Nursery of Doom

Change History of Wiki:Nursery_of_Doom

21ST DECEMBER 2022 BY LOKI , BODY: 89F188980DA04BFBF023E792C89B59A4 , PROPS: 0CF60128911F7A2213D409011FCBF49A [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["info"]=> array(10) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Nursery of Doom" ["title"]=> string(16) "Evil "Orphanage"" ["photo"]=> string(91) "" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(0) "" } ["titles"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(41) "Home of the Abducted Children in Baraddur" } ["gender"]=> string(0) "" ["birthday"]=> bool(false) ["house"]=> string(0) "" ["death"]=> string(0) "" ["related"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(9) "NannyDoom" } } ["title"]=> string(15) "Nursery of Doom" }

The Nursery of Doom was overseen by NannyDoom, who was the caretaker of all the abducted children in Baraddur.


The Nursery of Doom was located on Das, somewhere in the tower of Baraddur. Despite being located in Baraddur, the Nursery of Doom outwardly appeared to be a rather nice place that was very child safe. It closed after the death of NannyDoom, who was the caretaker of the children in the nursery.


The purpose of the Nursery of Doom was mostly an evil training facility for all the children that were abducted by evils. Many of the children who were in the Nursery of Doom were ones that Pythas had ordered to be kidnapped and brought to him. It is unknown why he chose certain children to be kidnapped, it is likely it was due to more significant reasons than simply because he desired more servants as Pythas had already enslaved entire races.

Life of an Abducted Child

Every day in the Nursery of Doom, the children were subjected to torture and brainwashing. The children would be read to from the Black Bible and taken on walks around Das to see the most evil sites and learn their history, instilling within them the desire to be evil.

NannyDoom would take pleasure in inflicting pain on the abducted children. She would also give new names to some of the children in her care to further remove them from their roots. Pythas would also visit once a month to inspect the nursery and children in it. If Pythas noticed any of the children acting even the slightest bit disrespectful, he would take them into the Pyramidon where he would brand them with a hot iron and subject them to any other punishments that he saw fit.

Despite the cruelty displayed towards the children, few, if any, of the residents of the Nursery of Doom ever died.


The Nursery of Doom would close after the death of NannyDoom as there was no one else to take on her role.
29TH JULY 2022 BY LOKI , BODY: 89F188980DA04BFBF023E792C89B59A4 , PROPS: 0488BA3DBA427BA7ECBB4A19F5540483 [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["info"]=> array(10) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Nursery of Doom" ["title"]=> string(0) "" ["photo"]=> string(91) "" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(0) "" } ["titles"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(41) "Home of the Abducted Children in Baraddur" } ["gender"]=> string(0) "" ["birthday"]=> bool(false) ["house"]=> string(0) "" ["death"]=> string(0) "" ["related"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(9) "NannyDoom" } } ["title"]=> string(15) "Nursery of Doom" }

The Nursery of Doom was overseen by NannyDoom, who was the caretaker of all the abducted children in Baraddur.


The Nursery of Doom was located on Das, somewhere in the tower of Baraddur. Despite being located in Baraddur, the Nursery of Doom outwardly appeared to be a rather nice place that was very child safe. It closed after the death of NannyDoom, who was the caretaker of the children in the nursery.


The purpose of the Nursery of Doom was mostly an evil training facility for all the children that were abducted by evils. Many of the children who were in the Nursery of Doom were ones that Pythas had ordered to be kidnapped and brought to him. It is unknown why he chose certain children to be kidnapped, it is likely it was due to more significant reasons than simply because he desired more servants as Pythas had already enslaved entire races.

Life of an Abducted Child

Every day in the Nursery of Doom, the children were subjected to torture and brainwashing. The children would be read to from the Black Bible and taken on walks around Das to see the most evil sites and learn their history, instilling within them the desire to be evil.

NannyDoom would take pleasure in inflicting pain on the abducted children. She would also give new names to some of the children in her care to further remove them from their roots. Pythas would also visit once a month to inspect the nursery and children in it. If Pythas noticed any of the children acting even the slightest bit disrespectful, he would take them into the Pyramidon where he would brand them with a hot iron and subject them to any other punishments that he saw fit.

Despite the cruelty displayed towards the children, few, if any, of the residents of the Nursery of Doom ever died.


The Nursery of Doom would close after the death of NannyDoom as there was no one else to take on her role.
29TH JULY 2022 BY LOKI , BODY: F99BF0C3E167A0B0E6DCA385ECE927A6 , PROPS: 0488BA3DBA427BA7ECBB4A19F5540483 [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["info"]=> array(10) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Nursery of Doom" ["title"]=> string(0) "" ["photo"]=> string(91) "" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(0) "" } ["titles"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(41) "Home of the Abducted Children in Baraddur" } ["gender"]=> string(0) "" ["birthday"]=> bool(false) ["house"]=> string(0) "" ["death"]=> string(0) "" ["related"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(9) "NannyDoom" } } ["title"]=> string(15) "Nursery of Doom" }

The Nursery of Doom was overseen by NannyDoom, who was the caretaker of all the abducted children in Baraddur.


The Nursery of Doom was located on Das, somewhere in the tower of Baraddur. It closed after the death of NannyDoom, who was the caretaker of the children in the nursery.


