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Posted in Getting Upset Over Nothing. • 26th April 2015, 05:28 PM

Hi everyone,

Before I start I would like to disclaim, if u do not wish to hear my opinion; you are not obligated to read or comment. I wouldn't be offended personally. Thank you:

Ok. It seems to me that every time, I log into OldCp; I expect it to be normal and such. However, nowadays I see people becoming extremely upset over the littlest of things. For example; if it's about them not getting the rank they want or if somebody doesn't like them or if they feel ignored. This results them into getting all "upset" and "depressed" and go into to options. If they choose, would be either going to quit and leave the DSGHQ or making everyone around you fall into a guilt trip. Lets all get one thing clear; depression and sadness are two different things. There is honesty no need to get those confused. Depression can be very effective on someone's permanent emotions; while being sad can maybe only last a little while.

To the people who get up set over not getting ranks (especially Moderator). Honestly I have no words because I'm confused. I am completely understanding on if you worked extremely hard on an application and maybe even training and you are a little bummed. That's normal; but what I don't understand is that when persons don't get their way, they decide go around and act upset and are like "oh I will never achieve anything in my life ever" "like omg such a failure" and stuff like that. It is not cute, it's childish, and nothing will be gained from that. I mean this is a penguin online game; it's a place where we should feel comfortable with each other and have fun.

To the people who feel like they are ignored or unloved. To be honest, you probably see this in your eyes but the people around you; they think more. When they see you feel upset, they try to comfort you. Please; you are loved. You are loved by your parents, you are loved by your guardians, by friends/family. Even your dog or cat and potatoes love you. There are people here and outside of this realm of gaming that love and desire and cherish and treasure and LOVE you. Try to love yourself and don't belittle your character. Understand the great things about yourself and don't call yourself names like "idiot" or "stupid".

Also a side note, just because someone is a member of the staff does NOT mean they are important than you. By the end of the day we are beings that are human. Don't go and act a certain way to get attention. I'm just done with the amount of people who get so tied up in the fact that they cannot get their way all the time.

power to the people
138 posts
Posted in Moderator Application • 19th April 2015, 01:46 PM

Gurlllllll this is one excellent app with all the right components. Honestly, your a shoo in!

Oh btw we Baez fo life so yeah XD

power to the people
138 posts
Posted in Wizards Mod Comp Team Info • 18th April 2015, 12:25 PM

Hello Everyone,
It's Fluffeh, and If you may not know, I lead along side Saber on the Wizards Moderator Competition Team (or Mod Comp Team for shorter terms). Now lately, we have sat down and realized that we are in need of new recruits to join us in our time of need. So we have made an executive decision and we are holding Wizard Tryouts. Information will be listed below:

Day and Time?

Today at 6PM EST

Who Can Attend?

Everyone is welcomed; Interested penguins and Preexisting Wizards

Any Questions? Comments? Concerns?

Don't hesitate to contact Saber (@ Saber574) or me (@ FluffehB) through a PM
Thank you for your time today! But remember, we are looking for 100% commitment, excellent teamwork and listening skills, and a good attitude. So keep up your A game and remain positive.

power to the people
138 posts
Posted in When You Speak Your Mind • 17th April 2015, 07:37 PM

Wise One Ixk wrote on 17th April 2015 05:38 PM:
So, the main idea of this post is,
"Treat people the way you wish to be treated."
So, yeah...

It's the gist of it but basically; we just need to respects opinions more.

power to the people
138 posts
Posted in Fable Plagiarized • 17th April 2015, 04:51 PM

ROASTEEEEEEEEEEEEEED. . (But on a serious note this is a serious issue that shouldn't be taken lightly)

power to the people
138 posts
Posted in When You Speak Your Mind • 17th April 2015, 04:18 PM

Hello everyone,

Today I wanna talk about courage. The definition of courage is the ability to do something that frightens one. It's usually associated with words/phrases like bravery or confidence or "having the guts". Now a lot of times when there's an issue or a topic that catches people's attention; there will be two types of persons. The first person will maybe disagree with the issue and may have different points that could maybe resolve the problem but .. they wouldn't utter a word. They would be so absorbed in other's opinions and "oh what if someone I look up to is disappointed with my say and doesn't like me anymore".

Meanwhile, the other person who disagrees like the first; again has different says than the general public towards this issue and what do they do; they post their opinion for everyone to see. Why? Because they don't care who or what will be thrown at them. They don't care who wants to be stuck up about it. They do not care who disapproves of them and who flat out argues with them(the second person) just to prove "they are right".

What I'm trying to say is this. It's ok to have a opinion of your own; that's what the whole "freedom of speech is. It's alright to stand firm with what you believe in and support your cause. What is not ok is to think something just because your best friend supports an opinion/ their approval. What is not alright is in be a butt head (for lack of a better term and because of our younger audiences) and think you just know every little speck and concept about someone or something along the lines of "oh I'm soooo smart and I know more than you". No,that is annoying and you will literally irritate everyone.

In the end, we all think differently and we should all respect each other's values, views and opinions. I mean, how would you like it if someone disses you for liking chocolate ice cream and you absolutely love it? You would feel hurt wouldn't you? Exactly. Oh and if you would like to add anything I missed; please comment down below wooo. I like hearing from you guys !

