1,384 posts
Posted in I need your guys opinions • 22nd July 2015, 04:21 PM

I suggest that you earn member first, and get more involved with this community. I know you may yearn to post your application, but believe me it will be worth posting it later once you have gained experience. I hope this has helped you out! :)

1,384 posts
Posted in LeoRPG Beta Creative: Lego House • 21st July 2015, 08:48 PM

Damen, I honestly don't know what to say! It looks truly incredible. The new sneak peaks get more exciting every time. I can hardly wait to play this game once it is released. :)

By the way, nice house.

1,384 posts
Posted in How do i get gold HELP • 21st July 2015, 04:10 PM

First of all welcome to the forums! :)

You can receive gold in various ways. Most of the time it is quite easy, so don't be nervous. I shall explain to you how to earn gold in a list down below.

How to earn gold on the forums

1. Creating a discussion
: Once you earn the rank of member, every time you create a new discussion you earn 10 gold! The requirements for member are 50 posts, and 40 reputation. If you are striving to earn member, remember not to spam useless posts/comments around the forums. Remember, once you receive this privilege, don't take it for granted, or you may get in trouble for spamming posts.

2. Signature shop : You can open your very own signature shop for users! You can sell them for any reasonable amount of gold. If you do not know what a signature looks like, I will show you one that my friend Swirlie made for me.
Signature Example :

3. Buy it : You can purchase gold on the forums located in the store. 500 gold costs 2.50$ USD, and your gold will be transferred to your profile in 24 hours or less. If you are waiting more then 24 hours, feel free to contact Damen about your gold issues.

4. Win a gold comp : You can win tons of gold in gold comps. In a gold comp, you must compete in various tasks to win the prize of gold! There are various gold comps all around Oldcp hosted by normal users. You will usually find out when and where a gold competition is taking place by reading the hosts invitation/discussion.

5. Ranks : You can also earn gold by having a special rank in Oldcp, such as banker. Keep in mind not all ranks receive this privilege.

6. Levels/badges : Gold may be given to you by earning certain badges, or leveling up.


I hope this has helped you out. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to ask me, or a fellow staff member. I would be glad to assist you some more. Good luck earning gold! :)

1,384 posts
Posted in SOMTHING AT DARKOFFICE! • 20th July 2015, 04:11 PM

This was discovered yesterday. To keep up with crime office information, subscribe to #Detectives . It will help you stay up to date! :)

1,384 posts
Posted in Rocketsnail Museum Opening! • 16th July 2015, 06:44 PM

This post is dedicated to the users who were unable to attend the grand opening of the Rocketsnail Museum.



Recently the brand new Rocketsnail Museum has just had it's grand opening at the Imperial bank.

As you already know this Museum contains various ancient artifacts of Club penguin history. All of them revolving around RocketSnail. They are currently on display, but the rare items go to into storage at the Moth Temple on Saturday at midnight. So, you better hurry if you want to see the amazing artifacts!

The Grand Opening

Minutes before the Museum opened, tons of users rushed into the courtyard to await the opening. At 5:00 pm est Emperor Damen cut the ribbon allowing users to enter the museum. Anyone who was waiting at the courtyard fled into the museum to see the new artifacts, and to earn the new badge as well.

Inside the museum were various ancient artifacts. Everyone gazed at them in awe, and explored the secrets of the spectacular museum.

While normal users were taking a look at the artifacts. The detectives were at work investigating. They have found quite a few clues involving the current case in this museum. For more information subscribe to the channel. #Detectives

What you should be aware of

There are a few things you should know before you take a visit to this museum. For it is not like any other. I shall provide a list of things you should know below.

1. Remember not to touch any of the artifacts! Simply click on the glass if you want to take a closer look at them. If you do click on the glass, you will not only get a closer look at the artifact, but you will also get a bit of history on it as well.

Example : Beta hat

2. You only have a little more then 48 hours to get a closer look at the museum. Starting today.

3. The second Toblerone badge is currently available at the museum. It is hidden. Here is what it looks like.

Hint : The artifacts aren't the only things you can click on in the museum.

3. Feel free to ask the bankers if you have any questions about the artifacts, or Club penguin history.

4. Imperial Knights and Guards are allowed to guard the Museum at any time. It is located in the imperial bank.

I hope this has helped a lot of users who couldn't make it to the museum opening. Thank you for your time. <3

1,384 posts
Posted in Moderator Competition Stage 2 • 11th July 2015, 09:44 PM

Outstanding post, Maniac. Good luck to all teams competing tomorrow. :) :star:

1,384 posts
Posted in Please make news! • 11th July 2015, 11:45 AM

Will do. I may not be able to write an entire discussion about Stage 2/3 mainly, because I will be busy enough keeping track of my own team. I will take as many notes as possible, hopefully it will help in some way.

1,384 posts
Posted in Seriosuly.... • 7th July 2015, 09:56 PM

There are various reasons why people get in trouble online. We don't know if they want to get into trouble or not. It depends on the person. Overall, if they try to get into trouble in general it is quite foolish indeed. Some people might want to just have the experience. In the end it's not worth it, and we'll never know what was going through their minds that made them do the things that they did. It's their choice to do the right thing or the wrong thing.

1,384 posts
Posted in help please! • 7th July 2015, 09:51 PM

How are you struggling? You're not being very clear about what you are struggling about. If you could maybe tell us a little background on why, we could help out more. If you are too embarrassed to say what you are struggling about in pubic, I'll pm you and we can talk about what you're feeling. It's optional, so you tell me if you want to talk about it or not.

1,384 posts
Posted in Dear Mods, • 7th July 2015, 08:58 PM

Once you earn 40 reputation points, you will automatically be promoted to member. I noticed you made two posts with this same subject. Next time, just make one. If no one provides you with the correct answer, log onto Oldcp and ask a forums Moderator.

1,384 posts
Posted in New Ways - Swirlie • 6th July 2015, 04:26 PM

Swirlie, it's great that you are trying to become a better person. I respect that. I just hope this doesn't change you completely. Our flaws are what help us learn, and grow. They make us imperfectly perfect. We all make mistakes. In the long run, this is only a virtual game. It won't determine the rest of our life, it's just a fun website that many of us play. I know you very well Swirlie, and I know you will try your best, just remember.

* Credits to Kara. :star:

1,384 posts
Posted in Game of Mods - Summer 2015 • 6th July 2015, 04:19 PM

How exciting! Who knows who the next Moderator will be? Only time will tell. I wish all of the teams the best of luck! ;)

1,384 posts
Posted in Advertisement • 5th July 2015, 04:58 PM

This trailer is absolutely incredible! Well done. :)

1,384 posts
Posted in How do you get reputation? • 5th July 2015, 02:43 PM

Reputation is basically how many likes you have on all of your posts together. Here is your current amount.

I hope this has helped you out. :)

Best Wishes~Goldenone

You got the trusted reputation badge, because you have officially earned 100 reputation. Congratulations! :star:

1,384 posts
Posted in monthly question 1 • 5th July 2015, 01:59 PM

Player of the day is determined by whoever made the most posts. Anyone can earn it. If you ever do attempt to try remember not to spam posts, and you'll be fine. :)