272 posts
Posted in WAR COMMANDO • 18th August 2015, 01:23 PM

Damen Drake wrote on 17th August 2015 06:41 PM:
We are at war with Mickey for the second time

The first time I wooped his butt at /jr base, I cut his head off. But sadly about 2 years later or something the Ice Child Melody healed everyone on OldCP, including Mickey.

So Mickey's fat butt came along today and made war again, and you know what? It felt good wooping his sorry big ass the first time. Why not do it again?

I'd make the killer of Mickey my heir! I hate him!


President: Lady Cheep
Preferred Weapon: Heavy brutal automatic pistol with high accuracy
Preferred Explosive: Mega Explosion Bomb Grenade Killidge in the City Blaster of Doom
Side Arm: Swiss Army Knife with 3 unique blade designs (and an added solid gold cork opener)

Cheep will help lead the Monarchy to victory.

Vice President: Hashir
Vice President Helper: Bob
Vice President Helper Helper: Jacobg

Long live DSGHQ!

MICKEY IS DA FATTEST PENGUIN IN OLDCP!! LES KICK SOME ASS!!!!! BOOOOM (yoo box heads are here so armor us up)

272 posts
Posted in It's Almost School!! • 18th August 2015, 01:16 PM

Janie wrote on 18th August 2015 01:14 PM:
Hey guys. Its almost time for school. WAAAAAH! But the good thing is you can see your friends again! But the thing is now that most of you have school you may be mostly inactive. Because of homework and stuff. But not on weekends. So i'm sorta gonna miss summer vacation. Because we get free time with no homework. And we get to go to more playdates everytime. So yeah im sorta gonna miss summer vacation

But also when does your school start? Mine Starts at september 8th!
Luv school!!!

272 posts
Posted in Random ban? • 18th August 2015, 12:42 PM

Sir Twirls wrote on 18th August 2015 07:58 AM:
Box Head Momo said on 16th August 2015 03:59 PM:
Hey guys.. When i was playing oldcp, watching the damencup, i was doing nothing wrong and something just banned me.. I dont know what happened, it just banned me! I need help, and i got banned on my account Kiraeye. I do not know why that happened. Please help me.

It might have been a glitch ban, or you did something bad that you weren't aware of?

It was a glitch, i can login now, and this is very old. I dont know, we should just stop commenting on it.

272 posts
Posted in Box Head Shop! • 17th August 2015, 09:40 PM

EmmieCat Cute Face wrote on 17th August 2015 09:35 PM:
Box Head Momo said on 17th August 2015 08:40 PM:
EmmieCat Cute Face said on 17th August 2015 08:20 PM:
[font=SegoPrint[/font] Welcome to the box head shop! where u could pick a box head sig! The Cost is 18 Gold its Cheap bc I Like Cheap xd Heres a Example! Okay Here are the things u need to choose from!
1. Hair Or Not?
2. Glasses Yes or No
3. Hearts?
4. Extra Creative (need to Mail me)
5. Text.
6. Other Picture
7. Keep Calm Sign
8. Background Mailing Me is a Better Idea because You Can Choose! So Mail me if u want it beautiful! and Exactly how u want bc if u just choose from there u dunno what I could give u Need a Penguin Picture too!

1. Naw
2. YESH!!
5.YESH: it says: Box Head Kick Bootay
7.kk yesh, but it has to say yo, keep calm, mlg box heads are here
kk here u go m8

[dis is da pic:]

Like dis Link >

Yesh, i gotz dem skills, brillz, and millz

Yesh, yesh, thats right! You got some skillz

272 posts
Posted in Dogs or Cats • 17th August 2015, 08:48 PM

Omg, go kitties! :D Kitties are so cute! :) But dogs are also cute. But i will choose kittens! #CATSRULE

272 posts
Posted in Box Head Shop! • 17th August 2015, 08:40 PM

EmmieCat Cute Face wrote on 17th August 2015 08:20 PM:
[font=SegoPrint[/font] Welcome to the box head shop! where u could pick a box head sig! The Cost is 18 Gold its Cheap bc I Like Cheap xd Heres a Example! Okay Here are the things u need to choose from!
1. Hair Or Not?
2. Glasses Yes or No
3. Hearts?
4. Extra Creative (need to Mail me)
5. Text.
6. Other Picture
7. Keep Calm Sign
8. Background Mailing Me is a Better Idea because You Can Choose! So Mail me if u want it beautiful! and Exactly how u want bc if u just choose from there u dunno what I could give u Need a Penguin Picture too!

1. Naw
2. YESH!!
5.YESH: it says: Box Head Kick Bootay
7.kk yesh, but it has to say yo, keep calm, mlg box heads are here
kk here u go m8

[dis is da pic:]


272 posts
Posted in Signature Contest • 17th August 2015, 06:13 PM

Here ya go! I did my best! Hope you like it! :)

-Box Head Momo

272 posts
Posted in The Talk About Knights • 17th August 2015, 06:00 PM

Whats the id for black armor? I'd like to know! Great post by the way, and i see you are new here! You can read the rules, and learn a bit about yourself! I'll show you a picture that will help you about! - Personally these are the rules.

