Sir Warrior

Change History of Wiki:Mirrikh

30TH NOVEMBER 2022 BY MIRRIKH , BODY: 841D3B9F9215B20565F60506F40A9BA1 , PROPS: 13B135AEAC37EF3A7A27C851116A2D29 [RESTORE]

Updated info, changed picture for a better one

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["info"]=> array(10) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Mirrikh" ["title"]=> string(0) "" ["photo"]=> string(87) "" ["alias"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(7) "Mirrikh" [1]=> string(8) "BasedBag" } ["titles"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(11) "The Butcher" [1]=> string(7) "Warrior" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["birthday"]=> int(1635825600) ["house"]=> string(0) "" ["death"]=> string(0) "" ["related"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(26) "Dendra (biological father)" [1]=> string(23) "Orbay (adoptive father)" } } ["title"]=> string(7) "Mirrikh" }

OldCP to P3D

Long ago in OldCP, Sir Warrior, one of the knights at the time, would be training. Once he came out to take a break, he saw other knights engaging in open rebellion. He would join the knights in said rebellion.

The rebellion went well until the DRAKE military showed up to curbstomp the traitors. Sir Warrior tried to fight off the DRAKEs, even while they imprisoned him, but he met his fate to a bullet in his liver.

After dying, the warrior spirit of Sir Warrior had left. Sir Warrior was alive on OldCP, in another body, but his spirit had been left wandering in the void. It would then manifest in P3D as BasedBag.

A Journey Begins.. in a Completely Different Universe

BasedBag woke up one day at his home in the South. He had all his memories from OldCP, but he was left confused as to why everything had looked different.

BasedBag set off to travel to all the islands, in order to learn more about his new environment. Along the way he would make a lot of friends, train to become stronger, but his life changed when he served Dark Lord Alatar.

Evil's Drawbacks

When BasedBag had hold his soul and loyalty to the Black Tower, he was not at all ready for what was about to happen.

BasedBag liked being evil, but he found that he would often be neglected by his peers. He desired independence. After some months of being evil, he would curse the people he served.

When the evils found out, he was cursed with slowness for a while and lost his black ovac.


BasedBag would then do whatever he pleased. For a solid month, BasedBag would relax from the world's troubles. He would just train and talk with his friends.

But the warrior spirit that made him refused to adapt to his lifestyle. BasedBag tried to keep his mental health together, but he would eventually snap.

Arda Career

Refusing to become the monster he used to be, BasedBag decided to put his fighting instincts for something that had a good purpose. Grandmaster Alexander Smith took BasedBag in and trained him as a Padawan.

For a while, BasedBag was happy with his position. He could fight, and it was for a good purpose. But things would shortly fall apart.

Recorruption and Mirrikh

While in the stage, shortly after the 2022 Elvis Presley Concert, BasedBag would revoke his status as an Ardi. He changed his clothes and went back to his ways of being evil. His fighting instincts took over, and he renamed himself to his real name, Mirrikh. (BasedBag was what his friends called him)

As of now, Mirrikh's plan is to train even harder and become the strongest warrior.

Mirrikh can be seen at random times asking people he deems "strong" to fight. Even when someone would deem it may not be the right time to ask for a fight..


Mirrikh's most infamous move is the WORLDSTAR. The technique behind it is unknown, but it has been theorized that the ancient art can boost the speed and strength of the user up to 5x in short bursts. Currently, Mirrikh doesn't plan on spilling the beans behind his legendary move.

Mirrikh also has a fighting style called "Butchery" (elaborated on later)

Family Situation

For a while, Mirrikh had no idea who was his father.

He would be adopted into the Hydra family because Orbay saw his potential. and because he got tired of the begging


One day Glarthir revealed that Mirrikh's father is Dendra. How Mirrikh was separated from his father is unknown.

Training Sith

While becoming stronger was one thing, Mirrikh also found great sorrow in seeing how weak his fellow sith were. He decided to train fledgling evils, most notably Ahriman, epic12, and Ayancito.

Mirrikh's lessons take place usually at the Coliseum, and at random times, mostly when his students are available. Only siths are allowed to participate in trainings, but neutral and good spectators are welcomed.

The fighting style taught is Butchery, which relies on fast attacks to harm the opponent while taking little-to-none damage due to how the attacker is positioned after a move is thrown.

It can be comparable to the lightsaber form of Makashi due to it's reliance of footwork and Shien & Djem So or Ataru due to it's offensive capabilities.
19TH NOVEMBER 2022 BY MIRRIKH , BODY: F8ADE9588734616FCF5B45CBE371DE99 , PROPS: 0A5A0298AF792CB88C7D0009B4AD970E [RESTORE]

Updated family

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["info"]=> array(10) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Mirrikh" ["title"]=> string(0) "" ["photo"]=> string(90) "" ["alias"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(7) "Mirrikh" [1]=> string(8) "BasedBag" } ["titles"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(11) "The Butcher" [1]=> string(7) "Warrior" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["birthday"]=> int(1635825600) ["house"]=> string(0) "" ["death"]=> string(0) "" ["related"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(26) "Dendra (biological father)" [1]=> string(23) "Orbay (adoptive father)" } } ["title"]=> string(7) "Mirrikh" }

OldCP to P3D

Long ago in OldCP, Sir Warrior, one of the knights at the time, would be training. Once he came out to take a break, he saw other knights engaging in open rebellion. He would join the knights in said rebellion.

