invaded us in the Forts.

Many died and I (Damen) escaped. That's the first time in years I've been in enemy gunfire on my own game

So we went to the courtyard and we were pretty depressed because Mickey was winning all the battles. They even invaded and took the Town whilst everyone was hiding from the Forts.

Everything seemed hopeless, they had won the Town, Plaza and Forts. Until The Stag and Gamer teamed up and went straight to the Town. Me and my men went to the Plaza to see if we could take it back, but nobody was there! So we took back the Plaza with ease.

We waited anxiously for Gamer and The Stag, until suddenly the Town was cleared out and Gamer and The Stag had killed all the invaders.

They have retreated in fear of The Stag and we have won back the entire map.

More updates soon

Damen, if you need me i know you don't trust me with a firearm but if you need a sassy talking convincing penguin on your side I can help lol.

The Wicked Boss
466 posts
Posted in Madness • 22nd August 2015, 12:08 AM

FlawlessD wrote on 21st August 2015 11:49 PM:
Everyone can say I am really, really, really, really, mad. I wanted to just hurt everyone with a fake sword. This is the 2nd time. Please just please please please please please please please pelase please please, don't ban me. I was trying very hard not to do anything wrong. But knights made me mad, Normal people made me mad, this is why I wanted you to read this. It is how I feel about what happen just now. So please reply.

No longer a lover,

You are not allowed a firearm because you are not trusted, Knights do their job and the second comment on this post sounds pretty rude.

The Wicked Boss
466 posts
Posted in Should i quit • 20th August 2015, 05:51 PM

Paperback wrote on 20th August 2015 02:48 PM:
Guys should i quit oldcp because people don't like me or should i stay and be called a liar? i said it glitched and i got in plaza people said LIAR!!!!!!

Don't quit, people are just stupid. Most of all they left their brain at the hospital when they were born. :I

The Wicked Boss
466 posts
Posted in War with users • 20th August 2015, 05:13 PM

Hi guys, you might have seen heygirl's post witch is great (not copying) I know Damen armed users with guns only witch is good, but I just want all users to be fighting all the time. When oldcp is in need for heroes the normal users could be armed with all weapons, however your wondering they could kill team mates and be a danger, Is it possible to create a field over users killing other users that are not evil? You may not understand but yeah sorry for the short post and I hope this does not offend the staff. Bye! :D Stay cool!

The Wicked Boss
466 posts
Posted in Delete Post • 20th August 2015, 05:09 PM

Heygirl wrote on 20th August 2015 03:03 PM:

I wanna talk about something today.


I wanna talk about users,

On war, Users don't do anything. We just run around like dumbies. Since, we have nothing to do
I believe the users who are trusted by atleast a few staff, should have a chance.

Very sorry for the short post,


I agree so much.

The Wicked Boss
466 posts
Posted in WCI. • 19th August 2015, 08:16 PM

habsolo Hunter wrote on 19th August 2015 08:06 PM:
Hello. Recently Many Users Have been Spamming Moods. And then other users Replying, and Not being very nice. And This has been happening for a while. A really long time. Ever since the first post about WCI many user have been going bananas. And I'm kinda Sick of It. Please, Grow Up. Not to sound rude at all though. But too many people are going wild about WCI.
Sorry For The Short Post.
And guys, please take this into consideration.
I Agree, This community is Not for arguing. Nice post!

The Wicked Boss
466 posts
Posted in Superhero/Love Story • 19th August 2015, 08:13 PM

habsolo Hunter wrote on 19th August 2015 08:12 PM:
I'm glad you Decided to Start up a writing career.
Thanks! I am obsessed with YouTube. Lol