-Box Head Momo

272 posts
Posted in Temple Of Horses/Vent • 17th August 2015, 05:19 PM

Hey guys! Im a bit bored, so i explored oldcp and found the temple of horses! So im gonna show you how to get in it!

First, click the map and go to Rsnail Thrones

Then, go in the Library o' wisdom

Click the two candles as shown.

Then click the fire under the wisdom of cometh as shown.

As you click it, click the painting over the wisdom of cometh as shown.

Then, this is what it looks like.

Click the map, and go to the cove.

Then, drag the water bottle to the fire, and a secret entrance will open. Go in there.

You are at the abandoned pool, go in the cave entrance.

Then go in this entrance.

And then you are there!

Hope i helped! It was great finding out where it was! Oh and, i'd like to show you an open vent that is at the courtyard.

-Box Head Kira <3 :D <3

272 posts
Posted in Signature Contest (Prize) • 17th August 2015, 04:32 PM

Best i could try, sorry if its bad. :) :( <3

272 posts
Posted in Knight Application! • 16th August 2015, 08:46 PM

Hey guys! I am making a knight application, i hope you like it!

Here we go!

<3 Why i want knight: I want it to protect oldcp, fight against our enemy's, love and help other players, being respectful, jail bad users, and love to fight against BH'S, ill try my best to not die too, i wish i could do all of that in one day. I could help most players, and most of all i love every user here! <3
Love you all! c: <3
Commands: Shift + f = take out sword

F = swing sword

Spacebar = block

/jail (username) = Jail user.

/release (username) = Release a user from jail.


Rules of being a knight: You may never take your armor off, be respectful, jail bad users, and never disobey the rules, like taking off your armor when your not supposed to, killing innocent users, and jailing good users.


DSGHQ Username: Box Head Momo

Oldcp Username: Kiraeye


Ranks: New Rookie




Activity: Very unlikely, a 10/10!


Grammar: I'd say, about a 9/10!


Will you ever abuse your powers?

Heavens no! I would always use them properly.


Will you ever be mean to other users?

I would not. I would help them if they needed help, and if they were stuck somewhere with a killer, i would save them.


Will you always obey the rules?

Yes, i will! I would never betray the rules. I would never break them.


Have you had training's?

Yes, i have had one training with Cowffee


Hope you enjoy my application! ♥ Please reply! ♥

272 posts
Posted in Random ban? • 16th August 2015, 05:54 PM

MidNightBlue wrote on 16th August 2015 05:52 PM:
Gymnast said on 16th August 2015 05:33 PM:
MidNightBlue said on 16th August 2015 05:22 PM:
Gymnast said on 16th August 2015 04:15 PM:
MidNightBlue said on 16th August 2015 04:06 PM:
Gymnast said on 16th August 2015 03:59 PM:
Hey guys.. When i was playing oldcp, watching the damencup, i was doing nothing wrong and something just banned me.. I dont know what happened, it just banned me! I need help, and i got banned on my account Kiraeye. I do not know why that happened. Please help me.

Did you go on the court when you weren't suppose to?

Nope, i just said /head balin and something banned me

What color was the ban?

It was orange and it said this:

"You have been banned

Your ban will expire in:"

Then it was a glitch ban.. Try to login again.
;o I tried and it worked, thanks!

272 posts
Posted in Random ban? • 16th August 2015, 05:33 PM

MidNightBlue wrote on 16th August 2015 05:22 PM:
Gymnast said on 16th August 2015 04:15 PM:
MidNightBlue said on 16th August 2015 04:06 PM:
Gymnast said on 16th August 2015 03:59 PM:
Hey guys.. When i was playing oldcp, watching the damencup, i was doing nothing wrong and something just banned me.. I dont know what happened, it just banned me! I need help, and i got banned on my account Kiraeye. I do not know why that happened. Please help me.

Did you go on the court when you weren't suppose to?

Nope, i just said /head balin and something banned me

What color was the ban?

It was orange and it said this:

"You have been banned

Your ban will expire in:"

272 posts
Posted in Random ban? • 16th August 2015, 05:17 PM

ChocoCupcake wrote on 16th August 2015 05:10 PM:
Did you try to re login?

Yea, but it didnt work, it just logged me on for one second then it said "You are banned"

272 posts
Posted in Random ban? • 16th August 2015, 04:53 PM

Amandapink30 wrote on 16th August 2015 04:47 PM:
Gymnast said on 16th August 2015 03:59 PM:
Hey guys.. When i was playing oldcp, watching the damencup, i was doing nothing wrong and something just banned me.. I dont know what happened, it just banned me! I need help, and i got banned on my account Kiraeye. I do not know why that happened. Please help me.

It either might of been a glitch, or you did SOMETHING wrong. There should be evidence of something that you did, or witnesses. Are there any photos provided?

Nope i forgot to take a picture..