182 posts
Posted in Emily Username TAKEN! -Emily • 5th October 2014, 10:51 AM

Im So Sad, :( I Cant be Emma or Emi because thats not me, Im Juat "emily" :(

182 posts
Posted in Emily Username TAKEN! -Emily • 5th October 2014, 10:44 AM

Hello Everyone, Emily Here.

Clearly everyone decided that we would not steal eachothers username. Yet when I Went to make my Account on Snaildom, and the username "emily" is TAKEN! Someone is probably pretending to be me out there.. So Yeah i dont know what to do. This is EXTREMLY Unfair, Am Emily! and i clearly cannot be myself. People are gonna think the girl who took my name is Me and she might ban me or something. :( Im really upset now.

182 posts
Posted in Snaildom Beta Testers and Answers • 2nd October 2014, 04:57 PM

Eh atleast I Tried! Congrats to all the beta testers! Cannot wait tilll Snaildom is out!

182 posts
Posted in Snaildom Beta Sign Ups • 27th September 2014, 05:33 PM

Emily's Application

Name: Emily
Forums: Emily The Mod
Age: 13
Experience: I Have experience on both Oldcp and Forums.
History Of Ranks: Current Oldcp Moderator.

Do you understand what The Empire is? - Yes, It is the people/snails in charge of Snaildom.

Do you understand what the Emperor Helper is? - Yes he is the first hand guy yo the Emperor. The Emperor ask him/her for advice and other things.

Do you understand what knights, Detectives and Brother of the Watch are? - Yes Knights can arrest, Detectives solve cases, and Brothers of the Watch keep a good eye on Snaildom.

Do you Understand what treason means? - Death. No Return to Snaildom Ever.

Do you know who the Royal Host is? - The Emperor or King.

Do you know what the World Champion means? - The World Champion of Damen Cup, Or If im uncorrect someone who has done a great deed for Snaildom.

Do you know what the Game of Mods is for? - To choose a new Moderator on Snaildom, To see who may be Worthy. I Also won one in the past. 5th.

Do you know who the Royal Heirs are? -
Emperor Damen
Queen Chesley
Princess Raindrop
Prince Archie
Princess GUGU

Do you know what DSGHQ Broadcast Media is? - Tv Shows, Special Announcements or Videos. Radio Shows aswell.

Thanks For Reading this,
- Emily

182 posts
Posted in My Life in OldCP • 24th September 2014, 07:35 PM

*claps* Great Postt! A+ ;)

182 posts
Posted in Mood Problem -Emily- • 24th September 2014, 07:30 PM

I Tried that ^^ Didnt Work.

182 posts
Posted in Mood Problem -Emily- • 24th September 2014, 03:51 PM

Hello. Emily Here.
Lately Ive been trying to create a new mood, and every time I Save it/post it It returns back to my previous one. I Try different ways of making a new one and it still goes back to the previous one.
Help Please

182 posts
Posted in My Oldcp Story -Emily- • 24th September 2014, 03:38 PM

Aww Little! I love you More! <3 <3 <3

182 posts
Posted in My Oldcp Story -Emily- • 23rd September 2014, 09:23 PM

Hello Fellow Penguins,

We all know about Oldcp.I Would personally like to share with you my Story and How I Became. My Storys and Friendships.

I Joined Oldcp in September 2013, The first Penguin I had Met was OoBubblesoO and Maggie. Bubbles became my Best friend in the whole world. Me and Maggie started fighting because she lied about who she was, We fought for months. I Found out about Mod Comp and decided to try it out.

I Started my own team, "team emily" We were a hit. The girls were my family. Later on, I Ended up winning the competition. Earning Mod is like to went to heaven. Everything is Safe and Sound, happy and Sweet. All your dreams come true.

I Was demoted in the Winter along with all the other Mods. I Worked all year to earn it back with many, many, many Applications.

Me and my best friends leo and Bunny from Newcp played games in the cottage on here, The cottage is a place I Will never forget, its like a home where you can connect <3

Me and Maggie stopped fighting and became friends forever.

I Met Dancebear, My Forever BEST FRIEND <3

A Detective Shot me.

I Earned Mod Agaiin in August 2014 along with some other girls.

Friend Ships.

Dancebear -

Dance you are my best friend and my everything, You were always there for me and Had my back and we have so many memories together no one can forget. I love you Like a Sister.

Adawg and Andrew -

Boys you are my brothers and I love you both. Adawg you are my GURRLLLL And I Will always love you. Andrew you're my bestie and I Will always love you aswell. I Can never forget you both and the times we had.

Bailey -

Bailey youre so sweet and kind, I love you so much you are my family. I Will always need you with me.

Winnie, Starwolf, Angi, Sunwolf,Little -

Girls I love you from the bottom of my heart, Youre all my sisters that I love more than life itself. Thanks for always being there. and for the memories we've made together.

Jesse, Dice, Indigo..

Youre my family, I Will always love you. Uncle Jesse thank you for raising me on this game adn for the memories you gave me. Dice when I Found you (my father) it was like I Came back home from a trip I Finally had found you. Indigo I Always looked up toy uo <3

Key123, BAKON, Bob, Terry91, Zeternal, Maggie, And all my other friends


Goodbye Oldcp, You will always be missed.


182 posts
Posted in Dice Talk- Song Choices • 18th September 2014, 05:57 PM

Noo do Uptown Girl!

182 posts
Posted in Angi • 18th September 2014, 05:01 PM

Angi, Just dont do what I Did. When I First became Mod people were starting to Hate me for reason, One day I Walked into Town and EVERYONE told me To Die and that they Hated me. I Ran away, I Was crying for a week. I Stayed Offline becuase I Was too afraid to come online, and when I was okay to come back Online, When I Came back Was Demoted..

182 posts
Posted in Good Bye OldCp :( • 12th September 2014, 05:18 PM

Nooo Starwind! Were such good friends, youre so sweet! Will Miss you Tons xoxo -Emily

182 posts
Posted in Dance Moms CANCELLED • 8th September 2014, 07:39 PM

Yes, The oldcp version of Dance Moms is cancelled.

Nobody is online when we are filming and I Can never get ahold of some actors.

Its just not working.

Im Sorry there is no more Dance Moms LIVE episodes in Oldcp.

Goodbye. :(

182 posts
Posted in Dance Moms LIVE • 8th September 2014, 06:50 PM

So I Know youve seen this before..
Dance Moms episode 1 was suppost to be last night..
I had a family emergency and my cat was taken to a Pet Hospital. Everythings alright now, But im sorry i let you all down last night.

Dance Moms Episode 1 will start at 7:00 EST (So about half an hour)

Server: Ice Berg
Room: /jr wedding


Hope to see you there! :)

182 posts
Posted in Dance Moms LIVE Show Tonight! • 8th September 2014, 06:47 PM

Cast Needed to arrive SOON!!