xXCoffeeXx's Posts

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163 posts
Posted in Typing • 23rd January 2015, 09:07 PM

Hello fellow penguins! I thought I would share something that may be helpful to younger users. I used this program called "typing web" to learn how to type (it's now typing.com) is excellent to teach younger users how to type ( it's kid friendly of course). It teaches all the letters on the keyboard, punctuation, and more. If you finish all the courses, you will be rewarded with amazing typing skills!
Just thought this would be helpful :)

163 posts
Posted in Miss OldCP update • 15th January 2015, 12:32 AM

Also, Coffeecow you can be a judge.

163 posts
Posted in Miss OldCP update • 15th January 2015, 12:32 AM

Little you are welcome not to wear the high heels if you don't want to :)

163 posts
Posted in Miss OldCP update • 13th January 2015, 09:39 PM

Hello fellow penguins! This is an update for the Miss Old CP pageant. If you haven't seen my first post yet, go check it out. Anyways, I have been getting several applications already. I would like to list the girls competing:
If I forgot you on the list, I'm sorry I am trying to go by memory. Your still in it. Anyways, I need at least 4 judges. If you want to be a judge, or you know someone who wants to be a judge, please let me know and that would be great! Here's the info if needed:
Welcome to the Miss OldCP pageant! You are about to embark on an incredible experience! We believe every girl is beautiful in their own way. Enjoy!

Coming up pageants:
Miss OldCP 2015 pageant- Feb 21
Feb 21- pageant day 2:00 EST-3:00 EST jr wedding
Feb 21- crowning and awards 5:00 EST jr wedding
Note* girls competing should have outfits saved for swimwear, formal, and sportswear to save time.

Swimwear- wear a bikini and sandals 30% of score (hair up or down)

Formal- full length dress and formal shoes 30% of score (hair down)

Sportswear- wear a hoodie (pink, green, blue, or purple) and jet stilettos (6150) 10% of score (hair up or down) hats allowed

On stage question- 30% of score (hair down) asked by judges

Opening- 0% of score, wear midnight glamor dress and pink boa, jet stilettos (6150) contestants will introduce themselves.

Girls will be judged on poise, beauty, and personality (your penguin should be at least 4 months old) sunglasses are allowed. Girls will get dressed at jr backstage

Registration is now open till Feb 10! Send an application through forums including the following:


Favorite food:


How long been on OldCP: (4 months or higher)

Favorite jr room:

One interesting fact about you:

If you win, as Miss OldCP, you will serve your community, help, and inspire others. You also will receive a 15 gold "scholarship" :) 2nd runner up will get 3 gold and 3rd runner up will get 2 gold as well :)


163 posts
Posted in Miss OldCP pageant • 13th January 2015, 07:39 PM

Thank you for the applications. And unfortunately, as a rookie I cannot PM! :( But the info is in my mood and on my page. And may, if you would like to be a judge at this event, that would be wonderful! :)

163 posts
Posted in Sorry (Everyone please read) • 12th January 2015, 09:21 PM

I forgive you as well for your actions :)

163 posts
Posted in Miss OldCP pageant • 12th January 2015, 08:54 PM

Oh and sheep can you be a judge? I think you would make a fantastic one! :)

163 posts
Posted in Miss OldCP pageant • 12th January 2015, 08:52 PM

Thank you so much! I will put you guys on the list. If you could do me favor to tell people about it, that would be great. So far I need judges. Thanks again!

163 posts
Posted in Miss OldCP pageant • 12th January 2015, 12:09 AM

Ignore the rehearsals. Don't show up :)

163 posts
Posted in Miss OldCP pageant • 12th January 2015, 12:08 AM

Hello fellow penguins. I'm holding a gold comp.. But with a twist. Enjoy this super duper long discussion :)

Welcome to the Miss OldCP pageant! You are about to embark on an incredible experience! We believe every girl is beautiful in their own way. Enjoy!

