The Wicked Boss
466 posts
Posted in Superhero/Love Story • 19th August 2015, 08:10 PM

Hi guys, You might have heard about my new series called Superhero/Love Story, the trailer will be out soon and when the first episode it will be called SLS #1 Sorry for the short post, just informing everyone who is interested in SLS

The Wicked Boss
466 posts
Posted in I got ip-banned :( • 19th August 2015, 02:00 PM

bella47 wrote on 19th August 2015 12:27 PM:
Well I was just so bored so I decided to go on but when I pressed my server it said I was banned Please help! I dident do anything! Please tell me in the comments below if I did do something to you and I will say sorry right away! Please un-bann me if you don't I understand

I hope you get unbanned, talk to a staff member about it. :)

The Wicked Boss
466 posts
Posted in WAR COMMANDO • 18th August 2015, 08:04 AM

Damen Drake wrote on 17th August 2015 06:41 PM:
We are at war with Mickey for the second time

The first time I wooped his butt at /jr base, I cut his head off. But sadly about 2 years later or something the Ice Child Melody healed everyone on OldCP, including Mickey.

So Mickey's fat turd butt came along today and made war again, and you know what? It felt good wooping his sorry big ass the first time. Why not do it again?

I'd make the killer of Mickey my heir! I hate him!


President: Lady Cheep
Preferred Weapon: Heavy brutal automatic pistol with high accuracy
Preferred Explosive: Mega Explosion Bomb Grenade Killidge in the City Blaster of Doom
Side Arm: Swiss Army Knife with 3 unique blade designs (and an added solid gold cork opener)

Cheep will help lead the Monarchy to victory.

Vice President: Hashir
Vice President Helper: Bob
Vice President Helper Helper: Jacobg

Long live DSGHQ!

Sweet, so when do we get to smash mickey in the face with a sword? Btw can users fight in the war? Also, when do we gear up, after what mickeys done I want to make sure his blood is rotting on my hands. >:-D

The Wicked Boss
466 posts
Posted in OMG :D • 18th August 2015, 07:59 AM

Arona The Pie wrote on 18th August 2015 05:06 AM:


it's coming..

nearly there..

soo close!


IT'S MY BIRTHDAY TOMORROW! and guess what I'm getting? A...

and it turns into a tablet! well, thats all for now, bye!


Awesome, I can't wait to hear about your big day!

The Wicked Boss
466 posts
Posted in The Fair • 18th August 2015, 07:49 AM

Hey guys, last night I went to the fair and well, our main reason was to see my friends dad play, but we got to caught up in the rides. >:-) My favorite ride was this spinny thing. It spent you round and round and round and round supeeeer quick! After that I did a wipeout, who knew it was so hard to jump and duck over long poles? Then I went in a haunted house, witch my eyes didn't even twitch. :I It was more stupid than scary lol. Then I did this car thing were you go round and round and I kept screaming WOOHOO I'M BAAAAACCKK! for no reason. Then I road this thing where your strapped into the seat and you flip and spin and go upside down! witch really was scary. Then the worst ride was one called "The Fire Ball" It swung super high in the air where you almost flip upside down, and it was scary I got sick on that ride but did not throw up. When I got off the fireball, my neck hurt sooo bad. It still hurts right now too! Fyi here is a picture of the fair and the spinny thing is the one with the little lights ad it's ball shaped, and moving.


The Wicked Boss
466 posts
Posted in BlackHawk Online • 17th August 2015, 04:51 PM

Braelynn wrote on 17th August 2015 04:50 PM:
Clark said on 17th August 2015 04:46 PM:
Braelynn said on 17th August 2015 11:39 AM:
Hi everyone.This morning me,Orbay,George,and sirSam found out a BlackHawk was online.The name is Mikamo.We have been tracking him all morning,but nothing.We caught activity at jr darkoffice though.That might mean something.Users,keep a eye.If you spot his name,report to a moderator as quick as possible.Also,listen to staff members if we are ever under attack.Moderators,keep a sharp eye.Evacuate all users if under attack to safety.Thank you,


Well, what ever happens just stay away from them.

He is invisible.We don't know where he is.

. that was probably creepy.

The Wicked Boss
466 posts
Posted in Oldcp rap ~Ollo • 17th August 2015, 04:49 PM

ollo wrote on 17th August 2015 03:14 PM:
Hey guys I decided to make a Rap myself since everybody has made different raps. But this rap is about Oldcp and what causes have happened lately.

