23 posts
Posted in Hating Others Will Not Work • 20th December 2013, 03:25 PM

Hi! I am seeing a lot of penguins saying, "I am going to leave" "Ban me", and this is because of drama and bullying. This is because penguins choose to go their own ways, to make others feel pity for them. I am not trying to be mean, but this is causing drama itself. We as a community will not go anywhere, if we fight and bicker with each other.

I have an Acronym that will help us all come back as a community, and stay as a warm welcoming community:
  • Wisdom
  • Elevation
  • Caring
  • And
  • NNon-Haters

What do they all mean?

Wisdom- Think about what you say, about what you do to others, like causing drama. That will not help them, or you, so think before speaking.

Elevation- Once in a while, tell others to not give up, to work hard at what you want, and the goal is to Grow in our Community.

Caring- Look out for one another, and if they want to make a wrong decision, talk them out of it. If they are in trouble, find the trouble it's cure.

Non-Haters- We shall not emphasize bullies, hating, fighting, but stop it together. We need to love each other, and stop the ones that have crossed the boundary multiple times, not caring for one another.

Remember this, and speak up. Speak up, and tell the world what you think about bullying. Team up with others, and let all in, except for the ones you want to stop. Work together as a community, and that is what we are.




23 posts
Posted in You Can't Stop What Goes Around • 20th December 2013, 02:38 PM

Hi! This is Russell, a fairly new penguin, and I have seen penguins saying they want the drama, the bullying, the bad to stop. But, even if you try, penguins will not stop. That is why I am writing this message, to help the penguins that don't want the fighting to keep going.

Fighting is something that penguins will do to cause drama, whether or not they know they are causing it, but they are either mad at each other, or trying to prove something. Another reason is because they do not like the Community, and they want to "Make fun of it". Ignore the fighting, and carry on. I am the penguin like others, waiting for it to stop also, but that is not going to happen. Come to me, message me, and I will help you with your pains and aches because of this.

Bullying is caused by penguins that are different, penguins that like to make fun of other penguins, penguins that have been bullied before, penguins that have pain in themselves, that want to make themselves feel better. Bullies goals are to make others feel worthless, for others to feel like they are nothing, for when you are sinking like a stone, or when you are on one side of a door, and it is locked, Carry on.

What you should do, is tell someone a rank above you, tell a high rank. They will understand you, just have some real stated proof to back yourself up. If this does not work, talk to the bully or Fighter your self, and do not use techniques or words against them.

I want to make you smile, it is my goal, it is my Passion, it is my Hope.

Carry On.

23 posts
Posted in Daily helping news! the tool bar • 17th December 2013, 09:21 PM

Now that, I tell you, is much smarter! That is the best way to put it, for users to know it in some sort of Tutorial for the toolbar! This is very helpful for new users like me learn the basics of the Forum. Great Job!

23 posts
Posted in How to use 2 tools on the tool bar • 17th December 2013, 08:40 PM

You are very helpful for the forum taskbar, but would I suggest putting them all in one? It would be much easier, and would take less posts, and penguins could look at it all at one time, and find more help in it! Other than that, I love it!

23 posts
Posted in Bold and size • 17th December 2013, 08:38 PM

There also is List, which is probably the hardest. I just started here today, but I think I know how it goes.

You would push List and you would type into "Entry 1" what you want to type. Then you would (If you want to make another one) enter or whatnot, and type in another [*]. You can do this over and over until you are finished, and it would be something like this:
  • This is how you use list
  • Although I am new at this,
  • I would love to try and help other new users struggling like me!

23 posts
Posted in Viewing Created Discussions • 17th December 2013, 05:16 PM

This sound like a nice idea! I just started playing, but I can see where you are going with this, and I would like that too.

23 posts
Posted in I am a new user • 17th December 2013, 05:07 PM

Thank you all very much! I shall learn a lot here, for you all seem to love to give warm welcomes to new penguins. I would love to play more of this delightful Forum once I get used to it. Other than that, thank you very much again!

23 posts
Posted in I am a new user • 17th December 2013, 04:59 PM

Hi! I am a new user, and my name is Russell. I am siblings with evitisop, her name is Bailey. I am 12 years old, and I love smiles. Penguins who make me smile, make my day, and I think you are all special. I would like to know a little about this place, for I am fairly new, and I do not know much at all. Thank you!