power to the people
138 posts
Posted in So I drew a few friends • 10th April 2015, 03:19 PM

That is fire

I love it <3

power to the people
138 posts
Posted in My song list • 8th April 2015, 08:07 PM

This is literally amazing *randomly hula dances in background*

Do you have any reggae music ?

power to the people
138 posts
Posted in GUMMY BEARS!!! • 8th April 2015, 07:07 PM

Gummy bears are Noice . I especially like the white and red ones

power to the people
138 posts
Posted in Friendship Weddings • 7th April 2015, 08:59 PM

Awwe that sounds so nice. It's like a friendly bond for a long time <3

power to the people
138 posts
Posted in A Love Poem • 7th April 2015, 08:50 PM

Hello All,
Tonight I just wanted to share an original poem because I absolutely love creative writing and I feel that we need more of this topic spread around

Love is a delicate dove
It should taken with the greatest of care
It is a treasure
We shall cherish for the longest
In the lightest and darkest of hours
Love is a rose
And as we water it
It might grow as high as the heavens
To soar for miles on end

My general point of this is; let's all try to have more love and compassion for each other. When we all stick together, we can become closer then before.


power to the people
138 posts
Posted in Favorite Item • 6th April 2015, 04:30 PM

My favorite items are the "rare" colored hoodies (Orange/Red/Blue/Yellow/Waddleon), The jack in the box face paint (the hearts), and the black mask :P

power to the people
138 posts
Posted in Easter Egg Yarn Craft • 5th April 2015, 02:00 PM

Eridan wrote on 5th April 2015 01:25 PM:
FluffehB said on 5th April 2015 12:09 PM:
Hey Everyone,

It's Easter (yayy ); the day for hunting rainbow eggs and spending quality time with family. Today I would like a share a crafting activity that I did with my little sister called "Yarn Eggs". We found inspiration from places like Tumblr, Facebook, and Pinterest. This craft is easy as 1,2,3 and is extremely fun for any age.

Materials you might need:

Elmers Glue
Any color of yarn of your choosing
Eggs (Of course)

Step 1:
Make sure your egg is hardboiled (ask for help from a parent if your a little penguin) and make sure that it's completely dried off from the water before you start applying glue.

Step 2:
Take some of your glue and spread it around on your egg. Remember too little glue won't make your yarn stick and too much will cause a very stick situation (I know from first hand lol).

Step 3:
When you think you have enough glue on, start coiling the yarn around your egg and do very slowly and very gently for a clean, consistent pattern (or go crazy if your want unique patterns like swiggles or pointy triangle lines, make it your own )

Step 4:
Once you have completed your egg, cut off the extra yarn with your handy dandy scissors. Let your egg dry for about maybe 5 or so minutes.

There you have it; a unique twist to your average Easter eggs. I hope you enjoyed this project as much as we did

Here is our eggs; I did the rainbow one with the little bow.

Thanks for reading and have a happy Easter

this is so cute i swear
i don't have yarn so i can't do it but
they look adorable!!!

Thank you <3 Eri

power to the people
138 posts
Posted in Wordls Largest Pizza • 5th April 2015, 01:20 PM

Mmmmm that would be so good with all sorts of toppings :D

power to the people
138 posts
Posted in I'm new to OldCP • 5th April 2015, 12:20 PM

Mattzvan wrote on 5th April 2015 11:59 AM:
Hello everyone! I am Mattzvan. You might not know me because I just joined OldCP. I just wanted to introduce myself to everyone. I like sports, music, and pizza. My favourite sport is Hockey. Anyway, thats all I wanted to say! See you on OldCP.

Hai Mattzvan! My name is Fluffeh (whale my penguin on oldcp is Fluffybacon). We both like pizza so that's awesome; welcome to our community and I hope you have boat loads of fun.

power to the people
138 posts
Posted in Easter Egg Yarn Craft • 5th April 2015, 12:09 PM

Hey Everyone,

It's Easter (yayy :D); the day for hunting rainbow eggs and spending quality time with family. Today I would like a share a crafting activity that I did with my little sister called "Yarn Eggs". We found inspiration from places like Tumblr, Facebook, and Pinterest. This craft is easy as 1,2,3 and is extremely fun for any age.

Materials you might need:

Elmers Glue
Any color of yarn of your choosing
Eggs (Of course)

Step 1:
Make sure your egg is hardboiled (ask for help from a parent if your a little penguin) and make sure that it's completely dried off from the water before you start applying glue.

Step 2:
Take some of your glue and spread it around on your egg. Remember too little glue won't make your yarn stick and too much will cause a very stick situation (I know from first hand lol).

Step 3:
When you think you have enough glue on, start coiling the yarn around your egg and do very slowly and very gently for a clean, consistent pattern (or go crazy if your want unique patterns like swiggles or pointy triangle lines, make it your own )

Step 4:
Once you have completed your egg, cut off the extra yarn with your handy dandy scissors. Let your egg dry for about maybe 5 or so minutes.

There you have it; a unique twist to your average Easter eggs. I hope you enjoyed this project as much as we did :)

Here is our eggs; I did the rainbow one with the little bow.

Thanks for reading and have a happy Easter <3

power to the people
138 posts
Posted in Garnet • 4th April 2015, 01:44 PM

This drawing is life <3 GARNET IS GOALS WOO

power to the people
138 posts
Posted in DSGHQ news with Ellie #2 • 29th March 2015, 01:47 PM

Nice report Elliebae! I love being updated on news and also the different headline themes are quite lovely and colorful.

power to the people
138 posts
Posted in If you're demoted. • 23rd March 2015, 02:31 PM

Annie27 wrote on 23rd March 2015 12:48 PM:
We all knew that but thanks for tell us

Don't get me wrong we may all know; but sometimes we can loose sight of hope in the darkness of hours like Ellie is saying

power to the people
138 posts
Posted in Your loved ones ~Ellie~ • 23rd March 2015, 11:18 AM

I have been thinking about this a lot lately so I'm glad someone else brought it up. It's not everyone; but some of this community only cares about being recognized for popularity or power and for what; an online game? You could be spending valuable lifetime outside of this.. Thanks for shining some light for us (:

power to the people
138 posts
Posted in Jesse's Unfair Demotion • 23rd March 2015, 07:52 AM

This is just amazing. +1

See people, this is why we have drama; people make assumptions and "handle" it by allowing others to get the punishment where it isn't due. Btw I don't see why anyone would have a problem with Jesse; he's a chill dude.