1,384 posts
Posted in Little • 30th May 2014, 04:10 PM

Little I really hope you do well in the Trial. Your one of my many BFFS and you being a mod is like AWESOME. So I really hope you become a mod once again. You deserve that spot:)
Your frined -Angi :3

1,384 posts
Posted in Why khalfan should be a mod • 27th May 2014, 09:26 PM

Btw Terry you got swag 8)

1,384 posts
Posted in Why khalfan should be a mod • 27th May 2014, 07:50 PM

This are some reasons why khalfan should be a mod. This is a very good suggestion that would make alot of people happy. So lets get on with the reasons.
1. khalfan always follows the rules, and has never cursed.
2. khalfan always trys to help, so he would be great with answering questions.
3. khalfan is active, with his forem and playing oldcp.
4. khalfan never gives up, he will always try to make everything right.
5. khalfan has been playing for a long time, he knows oldcp very well (along with all the mods)
6. khalfan respects Damen and all of his ideas.
7 khalfan never gets sad, he is always encouraging and lifts you up when your feeling down.
8. khalfan is very organized so he would be great n thrones.
9. khalfan would be happy to help any mod, or subject of olcp.
10. khalfan would love the opportunity of becoming a mod and being right by Damen, and Cyberwolfs side.
Thank you and please, think about these reasons