63 posts
Posted in Get Your Credits Back • 10th November 2013, 05:41 PM

i agree, but couldnt we be able to also SELECT the extras we could delete?

63 posts
Posted in NewestOLDCPcommunityUser • 10th November 2013, 05:32 PM

wow thanks guys, your so nice! <3

63 posts
Posted in NewestOLDCPcommunityUser • 10th November 2013, 05:27 PM

Hey guys! Im RoyalSwag, and I'm new to this community website thing. I just wanted to say "Hi!" i will be doing fun stuff and contests that help you earn Credits<3 anyways, my user name on is RoyalSwag, my username on here is RoyalMe. Here are somethings about me :
1. My BESTIE FOREVER is SwagKitty, Hashtagfood, Salsa, and TheCommander.
2. my Youtube account is xchimeyy
3. my birthday is August 29th, 1998 (im 14)
4. my favorite colors are White,red,blue,and a very light sorta Tealish color.
5. i LOVE webkinz!
6. i LOVE art, mostly Anime.
5. i kinda dont like spending time making animations, but its cool i guess :3
6. i LOVE making new friends<3
7. my favorite animal is Wolf, Fox, Bobcats, Dogs, and birds<3
8. my dogs name is Gretchen, a Australian Shepherd mix <3
thats all i can think of, now if chu all excuse-ee moi, i must go and get a picture so i can replace the weird gray penguin icon O.o .....