120 posts
Posted in Guessing Game Win Gold! • 9th October 2015, 07:57 PM

Tent Clegane wrote on 9th October 2015 07:54 PM:
1. Zoella
that's all I know..
Lol you got it Correct though Good guess on that now the others I know it may seem hard but at the end it is easy :D

120 posts
Posted in Guessing Game Win Gold! • 9th October 2015, 07:52 PM

Hello today I am going to do a guessing game youtubers faces, but only a tiny bit it could only be his ear or eye this will be hard but here are the rewards for first,Second and third place.

First place- 50 gold :D
Second place-25 gold. :)
Third Place-10 gold. ;)

But here it goes ENJOY and have a fun time if you do not win I am extremly sorry I would truly give you all gold but I only have few gold but without further or due Like, Comment and win :D There will be three to five rounds also.

Round one-
Hint:She is a amazing youtuber with a brother that also is very famous and does Vlogs :D
The next one reallly scares me a lot.LOL she has funny and creepy lips.

Rounds two-
Also this one is easy so you will probably guess this one right really fastly.

Round three-
Fine one more easy one from a TV show. <-- TO big of a hint.

Round four-
This is kind of diffucult Relates to Round three Maybe brother or sister? LOL

Round Five-
To easy to be true. Actually no looks like two people you may think of XD

That was the last one but have a fun time guessing Good Luck! :D


120 posts
Posted in Fill in this interview!~ Kat • 9th October 2015, 07:29 PM

Ok. Here it goes :D

1. What year did you join?
-OF course 2012-
2. Who is your favorite mod?
-My amazing sister Sadie.
3.What is your favorite join room?
-Idk Cove for some reason.
4. What is your Username?
-My real name is Dayton on DSGHQ now is Mercenary.
5.What is your favorite part of Old Cp?
-All the cool and amazing people you can meet. :D
6. Wanna join the new team Angels for the next GOM?
-Sorry, I may not go if so sure? If not I can't sorry.
7.What is your favorite Emperor?
-Emperor Damen because he made this wonderful site and all the sites I like Snaildom,Snailchat,Forums and the one and only OldCp.
8.Who was the first person you met on Old Cp?
-Umm this is tricking Tornado or Rachelle I beleive so actually.
9.Have you been in every party or Joust?
-Nope, I have not been in every party or joust I wish lol.
10. Can you give Old cp.biz Five stars? -
Ummm, I guess thats to low I would give it a 1-5 a 100 actually because it is so fun to meet and have fun with new friends you meet on the island. :D

120 posts
Posted in Herobrine • 9th October 2015, 03:05 PM

Hello, you know now probably that Minecraft is my favorite and many people been talking about a Villian in minecraft and this villian is Herobrine. Did you know people think HeroBrine is a Hero because Hero is in his name and they think that he was bullied by Notch.

But anyways lets get to Awesome facts About Herobrine.
-Herobrine has glowing white eyes and the skin of steve.
-Herobrine is also attracted to Gold and disc 11.
-Many people think this is a myth. But you can hear weird Ghast noices in your own world without being in the nether... Scary right.
-It is day time and it is not raining then it randomly starts thundering. Strange things happened someone said before on youtube because it happened to him.
-You never know if he is real or not. He may be behind you no one knows accept Notch.

But anyways those are real true facts about Herobrine don't be scared because Herobrine is Known only for being a icon // Mascot for Minecraft to scare and make people suspicious. But Anyways that it all about Herobrine for now if you want anymore Facts about him like or comment. And if you want them sooner just message me on forums. :D Without further or due. Bye! Also before I go, go read minecarts and other peoples Herobrine facts they are Wonderful also :D


120 posts
Posted in Pie • 9th October 2015, 02:07 PM

EmmieCat Scary Face wrote on 9th October 2015 01:17 PM:
Mercenary said on 9th October 2015 11:26 AM:
Hilarious post but your not going think it is hilarious after I say I do not like pie, I used to but now pie is not my favorrite.

Why don't u take a pie?
Thanks you, I will give it to my Sisters and brothers. Sadie // Courtney6 and lastly // Scott775 :) I don't like pizza either. But Thanks for the pie! :D

120 posts
Posted in Herobrine • 9th October 2015, 02:05 PM

Minecart wrote on 9th October 2015 12:28 PM:
Mercenary said on 9th October 2015 12:25 PM:
Awesome this was cool and creepy at the same time thank you for the information

No Problem, Want More Imformation? Go to http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/minecraft-discussion/discussion/116353-minecraft-facts-big-list-of-what-notch-has

Ok, I will Thank you very much Minecraft is one of my favorite games Thanks again for information sorry for saynig thanks you a lot but I appreciate it.

120 posts
Posted in Minecraft • 9th October 2015, 02:04 PM

Awesome facts about Minecraft that is a lot of people buying minecraft per day and also never knew you catch fish better in rain thank you for the information once again :D

120 posts
Posted in Herobrine • 9th October 2015, 12:25 PM

Awesome this was cool and creepy at the same time thank you for the information ;)

120 posts
Posted in What Should I Be? • 9th October 2015, 11:28 AM

Here are my suggestions. 1.A zombie 2. A Vampire 3. A goblin 4. Skelton 5. Steve from minecraft or any minecraft person. :) that is my suggestions for you.

120 posts
Posted in Pie • 9th October 2015, 11:26 AM

Hilarious post but your not going think it is hilarious after I say I do not like pie, I used to but now pie is not my favorrite. :)

120 posts
Posted in Royal Warlord Tournament • 9th October 2015, 10:29 AM

Awesome! I am going be there for that that sounds very cool and epic Hope to be there :D

120 posts
Posted in Halloween • 9th October 2015, 10:27 AM

Awesome post I do also love many holidays but Halloween is one of my favorite so lets dance to that song :D *Dances* Lol but swell post but do not do songs with inappropriate stuff in it but anyways cool post. :)

120 posts
Posted in HOWW??? • 9th October 2015, 10:21 AM

Like Kara said and you put Url links into it so first you find a picture then you copy the image url and then you go to your profile and click these following things. Also it can be any photo. But here is what you click. http://i.imgur.com/3WuJa81.png and then you go to http://i.imgur.com/yeXbJul.png and see how the link is in the tiny box you put the image url in that box :) Hope that helped.

120 posts
Posted in Imperial Knight Application. • 9th October 2015, 10:13 AM

Awesome Imperial Knight Application you did swell and did very long for this rank and many detail and I want to say Good Job :)

120 posts
Posted in Knight Application • 8th October 2015, 11:23 PM

Hallow wrote on 8th October 2015 11:10 PM:
I'm obviously not someone to judge upon a Knight application. However from being keen with literature I did find some errors. I comprehend you're my little brother but whistles making an application remember to take your time, read it multiple times, and make sure it sounds proper. I personally believe you should fix the errors and change around some other things. I can help you if you want.

Other than that this application is splendid.

Okay I will next time thank you this time I only did one time but next time I will read it three times instead of one. ;)