Alrighty bye *waves*

power to the people
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Posted in Problems In The DSGHQ • 16th April 2015, 04:35 PM

You do bring up valid points in this Tommy. I feel that somethings should be changed. o3o

power to the people
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Posted in Ruby [drawing] • 15th April 2015, 07:38 PM

At first I thought this was ruby from Stevens universe (lol because of the title); but that's ok, this little wolf fox is adorable still :3

power to the people
138 posts
Posted in Steven Universe Appreciation • 12th April 2015, 08:33 AM

LoveMincraft wrote on 12th April 2015 12:23 AM:
I don't like this post...

I love this post Now I wanna go watch steven universe!!!! UGH!!!!
Trinity wrote on 12th April 2015 02:39 AM:
Wow, I have never seen this show myself really, But after reading this post, how you gave a wonderful intro and details with all the characters in your own words, It's wonderful. Now I am totally going to watch this

Thank you guys for the kind words. Hope you like the show as much as I do :D

power to the people
138 posts
Posted in So I got bored and drew this • 11th April 2015, 11:54 PM

Oh my god this gives me life. Like the background is all pastel-filled and spacey;plus the person just looks like they have hit nirvana (which is awesome)

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138 posts
Posted in Steven Universe Appreciation • 11th April 2015, 11:17 PM

IceeSofie wrote on 11th April 2015 11:09 PM:
I have never actually seen this show before, but after this I really want to see this show. Loads of detail about each character, I just love it! Thank you for inspiring me .

It was not a problem at all, friend. I'm glad I could contribute to making someone passionate towards a new experience (:

power to the people
138 posts
Posted in Steven Universe Appreciation • 11th April 2015, 11:11 PM

sparklz wrote on 11th April 2015 11:05 PM:
STEVEN UNIVERSE USED TO BE MY FAVOURITE SHOW. It got replaced by Gravity Falls, but I still love Steven Universe.

My favourite gem is Lapis It's so sad how she's so misunderstood.

Yes I agree, I wish happiness for her in future episodes .. but the only thing I'm confused on about her is why she fused with jasper when she could have took her (jasper) down herself (lapis) instead of imprisoning herself along with the big buff cheeto puff.

power to the people
138 posts
Posted in Steven Universe Appreciation • 11th April 2015, 10:50 PM

Hello all,

Fluffy here and today I want to talk about cartoons. Yes cartoons may be associated with our younger youth but to be honest, they provide us with an world that we can escape to when we're sick of reality and it can be enjoyed by all ages. For example they illustrate beautifully crafted storyboards, well put together plots, and endless adventure. The particular cartoon I'm talking about today is Steven Universe; which if you did not know is about a boy named Steven who battles out of this world monsters/creatures with his friends, the Crystal Gems; Pearl, Garnet and Amethyst. Now your probably wondering why am I talking about this show; well the reason is because I want to show some more love towards this and elaborate on some of the characters featured.


While being the main protagonist, Steven is in fact half human and half gem ( his father being human and his mother was a gem but her gem was given to Steven).This kid is definitely silly and sometimes just flat out random but like everyone he has moments where he shines lights of wisdom which can make everyone be a little shocked. He doesn't know what his destiny is but I assure you he'll find it with the help from his friends.

Rose Quartz

Known as the pink mysterious lady, she is Stevens mother but sadly gave up her physical life so that Steven could be born. She was in fact as graceful and beautiful as her heart as she saw goodness in everything. Rose was truely loved by all and left a very significant mark with the Crystal Gems and Gem kind. The show sometimes will briefly flashback to when rose was alive to reveal the bits and pieces on what happened prior to Steven's timeline. To be honest I hope Rose will be brought back in a way where Steven could meet her and everyone could be genuinely happy.


Garnet is basically the motherly/leader figure of the Crystal Gems. She keeps the balance of common sense, harmony, and teamwork values for being the silent type. She is a fusion between the duo Ruby and Sapphire which makes her two parts of a whole. Even though she rarely displays any kind of emotion, she does in the end come through and sets the mood just right; although she can surprise us when some of her loose decisions. She is my favorite gem besides Rose and I love everything about her.


Being the more logical type of person, Pearl (also known as bird mom lol) is neat and is predictable because she likes doing things a certain way. She always suggests well thought out plans before the Crystal Gems do anything and can be a bit of a nagger (well in Amethyst's opinion). But like any sane person, she does freak out and lose her cool; which can result in hilarious gifs of her derp face. On a serious note, she was the most emotionally attached to Rose and tries to hide her feelings until the Rose's Scabboard episode (which I suggest watching).


Amethyst, out of the three Crystal Gems, is the most laid back and outgoing with her go with the flow personality. Always pulling pranks and rebelling against the standard rules, she will definitely be the life of the party. Amethyst shows her softer side as the show progresses and she's just a cute little teddy bear <3.

Alrighty folks that's the end of this discussion; if you liked leave a +1 and comment on your favorite gem from Stevens Universe or any general questions for me. Thanks for reading byyyeeee

power to the people
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Posted in What's Up DSGHQ? #4 • 11th April 2015, 12:04 PM

This news report is really nice *thumbs up*

power to the people
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Posted in Empress Helper [Suggestion] • 11th April 2015, 11:22 AM

This sounds like a cool suggestion but idk how that would work?
