182 posts
Posted in Choir Fest, Pitch Perfect. • 15th April 2015, 08:02 PM

Hey Everyone, Its Emily.
Tomorrow I Have choir fest, me and my choir team are going.
We all LOVE the movie "Pitch Perfect". We decided to name our team the Treblemakers! Just like the movie :) We are singing Titanium and Love Runs Out. Im so excited!

Love to all, Em. :) <3

182 posts
Posted in An Update on my Life - Emily • 22nd March 2015, 11:16 AM

If anyone has any questions Dm me please.

182 posts
Posted in An Update on my Life - Emily • 22nd March 2015, 10:59 AM

Hello Everyone, its Emily.
I have been gone for a while.
The reason Ive been gone is because in the summer my dad lost his job, he got a new one later on but he works at home now. He uses our family computer for work so since he is always working, its hard to come online everyday like I used to. I will never leave Oldcp for good but i Wont be online during the week most likely, I promise from now on to come online at-least once every weekend. If someone could tell me anything Ive missed these last couple months that would be great also :) Ive missed everyone so much I wish things were like they used to be. Last time I visited i was staying for good and I wanted moderator back, but now I Know if I ever want to get Mod back I need to be online everyday like I used to. One day that day will come but until then I just have to wait.
So that's whats been going on lately, If you have any questions let me know. I Love You All <3

182 posts
Posted in Team Emily?? • 20th December 2014, 12:30 PM

I have just seen this now, And im sorry that this ever happened, I don't recall it happening and clearly I wasn't there. but I know for sure all of the girls on my team were kind all Team Emily ever wanted was to just have fun, If anyone was ever harassing you it must of been team Piplups members because all of our meetings we held in the Pizza parlour, but it was definitely Piplups because my girls were the sweetest things ever and if anyone was unkind they were kicked out for rudeness. I'm sorry that this happened.

- Emily

182 posts
Posted in My Mood is STUCK. • 20th December 2014, 12:15 PM

Good morning everyone, Emily here.

this has been going on for a while and everytime I report it nothing happens.

For a few months, my mood has been stuck from the same one from months ago it returns to the old one.

Youre probably going to tell em things like,

- Log off and log back on

- go through the moods and delete it


- try writing a new mood

Did you not read this whole thing?

Everything I try dfoes not work, Dame or a mod or anyone else in control I need you to fix this, fix this bug in my account please.
This doe not happen to any other account, except my own.

Please fix this.

- Emily

182 posts
Posted in I'm Back :) • 17th December 2014, 07:12 PM

Thank you so much everyone! <3 :) Missed you all aswell.

182 posts
Posted in I'm Back :) • 15th December 2014, 04:10 PM

Hey everyone, its Emily,

When Oldcp ended, I was crushed and a little depressed about it.
I Was excited for Snaildom, but Olcp was my real home.
I Did join Snaildom and i played for a while but not as usual as Oldcp.
After aw while I got bored of snaildom, it wasnt really my thing it didnt interest me particually.
I never saw my friends anymore, and when I did visit nobody noticed I ever left or came back. So yes I did quit for a while, I promised to visit because I would never leave you guys.

I came back just yesturday recieving an Email from my dear friend Sunwolf begging me to return as she missed me so very much, she also told me Oldcp is back and were having a war! Right away I was so happy and went on Oldcp and reunited with most of my friends.
Then I learned that my own uncle the one that raised me when my family gave me up, Killed my Best friend Dancebear, yet it was an acident but it hurts to know that it was him to do the crime.

But i have confirmed that now that Oldcp is back, I am back. and i will never leave EVER again. And i promse to work hard to earn my Mod Spot back as well, I went down with oldcp as a mod, so im coming back as one. :)

Im Back and never leaving again. <3

182 posts
Posted in Emperors Apprentice [Candidates and Info] • 22nd November 2014, 05:53 PM

Wow! All 3 of my best friends (that are guys) !! So PROUD of you guys, all three of you deserve it. Go Adawg! Go Bailey! Go Andrew! Xo Xo Xo

182 posts
Posted in Emily, PLEASE read! :( • 13th November 2014, 03:41 PM

Sorry Mags, even tho this was long ago. But things between us were not going well, a lot of lies and rumors and hurtful things. I gave you a lot of chances and you always broke them and THAT is why I refused to forgive you. Im Sorry, but things between us much better now and Im still and always your friend. Xo

TattleTale.. :/

182 posts
Posted in Mood Bug/Problem -Emily- • 16th October 2014, 06:30 PM

Oh OKay, Thanks Adawg!

182 posts
Posted in Mood Bug/Problem -Emily- • 14th October 2014, 09:14 PM

It does this everytime I Log in.

182 posts
Posted in Mood Bug/Problem -Emily- • 12th October 2014, 01:23 PM

Hey Everyone, Emily here.

Everytime I Try to make a new mood, I Type it in, Save it and then when Its posting it goes back to the previous post I Had before, This is only happening to me. I Can NEVER change my Mood.

Help? Someone?

- Emily

182 posts
Posted in My Name is Back! -Emily • 6th October 2014, 04:36 PM

Hey everyone! Emily here.

Great News!

I Emailed Damen about my name being taken and he changed the passowrd to that account and I have my name back! No more Emilyy.
If you see "emily" in Snaildom, Its Me! No more Imposters ;)
If you have a hard time believing it got changed just ask me a personal question and you will know :)

182 posts
Posted in Emily Username TAKEN! -Emily • 5th October 2014, 05:40 PM

I Have made a account called "Emilyy" But Damen saw me in the meeting this morning and was shocked about my problem, He told me to send him proof, So I Did and I have not heard frrom him since. He Said "Uh oh" I Do believe he is going to get me my name back. :)

182 posts
Posted in Emily Username TAKEN! -Emily • 5th October 2014, 04:33 PM

Its Okay.. :( and guys even if I put a lowercase or uppercase it doesnt change a thing. Someone took my name and that is not okay. And I get Emily is Popualar but only people from Oldcp are playing Snaildom so someone on Oldcp clearly took my name from me and its not like They didnt know me, The Moderator Emily would clearly want her own name dont you think :/ So I Personally think someone took it knowing that was my original name.