272 posts
Posted in Random ban? • 16th August 2015, 04:15 PM

MidNightBlue wrote on 16th August 2015 04:06 PM:
Gymnast said on 16th August 2015 03:59 PM:
Hey guys.. When i was playing oldcp, watching the damencup, i was doing nothing wrong and something just banned me.. I dont know what happened, it just banned me! I need help, and i got banned on my account Kiraeye. I do not know why that happened. Please help me.

Did you go on the court when you weren't suppose to?

Nope, i just said /head balin and something banned me

272 posts
Posted in Random ban? • 16th August 2015, 03:59 PM

Hey guys.. When i was playing oldcp, watching the damencup, i was doing nothing wrong and something just banned me.. I dont know what happened, it just banned me! I need help, and i got banned on my account Kiraeye. I do not know why that happened. Please help me.

272 posts
Posted in sir mod app • 16th August 2015, 02:58 PM

Hello, and welcome cplover. I am Gymnast, a very old member of the forums. I've came to tell you about this.

I will show you a picture of your profile that will help you very much:

I would like you to read the rules, here is the link to it:

Enjoy your stay at forums!

-Have a funtastical day!

272 posts
Posted in Guess Me! • 16th August 2015, 12:56 PM

Slytherin wrote on 16th August 2015 06:26 AM:
Who's my favorite youtuber?

1. Jacksepticeye(Who's he?)

2. Pewdiepie(Only one I heard of...)

3. Markiplier(whaaat?)
What is my favorite candy?

1. Kit kats(Yum I share it wit meh twin bro)

2. Resees(sounds like dat kid in my old school(High school here I come!)

3. Sour Kids (Lol America)
Whos my bestie?

1. Leila4567(I know someone who knows her...)

2. skittylove(who's her?)

3. (Random person)
Whats my favorite song?

1. Life After You(WHAT?!?!?!)

2. Monster(disney?)

3. Paradise(My mum like dis)

question 2 right

272 posts
Posted in Guess Me! • 15th August 2015, 11:08 PM

Allie wrote on 15th August 2015 11:03 PM:
Kira said on 15th August 2015 10:48 PM:
Hey guys! I'm making a game called "Guess Me!" Its a game where you guess what i like, what i do, etc. If you dont know, its okay. You may just post any of these answers below.

Who's my favorite youtuber?

1. Jacksepticeye

2. Pewdiepie

3. Markiplier

What is my favorite candy?

1. Kit kats

2. Resees

3. Sour Kids (idk what its called xD)

Whos my bestie?

1. Leila4567

2. skittylove

3. (Random person)

Whats my favorite song?

1. Life After You

2. Monster

3. Paradise

Hope you enjoy the game and good luck!

Questions 1: Answer 1

Question 2: Answer 3

Question 3: Answer 2

Question 4: Answer 3

You got question 1 right, but the rest wrong, keep trying!

272 posts
Posted in Application for Mod position. • 15th August 2015, 10:53 PM

Box Head Sadie wrote on 15th August 2015 10:41 PM:
You'll certainly not obtain anything if you think to highly of yourself. I assure the staff currently do a fantastic job at what they do. However the case isn't who is best and who is lean, the moral of a Moderator is those who vow to help anyone and everyone.

Sadie, you are right, he will not obtain anything if he thinks to highly of himself. I assure he will nor get mod, I dont know, but you are very right.

272 posts
Posted in Guess Me! • 15th August 2015, 10:48 PM

Hey guys! I'm making a game called "Guess Me!" Its a game where you guess what i like, what i do, etc. If you dont know, its okay. You may just post any of these answers below.

Who's my favorite youtuber?

1. Jacksepticeye

2. Pewdiepie

3. Markiplier
What is my favorite candy?

1. Kit kats

2. Resees

3. Sour Kids (idk what its called xD)
Whos my bestie?

1. Leila4567

2. skittylove

3. (Random person)
Whats my favorite song?

1. Life After You

2. Monster

3. Paradise

Hope you enjoy the game and good luck!

272 posts
Posted in Application for Mod position. • 15th August 2015, 10:36 PM

Mhm, i think rosie is right, other mods dont "suck" and this is not a very good app either.. But you need more experience and if you look at your repuation its horrible. You need more expert experience than that. It takes a huge amount of effort to get mod, and its hard to get mod, I do not really like this but, its a good app, you just need more experience as i said.

But good luck.

Kira, your kind beloved friend! :)

272 posts
Posted in Bashy's DamenCup Stage 2 - Results • 15th August 2015, 08:40 PM

Awh, i missed it cuz i had to go :( But i might be there tomorrow! Well I'll see y'all tomorrow at the joust! But if i ain't there.. i miss the whole show. XD ;)

272 posts
Posted in News Reporter App -Twirls • 14th August 2015, 07:49 PM

Allie wrote on 14th August 2015 05:54 PM:
Kira said on 14th August 2015 05:22 PM:
Allie said on 13th August 2015 09:54 PM:
Kira said on 13th August 2015 07:53 PM:
Allie said on 13th August 2015 07:40 PM:
Kira said on 13th August 2015 07:37 PM:
Boy, you go good! Hope you get news reporter as i said. Good luck on getting it!

What's that code at the top? I saw this and I got confused..

It was supposed to be a picture lol..

Oh! I see it now! Where did you make that? Is where i made it!

Wait how do you get the picture up on forums?

I uploaded it on prntscr then used [ img ] [/img ] and pasted the link in the middle so it would show

272 posts
Posted in News Reporter App -Twirls • 14th August 2015, 05:22 PM

Allie wrote on 13th August 2015 09:54 PM:
Kira said on 13th August 2015 07:53 PM:
Allie said on 13th August 2015 07:40 PM:
Kira said on 13th August 2015 07:37 PM:
Boy, you go good! Hope you get news reporter as i said. Good luck on getting it!

What's that code at the top? I saw this and I got confused..

It was supposed to be a picture lol..

Oh! I see it now! Where did you make that? Is where i made it!

272 posts
Posted in News Reporter App -Twirls • 13th August 2015, 07:53 PM

Allie wrote on 13th August 2015 07:40 PM:
Kira said on 13th August 2015 07:37 PM:
Boy, you go good! Hope you get news reporter as i said. Good luck on getting it!

What's that code at the top? I saw this and I got confused..

It was supposed to be a picture lol..

272 posts
Posted in News Reporter App -Twirls • 13th August 2015, 07:37 PM

Boy, you go good! Hope you get news reporter as i said. Good luck on getting it! :)

272 posts
Posted in Information about Roblox • 2nd August 2015, 09:15 PM

Ghosteal wrote on 1st August 2015 07:29 AM:
Awesome! I play Roblox too and it is just TOO AWESOME!!!! I hope many people start playing cause it rocks!
whats your user?

272 posts
Posted in Milk's Sigs! • 31st July 2015, 01:31 PM

Milk Drake wrote on 30th July 2015 01:41 PM:
Kira said on 30th July 2015 01:31 PM:
Hmm, let me show you my penguin pic:

So.. I'd like it like that pic ---->

But the words at the bottom say: Amazing! Instead.

I'll transfer the gold after i get my signature.

So would you like it to say, "Amazing Friend"? Or do you want it to say just "Amazing".

I'd like it to say just Amazing Friend.