The rebellion went well until the DRAKE military showed up to curbstomp the traitors. Sir Warrior tried to fight off the DRAKEs, even while they imprisoned him, but he met his fate to a bullet in his liver.

After dying, the warrior spirit of Sir Warrior had left. Sir Warrior was alive on OldCP, in another body, but his spirit had been left wandering in the void. It would then manifest in P3D as BasedBag.

A Journey Begins.. in a Completely Different Universe

BasedBag woke up one day at his home in the South. He had all his memories from OldCP, but he was left confused as to why everything had looked different.

BasedBag set off to travel to all the islands, in order to learn more about his new environment. Along the way he would make a lot of friends, train to become stronger, but his life changed when he served Dark Lord Alatar.

Evil's Drawbacks

When BasedBag had hold his soul and loyalty to the Black Tower, he was not at all ready for what was about to happen.

BasedBag liked being evil, but he found that he would often be neglected by his peers. He desired independence. After some months of being evil, he would curse the people he served.

When the evils found out, he was cursed with slowness for a while and lost his black ovac.


BasedBag would then do whatever he pleased. For a solid month, BasedBag would relax from the world's troubles. He would just train and talk with his friends.

But the warrior spirit that made him refused to adapt to his lifestyle. BasedBag tried to keep his mental health together, but he would eventually snap.

Arda Career

Refusing to become the monster he used to be, BasedBag decided to put his fighting instincts for something that had a good purpose. Grandmaster Alexander Smith took BasedBag in and trained him as a Padawan.

For a while, BasedBag was happy with his position. He could fight, and it was for a good purpose. But things would shortly fall apart.

Recorruption and Mirrikh

While in the stage, shortly after the 2022 Elvis Presley Concert, BasedBag would revoke his status as an Ardi. He changed his clothes and went back to his ways of being evil. His fighting instincts took over, and he renamed himself to his real name, Mirrikh. (BasedBag was what his friends called him)

As of now, Mirrikh's plan is to train even harder and become the strongest warrior.

Mirrikh can be seen at random times asking people he deems "strong" to fight. Even when someone would deem it may not be the right time to ask for a fight..


Mirrikh's most infamous move is the WORLDSTAR. The technique behind it is unknown, but it has been theorized that the ancient art can boost the speed and strength of the user up to 5x. Currently, Mirrikh doesn't plan on spilling the beans behind his legendary move.

Family Situation

For a while, Mirrikh had no idea who was his father.

He would be adopted into the Hydra family because Orbay saw his potential. and because he got tired of the begging


One day Glarthir revealed that Mirrikh's father is Dendra. How Mirrikh was separated from his father is unknown.
5TH NOVEMBER 2022 BY MIRRIKH , BODY: F5CF6A271A378E65388FD807494A7F25 , PROPS: BEA494C058D9B5557B182913066BF371 [RESTORE]

New image, last one was broken

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["info"]=> array(10) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Mirrikh" ["title"]=> string(0) "" ["photo"]=> string(90) "" ["alias"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(7) "Mirrikh" [1]=> string(8) "BasedBag" } ["titles"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(11) "The Butcher" [1]=> string(7) "Warrior" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["birthday"]=> int(1635825600) ["house"]=> string(0) "" ["death"]=> string(0) "" ["related"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(17) "Currently Unknown" } } ["title"]=> string(7) "Mirrikh" }

OldCP to P3D

Long ago in OldCP, Sir Warrior, one of the knights at the time, would be training. Once he came out to take a break, he saw other knights engaging in open rebellion. He would join the knights in said rebellion.

The rebellion went well until the DRAKE military showed up to curbstomp the traitors. Sir Warrior tried to fight off the DRAKEs, even while they imprisoned him, but he met his fate to a bullet in his liver.

After dying, the warrior spirit of Sir Warrior had left. Sir Warrior was alive on OldCP, in another body, but his spirit had been left wandering in the void. It would then manifest in P3D as BasedBag.

A Journey Begins.. in a Completely Different Universe

BasedBag woke up one day at his home in the South. He had all his memories from OldCP, but he was left confused as to why everything had looked different.

BasedBag set off to travel to all the islands, in order to learn more about his new environment. Along the way he would make a lot of friends, train to become stronger, but his life changed when he served Dark Lord Alatar.