This rap is about oldcp
Its the coolest thing you'll ever see
And its cool because its all for free
Drama is faster than a tree, Growing
That's why We're overflowing
Finding a way to beat blackhawks without them knowing
We have knight, Detectives and news reporters
We even have captain for all the orders
All of this is going over the boarders
Evidence about bh's is about to spill
That's why this game is such a thrill
You can have fun anyway possible
Even if its all illogical
We even have a lot of events
But we have a lot of suspense
Because all competitions are always intense
But sometimes they're hard like climbing over a electric fence
Oldcp is the main deal
And im being for real
This is like a appeal
So this is ollo
Making a rap so follow
Come join me on oldcp because all of this is for free

Thank you.

~Sir Ollo


The Wicked Boss
466 posts
Posted in BlackHawk Online • 17th August 2015, 04:46 PM

Braelynn wrote on 17th August 2015 11:39 AM:
Hi everyone.This morning me,Orbay,George,and sirSam found out a BlackHawk was online.The name is Mikamo.We have been tracking him all morning,but nothing.We caught activity at jr darkoffice though.That might mean something.Users,keep a eye.If you spot his name,report to a moderator as quick as possible.Also,listen to staff members if we are ever under attack.Moderators,keep a sharp eye.Evacuate all users if under attack to safety.Thank you,


Well, what ever happens just stay away from them. ;)

The Wicked Boss
466 posts
Posted in finally I can post again :) • 17th August 2015, 04:44 PM

Black and White wrote on 17th August 2015 04:41 PM:
Last week I made the worst choice of my life key gag sacrifice it was defiantly the most boring week of my life but I finished it!!!!!!!!!!!! IDK what made me think of making that sacrifice well PS Sorry for the short post.

Great to have you back!!

The Wicked Boss
466 posts
Posted in Ugliness and Loneliness • 16th August 2015, 11:44 PM

TheAce wrote on 16th August 2015 07:01 PM:
Loneliness and ugliness. That's what we're going to talk about. Aren't I such a joyful person?

This person isn't living in the real world and is instead living in their mind. They think the world is a place to feel worthless. Get into reality. Communication. If you communicate with people such as therapists, you will see that you aren't unloved by everyone. That stuff is in your head and only in your head. Communication is the key that opens your mind into the real world because you'll see that you're wrong and people love you. Talk to people, people.

This represents most of this society. People get depressed/fake depression and just want "people to accept them and be nice to them", but when people try to compliment them, they turn that positivity into negativity. Or attention-seekers ask "am I ugly"? Be honest. But if people say "yes", they freak out. That's what you get for seeking attention, bro.

If you want people to accept you for your inside and not hate you for your outside, start accepting YOURSELF for your inside and stop hating yourself for your outside. Ugliness is on the outside, but only if you don't have a smile. If you have a smile, you're attractive. You can't expect anyone to love you for the inside of you if you hate yourself for the opposite. If you appreciate who you are, not hate your face, more and more people will love you for who you are too and you'll stop being lonely.

Regardless, I hope this has been helpful. Thank you 6 people who bothered me by consistently requesting this post. See you tomorrow. Toe high five

Gr8 Post! this is awesome!
here's a great example of the topic lol.

The Wicked Boss
466 posts
Posted in Cheesy Message for You All • 16th August 2015, 11:25 PM

QueenHonolulu wrote on 16th August 2015 08:46 PM:
Hullo everyone! If you didn't know I am new to this forum and oldcp, and I really wanted to say thank you to everyone, ESPECIALLY moderators for your kindness, patience, and tolerance you have showed me. I really was shocked that almost everyone I have asked questions or talked to has been so kind and respectful. So yas you guys are wonderful ;U; I hope that I can be even closer to you all in the future! Thanks for reading this extremely gushy message.

LOVE YOU ALL (...i'm not a creep I SWEAR...)

I am very happy to be in the community with you. Welcome! :D

The Wicked Boss
466 posts
Posted in Allie • 16th August 2015, 10:23 PM

TheAce wrote on 16th August 2015 05:47 PM:
Clark said on 16th August 2015 05:44 PM:
TheAce said on 16th August 2015 04:37 PM:
Fist of all, she said that she hasn't been feeling bad about that and these things make her feel awkward. Second of all, nobody has said any hateful things about it. People have said she was trying to win the WCI, which she was. I say "was" and not "is" because I don't know if it's still going on or not. And it's not bad trying to win which means it's not bad pointing out that she's been doing that.

