163 posts
Posted in Wedding planner application :D • 5th July 2014, 02:27 PM

Hi my username is Coffeecutie! Today I will be applying for wedding planner! :D

My username?

I have never had a job. Even if I have never had a job, I know that I can take on a responsibility like this because I am responsible, mature, and trusted. I wouldn't ever ditch my job just to do something pointless. My job would come first. I have been playing old CP for a long time.

What do you enjoy?
I enjoy art, swimming, and old CP. I love creative ideas and that's why I applied for wedding planner. I would make every wedding an amazing wedding to remember! I love making smile's on every face, and great memories to enjoy forever! :D

What is a wedding to you?
A wedding to me is when two fall in love and join hands together. It changes their lives forever. It's a day you will not forget.... a day that stands out from others. Make the good times last!

How old are you?
I'm 11 years old. I just turned 11 on 7/1/14.

Are you active?
Yes. I am active everyday unless I am VERY sick or a family emergency.

My message;
My message to everyone on old CP is to make the good times last. Bring out your inner you inside! Have fun! :D

A huge thank you:
A huge thank you to Damen for creating old CP. It's a lot of fun. Thank you also to Mateo for opening up new jobs! Thank you to both!

Hope you enjoyed my application! I would love to make great weddings that will last in everyone's heart. :D

163 posts
Posted in Nevermind • 5th July 2014, 02:06 PM

Hi guys! I just had my application accidently put on rubberband- my sisters forum. I am sorry and I will redo it


163 posts
Posted in I feel not respected. • 24th June 2014, 11:13 PM

Hi guys. I might quit old CP because I feel not much respected and I get ignored by my best friends. I do understand Indigopalace is busy and all, but she can at least say hi (not to be mean).
I just feel like a plastic bag ya know. I will make up my mind soon.


163 posts
Posted in Strange things.. • 15th June 2014, 10:02 PM

On this morning of 6/15/14 Miss Lady Cheep saw snow in the bank. There is one suspect: Glarthire. He is suspected of covering the bank in complete snow! Lone2 and I went to look for clues, and suddenly when we exited the bank, we witnessed a blank room. We are not sure it is a glitch or our computers, or even maybe Glarthire's work. If you see Glarthire, report him to a knight, coffeecutie, lone2, or Cheep. Thank you!

163 posts
Posted in Moderator- active • 15th June 2014, 07:37 PM

This is me...
Hi! My name is Coffeecutie. I enjoy art, cheerleading, and playing old CP of course. I babysit and I do community service during my spare time. I love math and science club, and I am mostly good at writing at school. I love old cp because you visit the past, and you have to be more responsible. The main reason I like old cp is because you make new, different friends. I love helping old cp, staff, or not. I have been playing old cp for a long time.

A moderator...
A mod is a very responsible penguin that make sure's everything in the room is going fine. They help resolve issues, and help penguins when they have a question. I think I can take on this responsiblity because I know I will attend to work. I know because I will show other penguins that I truely do care, and that I can help them at any time. I will tell penguins when they are doing the wrong thing, and I will make sure that if they get kicked by me (or anything else) I will have a good reason for it. Thank you.

Thank you..
Thank you for accepting applications. I will not be upset if I don't get this title. It's more important if you try, rather than cry! Have a good day, I hope you liked it!

163 posts
Posted in Rysparkle Z • 9th June 2014, 10:45 PM

I have a friend who is on youtube, Rysparkle Z. Check her out!

Byee, Coffeecutie

163 posts
Posted in A great idea! • 9th June 2014, 10:05 PM

That would be a good idea because so many people get on the desk.. it would reduce the amount of ppl in jail.

163 posts
Posted in I hope to become a knight! • 9th June 2014, 10:01 PM

Oh.. well, I tried my best!

163 posts
Posted in Shout-outs! • 9th June 2014, 08:11 PM

I have shout-outs going to Iceesofie, Tennis, Cheep, and Iwishlagwas because they all helped me find the right area to apply for banker. I sadly didn't make it, but I really do appreciate it! Thanks! -Coffeecutie

163 posts
Posted in I hope to become a knight! • 9th June 2014, 07:50 PM

My name is Coffeecutie. I am that kind of girl who loves the outdoors, and does well in school. I have three pets and a loving family! I enjoy cheerleading, and playing old CP.

What being a knight is to me...
Being a knight to me is being responsible and directing other penguin pal's on the right path. When doing so, you obey your king (Damen) and respond to orders. As a knight, it is an honor that your king (Damen) trusts you to protect old CP. You must not leave to go elsewhere. You must stay at your task at hand at ALL times. All knights must follow the rules, and not cheat. Knight's need to have a good reason why a penguin was arrested. That is what a knight is to me!

Why I think I could be an AWESOME knight...
I, Coffeecutie, think I could be an AWESOME knight because I follow the rules, I obey my king, and I am friendly to others. I will respond to orders and show up to work EVERYDAY. Although I'm a girl, I know I'm worthy enough to be a knight. I will show Damen that I can be the best, tough, and worthy knight I can be! I will protect the rulers of old cp. I feel that I can take this responsibility, and earn it!

Thank you Damen. Hope you liked it!

163 posts
Posted in Pass • 9th June 2014, 12:34 AM

I talked to her today.. she is having a rough day. That's all. Don't worry about it.

163 posts
Posted in I would love to be a banker. • 8th June 2014, 09:50 PM

Thank you for your support!

163 posts
Posted in I would love to be a banker. • 8th June 2014, 08:21 PM

About me...
My name is Coffeecutie! I am that kind of girl that loves community service, and I help out my school's student council ALL the time! And yes, I do love coffee so I decided my name shall be Coffeecutie. I am a straight A+ student and I recently just earned Presidents Honor Roll!

Why I love old CP...
I love old CP because you can make new friends and visit the past. I make sure I follow the rules because I wouldn't want anybody's feelings hurt, and I totally do not cuss in any way at home, school, CP etc. It's fun to help out and have fun with friends.

Why I honestly think I would make an AWESOME banker...
I think I would make a good banker because I know I will show up to work everyday. I will not leave work to go elsewhere, I will stay at my task at hand. I will respect my fellow workers, especially Cheap, the lady of the bank. I will do WHATEVER needs to be done as my task. I will take my job seriously, and be kind to other penguin pals.

Thank you...
Thank you for accepting applications. I will not be upset if I do not get this job. I will understand. Thank you again!