Evil's Drawbacks

When BasedBag had hold his soul and loyalty to the Black Tower, he was not at all ready for what was about to happen.

BasedBag liked being evil, but he found that he would often be neglected by his peers. He desired independence. After some months of being evil, he would curse the people he served.

When the evils found out, he was cursed with slowness for a while and lost his black ovac.


BasedBag would then do whatever he pleased. For a solid month, BasedBag would relax from the world's troubles. He would just train and talk with his friends.

But the warrior spirit that made him refused to adapt to his lifestyle. BasedBag tried to keep his mental health together, but he would eventually snap.

Arda Career

Refusing to become the monster he used to be, BasedBag decided to put his fighting instincts for something that had a good purpose. Grandmaster Alexander Smith took BasedBag in and trained him as a Padawan.

For a while, BasedBag was happy with his position. He could fight, and it was for a good purpose. But things would shortly fall apart.

Recorruption and Mirrikh

While in the stage, shortly after the 2022 Elvis Presley Concert, BasedBag would revoke his status as an Ardi. He changed his clothes and went back to his ways of being evil. His fighting instincts took over, and he renamed himself to his real name, Mirrikh. (BasedBag was what his friends called him)

As of now, Mirrikh's plan is to train even harder and become the strongest warrior.

Mirrikh can be seen at random times asking people he deems "strong" to fight. Even when someone would deem it may not be the right time to ask for a fight..


Mirrikh's most infamous move is the WORLDSTAR. The technique behind it is unknown, but it has been theorized that the ancient art can boost the speed and strength of the user up to 5x. Currently, Mirrikh doesn't plan on spilling the beans behind his legendary move.
21ST OCTOBER 2022 BY MIRRIKH , BODY: F5CF6A271A378E65388FD807494A7F25 , PROPS: F952098003DCCA093ECB79CDAC8E3963 [RESTORE]


array(3) { ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["info"]=> array(10) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Mirrikh" ["title"]=> string(0) "" ["photo"]=> string(41) "" ["alias"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(7) "Mirrikh" [1]=> string(8) "BasedBag" } ["titles"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(11) "The Butcher" [1]=> string(7) "Warrior" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["birthday"]=> int(1635825600) ["house"]=> string(0) "" ["death"]=> string(0) "" ["related"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(17) "Currently Unknown" } } ["title"]=> string(7) "Mirrikh" }

OldCP to P3D

Long ago in OldCP, Sir Warrior, one of the knights at the time, would be training. Once he came out to take a break, he saw other knights engaging in open rebellion. He would join the knights in said rebellion.

The rebellion went well until the DRAKE military showed up to curbstomp the traitors. Sir Warrior tried to fight off the DRAKEs, even while they imprisoned him, but he met his fate to a bullet in his liver.

After dying, the warrior spirit of Sir Warrior had left. Sir Warrior was alive on OldCP, in another body, but his spirit had been left wandering in the void. It would then manifest in P3D as BasedBag.

A Journey Begins.. in a Completely Different Universe

BasedBag woke up one day at his home in the South. He had all his memories from OldCP, but he was left confused as to why everything had looked different.

BasedBag set off to travel to all the islands, in order to learn more about his new environment. Along the way he would make a lot of friends, train to become stronger, but his life changed when he served Dark Lord Alatar.

Evil's Drawbacks

When BasedBag had hold his soul and loyalty to the Black Tower, he was not at all ready for what was about to happen.

BasedBag liked being evil, but he found that he would often be neglected by his peers. He desired independence. After some months of being evil, he would curse the people he served.

When the evils found out, he was cursed with slowness for a while and lost his black ovac.


BasedBag would then do whatever he pleased. For a solid month, BasedBag would relax from the world's troubles. He would just train and talk with his friends.

But the warrior spirit that made him refused to adapt to his lifestyle. BasedBag tried to keep his mental health together, but he would eventually snap.

Arda Career

Refusing to become the monster he used to be, BasedBag decided to put his fighting instincts for something that had a good purpose. Grandmaster Alexander Smith took BasedBag in and trained him as a Padawan.

For a while, BasedBag was happy with his position. He could fight, and it was for a good purpose. But things would shortly fall apart.

Recorruption and Mirrikh

While in the stage, shortly after the 2022 Elvis Presley Concert, BasedBag would revoke his status as an Ardi. He changed his clothes and went back to his ways of being evil. His fighting instincts took over, and he renamed himself to his real name, Mirrikh. (BasedBag was what his friends called him)

As of now, Mirrikh's plan is to train even harder and become the strongest warrior.

Mirrikh can be seen at random times asking people he deems "strong" to fight. Even when someone would deem it may not be the right time to ask for a fight..


Mirrikh's most infamous move is the WORLDSTAR. The technique behind it is unknown, but it has been theorized that the ancient art can boost the speed and strength of the user up to 5x. Currently, Mirrikh doesn't plan on spilling the beans behind his legendary move.