Coming up pageants:
Miss OldCP 2015 pageant- Feb 21
Feb 21- pageant day 2:00 EST-3:00 EST jr wedding
Feb 21- crowning and awards 5:00 EST jr wedding
Note* girls competing should have outfits saved for swimwear, formal, and sportswear to save time.

Swimwear- wear a bikini and sandals 30% of score (hair up or down)

Formal- full length dress and formal shoes 30% of score (hair down)

Sportswear- wear a hoodie (pink, green, blue, or purple) and jet stilettos (6150) 10% of score (hair up or down) hats allowed

On stage question- 30% of score (hair down) asked by judges

Opening- 0% of score, wear midnight glamor dress and pink boa, jet stilettos (6150) contestants will introduce themselves.

Girls will be judged on poise, beauty, and personality (your penguin should be at least 4 months old) sunglasses are allowed. Girls will get dressed at jr backstage.

On stage rehearsals:
Feb 14- 5:00 EST-5:30
Feb 15- 5:00 EST-5:30 Please attend at least one.

Registration is now open till Feb 10! Send an application through forums including the following:


Favorite food:


How long been on OldCP: (4 months or higher)

Favorite jr room:

One interesting fact about you:

If you win, as Miss OldCP, you will serve your community, help, and inspire others. You also will receive a 15 gold "scholarship" :) 2nd runner up will get 3 gold and 3rd runner up will get 2 gold as well :)

If you are interested in being a judge or MC, please let me know :)

163 posts
Posted in Banker • 4th October 2014, 10:36 PM

Greetings, my username is Coffeecutie. Therefore, on Snaildom, I am Coffee.
Let me tell you a bit about myself!

* I am very mature
* I enjoy dancing and even swimming
* I have been playing Old CP for a long time
* I am trustworthy
* I have good grammar
* I have a strong password on Snaildom
* I am active on Snaildom
* I have had lots of experience on website's like Snaildom

Here is my application. Enjoy.
Username: Coffee
Character: Kind, unique
Are you trustworthy?
Yes. I promise to keep Snaildom safe and be honest. Take my word.
Why do you want to be banker?
I want to be banker because I feel I have the ability to help people at the Snaildom bank. I am kind and I promise to prevent drama. I am also great at math :) I am also active on Snaildom. I like helping clients and I will promise to be kind to my fellow staff. In the past, bankers in Old CP inspired me. I am also interested in this type of job when I grow up.
Are you active?
I am active. I am on unless I'm at school, or sleeping.
Will you be honest?
Yes. I will not lie to fellow staff, Snaildom users, or Damen (the first).
Do you have good grammar?
Yes. I focus on my spelling.
Strong password?
Yes. Nobody will guess it. I made it extra hard to guess.
Do you promise to respect the Toblerone?
Yes. Why wouldn't I?
Are you helpful?
Yes. I am always willing to help :)
What do you think of DSHQ?
I think Damen's games are amazing. Thank you so much.
Hope you enjoyed my application! Good luck if your applying as well! :)

163 posts
Posted in We will all mis oldcp! • 4th October 2014, 02:27 PM

We will all miss oldcp! From the mods to the penguins. We will remember it all. Think of one thing that you like about oldcp and post about it! One thing I like about oldcp is all the penguins I have met on the way. Yet snaildom will be coming out! At least we will have snaildom! We will always remember oldcp and it's benefits. If you like this post than...like it, if you don't, its your opinon. ~kayla~

Dear Kayla,
I'm glad to hear you loved old CP as well. I also truly adored this website. Hope to see you on Snaildom for future adventures :)
~Coffeecutie :)

163 posts
Posted in No-one misses me! • 4th October 2014, 02:24 PM

We will greatly miss everyone on here. You don't need to feel left out.

163 posts
Posted in Thank You Everyone! • 4th October 2014, 02:16 PM

Dear Zack,
I agree. Old CP was an amazing place. No need to cry! Think about happy memories you had on here :) Old CP will forever be remembered. :)

163 posts
Posted in Thank You Everyone! • 4th October 2014, 02:10 PM

I will miss old CP as well. It will be remembered. I remember the day where I met Livetodance and Indigopalace. Those memories for I will forever treasure :)