Pista said on 16th August 2015 04:31 PM:
If you are talking about my mood, I was congratulating her. Btw, nice post. Allie deserves respect. Allie, despite the haters, there are friends out there.

CPManiac said on 16th August 2015 04:24 PM:
Heyyy there. I appreciate that you took the time to make this post, as it will give her joy to know that so many care for her. As of the terrible comments, we cannot take everything literally. As of previous discussions and moods, I believe the disucssions/moods made were either congratulations or confusion, for I don't think many people in the DSGHQ would single out anyone without reason. I'm not saying they didn't say anything rude, but I think there were more 'save allie posts' than there were of hurtful ones. Other than those I think it was confusion on why she had gotten so many levels or for whatever reason I'm leaving out. My point is I believe this thing should be settled quickly, because I feel there is no need to keep arguing about it. Allie is an exquisite person with multiple talents. If anyone did single out on her, which I believe no one in all honesty meant to, they should at least apologize for what they might have done. I feel even if they did hurt her feelings, it was by accident basically saying you could interpret the comment in multiple ways. Lets agree to disagree, shall we?

Maniac, I understand but it could have been confusion or not the mean comments were making allie sad, but yes I understand, Pista you didn't do anything wrong lol. Ace, these comments are no long going on, however I just found out and I made this post to just inform people that it's not right with anyone. I like making wise posts. Plus it was making her feel awkward or sad either one it's not cool. Like maniac said lets all agree to disagree. Have a good day guys.

The comments aren't making her feel awkward, posts like these and the saveallie channel make her feel awkward. And this isn't wise to be honest.

You honestly don't have to get onto me for trying to help a friend. I didn't know they made her feel awkward so.

The Wicked Boss
466 posts
Posted in Allie • 16th August 2015, 05:44 PM

TheAce wrote on 16th August 2015 04:37 PM:
Fist of all, she said that she hasn't been feeling bad about that and these things make her feel awkward. Second of all, nobody has said any hateful things about it. People have said she was trying to win the WCI, which she was. I say "was" and not "is" because I don't know if it's still going on or not. And it's not bad trying to win which means it's not bad pointing out that she's been doing that.
Pista wrote on 16th August 2015 04:31 PM:
If you are talking about my mood, I was congratulating her. Btw, nice post. Allie deserves respect. Allie, despite the haters, there are friends out there.
CPManiac wrote on 16th August 2015 04:24 PM:
Heyyy there. I appreciate that you took the time to make this post, as it will give her joy to know that so many care for her. As of the terrible comments, we cannot take everything literally. As of previous discussions and moods, I believe the disucssions/moods made were either congratulations or confusion, for I don't think many people in the DSGHQ would single out anyone without reason. I'm not saying they didn't say anything rude, but I think there were more 'save allie posts' than there were of hurtful ones. Other than those I think it was confusion on why she had gotten so many levels or for whatever reason I'm leaving out. My point is I believe this thing should be settled quickly, because I feel there is no need to keep arguing about it. Allie is an exquisite person with multiple talents. If anyone did single out on her, which I believe no one in all honesty meant to, they should at least apologize for what they might have done. I feel even if they did hurt her feelings, it was by accident basically saying you could interpret the comment in multiple ways. Lets agree to disagree, shall we?

Maniac, I understand but it could have been confusion or not the mean comments were making allie sad, but yes I understand, Pista you didn't do anything wrong lol. Ace, these comments are no long going on, however I just found out and I made this post to just inform people that it's not right with anyone. I like making wise posts. Plus it was making her feel awkward or sad either one it's not cool. Like maniac said lets all agree to disagree. :D Have a good day guys.

The Wicked Boss
466 posts
Posted in JAKEHS BACK HOT PPL! • 16th August 2015, 05:34 PM

Master Jakey wrote on 16th August 2015 05:24 PM:
Im british, what the heck are condos .-.

Lol like awesome wicked hotels, like the ones on your pics, don't get me wrong I <3 Brittish people. :D I have union jack flag on all my shirts.

The Wicked Boss
466 posts
Posted in My Life • 16th August 2015, 05:15 PM

This Song is all my life.