49 posts
Posted in Arrest Appeal • 29th July 2020, 08:22 PM

Saber574 wrote on 29th July 2020, 08:17 PM:
As of now, there is nothing we can do. However, this AOS rule is only for armed NWO accounts, as majority of them have caused major issues that did not sit well with the Leaders of the Empire. That being said, you can still roam about freely on your unarmed accounts.

Yea I didnt realize i was armed until i said /equip

49 posts
Posted in Arrest Appeal • 29th July 2020, 08:09 PM

Jonathan1tt1 wrote on 29th July 2020, 07:52 PM:
just because you didnt know means you shouldnt be arrested? you decided to be evil and you're a threat to the south
yea ik, but i shouldn't be arrested forever.. it's like getting banned but i can still log on but can't play the game..

49 posts
Posted in Arrest Appeal • 29th July 2020, 07:22 PM

Greetings, I currently have an arrested account by the name of KnifeALT

I request a release due to the fact of my circumstance in this situation.

I recently joined back oldcp as a NWO user.

I took a break from Oldcp because my main and my alt died. And a couple weeks later I was requested to join NWO via Discord Direct Messages.

This request caught my interest to join back Oldcp, I thought being "evil" would be a different experience in the game due to I have been Knight a few times.

At this time, I was unaware of the AOS in South placed on NWO's. I did not see the announcement, nor was I informed.

I currently have been in jail for a day now and still am presently.

I logged in my account and went to /popular..

When I spawned in /popular i said and I quote "I come in peace". I did not have any intentions on harming/killing users nor pulling my saber.

I proceeded to "hangout" with everyone else in /popular like usual.

A few seconds later I was arrested. At this point and time, I was obviously confused on my arrest and proceeded to ask people why I was arrested.

I was told that there had been a placement of AOS on NWO's in south.

I then understood the reasoning behind my arrest.

I request a release on my account Knifenwo, thank you for your time.

Arrested Account: KnifeALT

Staff member who arrested: Majorhalo

Reson: Armed NWO in South under AOS placement

49 posts
Posted in ipban not trial • 31st May 2020, 08:48 PM

Imagine spending $120 on a club penguin game, just to abuse and get yourself ipbanned.

49 posts
Posted in Disrespect • 27th May 2020, 06:54 PM

This is a pointless discussion can we move past it?

49 posts
Posted in My opinion on si consequences • 26th May 2020, 03:27 PM

Thank everyone for commenting and telling your opinions! I love to hear other ideas!

49 posts
Posted in My opinion on si consequences • 26th May 2020, 03:27 PM

Joseph wrote on 26th May 2020, 03:12 PM:
The reason why Damen and Chelsey constructed a hit list is because the situation was becoming very bad. It got so bad to the point that users broke the game and you weren't able to log on. When the game came back, users were still putting on buggy/laggy items which made the game unplayable in the most popular room. This room was where the staff had to pay full attention, as they always should, but mostly for this circumstance because we were told to send out people who had these items on or to try and remove the items from them as quickly as possible. I think that execution is fair, as this is a development issue and goes far beyond any game laws or lore. A death or a ban seems equal in punishment as the account remains unusable in both outcomes. We need to think about how Damen feels from a developer standpoint. His work was wide open and people were taking advantage of it left and right, even causing damage to the game as a whole.
P.S. Adding small items such as the goldantlers, spliffs, etc was not seen as a big deal by Chelsey and Sled. They didn't mind that people were using these items and they were allowing people to have a bit of fun. They didn't mind if people were giving themselves a few things as long as people did it moderately, which some didn't.

I am not opposed of Damen's and Chelsey's commands, I just gave my opinion on the situation. How they are operating this situation is perfectly fine. Although I do appreciate your reply as well.

49 posts
Posted in My opinion on si consequences • 26th May 2020, 01:20 PM

zes wrote on 26th May 2020, 01:16 PM:
These were users who crashed the server at one point. They constantly made everyone lag even after seeing that mods and knights were struggling so much to stop it. The punishment is fair id say because they knew wat they were doing. Also wat else did they think would happen if they leaked and wore ids for items they clearly shouldnt have.

You make a good point as I was trying to stop it, I never really thought about it that way

49 posts
Posted in My opinion on si consequences • 26th May 2020, 01:06 PM

So yesterday there was a "outbreak" of si commands. A rank 5 admin command.

A lot of people used it. Some did not, some used the command on other people. But now it's over and done with, people had their fun everything is normal now.

I do understand that some people were upset that this happened, and find it immature. But I see it as just having fun and getting cool items.

Now executing the "guilty" users seems a bit extreme if u ask me. Killing rather innocent users for putting on items in my opinion is outrageous. At most, should be arrested for about a week or so.

Some people are accusing of never putting on the items as someone else put it on them. This could be true, but it's not likely that you would get punished for no reason. (If this did happen to you, I recommend reporting to an administrator)

Edit: Although on the other hand (thanks zes for pointing this out).. It was getting annoying as me and other people were trying to stop this in the end, and it did crash the server. As I said before it is an admin command that got leaked and users weren't supposed to use this command. It was also being used on staff members such as Swirlie, Orlock, and Sled. A punishment is needed to prevent this happening in the future. (Thank you for all of the users who tried to stop this abuse)

In conclusion, it is what it is.

Note: I am not opposed of Damen's and Chelsey's commands, I just gave my opinion on the situation. How they are operating this situation is perfectly fine.
(This was just my opinion)

49 posts
Posted in ROGUE MAGAZINE #1 • 25th May 2020, 07:31 PM

Are those supposed to be pictures?
Cause all I see is the default Forums picture.

49 posts
Posted in Fix Joust spawn • 25th May 2020, 03:35 PM

zes wrote on 25th May 2020, 01:34 AM:
Chaserules21 wrote on 23rd May 2020, 05:38 PM:
Sleddy wrote on 23rd May 2020, 05:36 PM:
right...i agree.
I believe zes tried to fix it and I sent damen the .swf of the change but damen ignores my imsgs
Zes fixed the glitch where people couldn't move but he never fixed the location of the spawn.
sorry sir but i also fixed the spawn after that but damen stay ignoring mine, chelseys, gamers and sleds messages

Oh i see, hopefully he reads them so we can have a good joust arena!

49 posts
Posted in Congrats Jake01 and sampopxxx101 • 25th May 2020, 03:32 PM

Congratulations Jake01 on Snaildom moderator. Amazing application.. just by 1 first glance at your snaildom moderator application I could see the effort and dedication put in to get this rank. (everyone else who applied did good as well)

Congratulations sampopxxx101 on winning Queen Regent on Snaildom. Everyone who competed did amazing! I hope you make a big change into snaildom and improve this game!

49 posts
Posted in sup • 24th May 2020, 08:00 PM

wuz good

49 posts
Posted in Message to all moderators • 24th May 2020, 06:41 PM

As to my knowledge when I created my first club penguin account I thought I signed up for club penguin not the U.S military.

49 posts
Posted in Commands are broken (oldcp) • 24th May 2020, 01:33 PM

AudreyGalx wrote on 24th May 2020, 01:30 PM:
Chaserules21 wrote on 24th May 2020, 01:23 PM:
AudreyGalx wrote on 24th May 2020, 01:21 PM:
Braden fix it yourself
that was my 900th post and i used it on you
thanks but i didn't ask
rude ass

I said thanks