156 posts
Posted in Herobrine • 12th June 2014, 03:13 AM

I kind of agree with MissStar. But, other then that, I believe Herobrine isn't a glitch, he's a mob/mod. (Correct if wrong, I get the two mixed up lol) Even if a glitch, creepy, yes. I do agree on some terms, but on the other hand, he's really cool.

P.S. Even if he's Steve with white eyes, he's considered as a different minecraft character, the Prince/King of minecraft mods/mobs. (PLEASE SOMEONE CORRECT ME ON THAT) He is basically a sensei or teacher for minecraft spawns. So, on the other hand, he's a totally different story.

156 posts
Posted in Explanation of Suzy • 12th June 2014, 03:03 AM

Poor Suzy, she got blamed for the past couple of days I believe. It sucks when people get blamed for things they don't do. It's like I say "When someone misplaces a shoe, even when it's someone else's fault, everyone goes crazy." It's a random saying I have LOL. Anyways, as much as I hate to say this to someone, even criminals, he deserved the punishment he got, I heard from Bob also. He's one awesome guy. Well, anyways, thanks for clearing things up further more, I got kind of mixed up also when I got the notice that Suzy "did something wrong." I just knew somewhere in my heart she wouldn't do this anyways. -Christine7

P.S. Jayla is my bestie also <3 All the appreciation for the notice on Suzy, and clearing things up.

156 posts
Posted in Bob Chat 9 • 12th June 2014, 02:54 AM

Bad Patrick! *hits him with broom* Anyways, poor Suzeh! No one deserves to get hacked :U. I wish some people are lucky enough to meet a troll who says he/she will hack her/him. It happened to me, not the hacking thing though, with Patrick, tried to review him and he ate my camera :C! -Christine7

P.S. He still hasn't given it back (Patrick give me back my broom >_<)

156 posts
Posted in Bad name. • 12th June 2014, 02:48 AM

At time's like this, you need a hero. As in hero? A mod of course! So, if that dude comes up to you and gives you the cuss attack? Ignore him. Don't let him get to you and ignore him. Next time I see him, I will defiantly call someone nearby to deal with him. -Christine7

P.S. I hope he doesn't take things TOO seriously, I'll be on the lookout! <3

156 posts
Posted in Come to the Royal Cook's room! • 12th June 2014, 02:42 AM

I will probably defiantly come! I usually love that kind of stuff, being that derpy nerd girl I am <3! Sounds great so far on how you're posting ads and all! It sounds like you're really getting things going, so I will maybe go some time.


P.S. Food right now sounds good. I am now going to nom on cookies <3..

156 posts
Posted in What /jail looks like • 12th June 2014, 02:30 AM

What jail looks like? Okay, bare with me people, I'mma nerd out. I've been mistakingly sent to jail before, but that's a whole new story. Anyways, jail has a door on one side I believe, its like a crater on the wall and you can't get out. On the floor and both walls I think there's cracks that show lava. There is also shades of reds everywhere, and I think lava flowing out in the ceiling/top. There's an entrance in the front that is a black gate. I don't remember correctly though, but I think there is a statue on an altar. -Christine7

P.S. If you don't know what happens at jail, basically, nothing. It's boring, all you can do is walk around and wait until you get out, or at least someone bails you out or proves you innocent. (For whatever reason what you did) And also, when you talk you say things like this *whistles jail song* There is a thin chance someone else might be in there with you. If so, you might get out of jail because that person is in there themselves and took your place. The rumors you probably heard are half true and a fat chance of fake. They do not make you say things. And it's kind of true how it's like virtual hell. But, who knows. *goes back on derp mode* Okay, thanks for reading! (or boring yourself out)