120 posts
Posted in Joking about serious things • 8th October 2015, 11:09 PM

I totally agree with you indeed it is really immature for people to say there blackhawks when there not and other stuff because it could be very serious and it is not right for them to do that. I agree totally. +1 Good job.

120 posts
Posted in Knight Application • 8th October 2015, 11:05 PM

Cysero Septim wrote on 8th October 2015 11:03 PM:
Good application. I'll take it into consideration.
Cool Thank you very much for the nice reply and awesome for taking it into a consideration. :)

120 posts
Posted in Knight Application • 8th October 2015, 10:55 PM

Savveh wrote on 8th October 2015 10:44 PM:
Well, I think you should be knight for some reasons...
Thank you Savveh for being so kind thinking I should be knight for some reason. :D

120 posts
Posted in Knight Application • 8th October 2015, 10:40 PM

Hello my name is dayton other known as Mercenary now on Oldcp. But today I am making a hopefully swell Knight Application without further or due Here I go. ;)


Username- My username on Oldcp and forums is Mercenary so if you need a helpful anwser or if you are just mad or sad or in a bad mood at all just tell me I can cheer you up ;) Hopefully if not I am sorry. But I am very Knightly.

Activity- I am usually on 45 minutes to a hour and a half if I am not busy but if I am busy probably 45 minutes or 30 minutes. But still that is active for a person that is busy all the time with homework and other stuff I have to do for school that is boring and reather would be on Oldcp more then doing work for school.

My Experience- Me and my friend made a game in school but did it at home more it is a .com and it took a while it was kind of cool you could ride cars and go on trains and to quest but so much money every month because you know I am only ten years old so not a lot of money in my pockets probably seven hundred and fifty a year but I buy a lot of stuff so a lot goes down the drain but still it is cool that I made a website probably for six month didn't go well probably two hundred something users only but, I was mod on Many club penguin blogs I quit them due to I love Oldcp and the blogs got boring and NewCp just got worse. But I was probably a helper and a owner on three to four games. Also I am amazing at Pvp on Minecraft so I would probably be good with weapons on OldCp. ;)

Why I want knight?-
I want knight so badly because I am tough and I can prove to people that I am not a whimp and knight would be amazing because you fight of villians and bad people and you are just a part of the team and it is amazing and it would be amazing to help people and just read reports of bad people so I can just detect them and put the in jail or kill them if attemp killing me. But knight would be a amazing job for me finally and it would be a inspiration to have this rank I am applying for. ;) But that is why I want to be a Knight so badly.

Age and Birthday- This doesn't mean a lot but I am just going do it for extra. I am Ten years old and my wonderful birthday is on January 20th so I will be eleven soon in three and a half month :D I am so exited but yeah that is my age and birthday I know it was not meant but still just wanted to add so it is not short.

That is all my application hope you enjoyed and have a wonderful day Bye :)

120 posts
Posted in The Minecraft Showdown (Event) • 30th June 2015, 05:19 PM

Can I join team shrek! if so thanks. Bye...

120 posts
Posted in Sorry • 14th August 2014, 09:21 PM

Thank you indigo, Also yes I can't be on the computer all the time. :)

120 posts
Posted in Sorry • 14th August 2014, 09:20 PM

Ok I just fixed it and updated a tiny bit. :)

120 posts
Posted in Sorry • 14th August 2014, 09:16 PM

Sorry that I am always in-active. It is because I am usually all the time busy on stuff so I can't get on the forums right away. And it happens a lot of times so I am sorry. I will be in active a lot but I will still visit the forums a lot and see you all. But I won't be the actives I have been two weeks ago and about a week ago. Sorry if this make you a tiny bit upset. Bye see you soon in about a week.

If you want to contact me

I do have a Facebook but my family said I only can have family and friends. So that's about all bye!

120 posts
Posted in 4000 Views. • 8th August 2014, 02:22 PM

Congratulations on 4,000 views.

120 posts
Posted in Quiz • 8th August 2014, 02:21 PM

Bailey you did amazing you got Questions one,two and three right but four and five wrong.

120 posts
Posted in Quiz • 8th August 2014, 04:45 AM

Good guesses sunset you only got number two right.

120 posts
Posted in Quiz • 8th August 2014, 04:19 AM

Today I am giving you a game a it is like a guessing game but instead it is a Quiz about me who ever wins gets 12 gold.

How old am I? *easy*
1, 12 years old? 3,14 years old?
2,9 years old? 4, 8 years old?

Where am I from? *easy*
1,New York? 3,New York City?
2, Quebec, Canada? 4,Florida?

*Hard* Who was the one I first went on a date with? Also there is only one person I dated. If you are in there and you are not answer please don't tell anyone you are not it. I want someone to guess by there self.
1, Moshi? 2,Sunwolf
2,Rachelle? 3,OobubblesoO

*Hard* When did I join OldCp in?
1,v1? 3,v5?
2,v3? 4,v7?

Here is the finally Question.
*Very hard* Who was my first friend?
1,Tennis? 3,Chucker321/Bailey?
2,Sunwolf? 4.Sadie?
It is Very hard because I never told anyone only they know.

Who gets them all correct gets the prize.

120 posts
Posted in Im Backkkk :D • 7th August 2014, 11:44 PM

Welcome back to the forums Kathleen. Glad to have you back. We all missed you very much.

120 posts
Posted in What's rating? • 7th August 2014, 11:39 PM

Thanks for telling me this helpful information Skippy I also give you a +1.

120 posts
Posted in How to Rate someone with Stars • 7th August 2014, 09:43 PM

Thank you very much Damen for telling me how to rate someone this helped me super much. Thank you Damen. :)