The purpose of the Nursery of Doom was mostly an evil training facility for all the children that were abducted by evils. Many of the children who were in the Nursery of Doom were ones that Pythas had ordered to be kidnapped and brought to him. It is unknown why he chose certain children to be kidnapped, it is likely it was due to more significant reasons than simply because he desired more servants as Pythas had already enslaved entire races.

Life of an Abducted Child

Every day in the Nursery of Doom, the children were subjected to torture and brainwashing. The children would be read to from the Black Bible and taken on walks around Das to see the most evil sites and learn their history, instilling within them the desire to be evil.

NannyDoom would take pleasure in inflicting pain on the abducted children. She would also give new names to some of the children in her care to further remove them from their roots. Pythas would also visit once a month to inspect the nursery and children in it. If Pythas noticed any of the children acting even the slightest bit disrespectful, he would take them into the Pyramidon where he would brand them with a hot iron and subject them to any other punishments that he saw fit.


The Nursery of Doom would close after the death of NannyDoom as there was no one else to take on her role.
29TH JULY 2022 BY LOKI , BODY: 1638AB36B3CFAA877DFA68A34132AB57 , PROPS: 0488BA3DBA427BA7ECBB4A19F5540483 [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["info"]=> array(10) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Nursery of Doom" ["title"]=> string(0) "" ["photo"]=> string(91) "" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(0) "" } ["titles"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(41) "Home of the Abducted Children in Baraddur" } ["gender"]=> string(0) "" ["birthday"]=> bool(false) ["house"]=> string(0) "" ["death"]=> string(0) "" ["related"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(9) "NannyDoom" } } ["title"]=> string(15) "Nursery of Doom" }

The Nursery of Doom was overseen by NannyDoom, who was the caretaker of all the abducted children in Baraddur.


The Nursery of Doom was located on Das, somewhere in the tower of Baraddur. It closed after the death of NannyDoom, who was the caretaker of the children in the nursery.


The purpose of the Nursery of Doom was mostly an evil training facility for all the children that were abducted by evils. Many of the children who were in the Nursery of Doom were ones that Pythas had ordered to be kidnapped and brought to him. It is unknown why he chose certain children to be kidnapped, it is likely it was due to more significant reasons than simply because he desired more servants as Pythas had already enslaved entire races.

Life of an Abducted Child

Every day in the Nursery of Doom, the children were subjected to torture and brainwashing. The children would be read to from the Black Bible and taken on walks around Das to see the most evil sites and learn their history, instilling within them the desire to be evil.

NannyDoom would take pleasure in inflicting pain on the abducted children. She would also give new names to some of the children in her care to further remove them from their roots. Pythas would also visit once a month to inspect the nursery and children in it. If Pythas noticed any of the children acting even the slightest bit disrespectful, he would take them into the Pyramidon where he would brand them with a hot iron and subject them to any other punishments that he saw fit.


The Nursery of Doom would close after the death of NannyDoom as there was no one else to take on her role.
28TH JULY 2022 BY LOKI , BODY: 224B95D77D84FE4DB731F7709708DD64 , PROPS: 0488BA3DBA427BA7ECBB4A19F5540483 [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["info"]=> array(10) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Nursery of Doom" ["title"]=> string(0) "" ["photo"]=> string(91) "" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(0) "" } ["titles"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(41) "Home of the Abducted Children in Baraddur" } ["gender"]=> string(0) "" ["birthday"]=> bool(false) ["house"]=> string(0) "" ["death"]=> string(0) "" ["related"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(9) "NannyDoom" } } ["title"]=> string(15) "Nursery of Doom" }

The Nursery of Doom was overseen by NannyDoom, who was the caretaker of all the abducted children in Baraddur.


The Nursery of Doom was located on Das, somewhere in the tower of Baraddur. It closed after the death of NannyDoom, who was the caretaker of the children in the nursery.


The purpose of the Nursery of Doom was mostly an evil training facility for all the children that were abducted by evils. Many of the children who were in the Nursery of Doom were ones that Pythas had ordered to be kidnapped and brought to him. It is unknown why he chose certain children to be kidnapped, it is likely it was due to more significant reasons than simply because he desired more servants as Pythas had already enslaved entire races.

Life of an Abducted Child

Every day in the Nursery of Doom, the children were subjected to torture and brainwashing. The children would be read to from the Black Bible and taken on walks around Das to see the most evil sites and learn their history, instilling within them the desire to be evil.

NannyDoom would take pleasure in inflicting pain on the abducted children. She would also give new names to some of the children in her care to further remove them from their roots. Pythas would also visit once a month to inspect the nursery and children in it. If Pythas noticed any of the children acting even the slightest bit disrespectful, he would take them into the Pyramidon where he would brand them with a hot iron and subject them to any other punishments that he saw fit.


The Nursery of Doom would close after the death of NannyDoom as there was no one else to take on her role.
28TH JULY 2022 BY LOKI , BODY: 224B95D77D84FE4DB731F7709708DD64 , PROPS: F3FBADA0C5851013B42AF4934728A2FF [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["info"]=> array(10) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Nursery of Doom" ["title"]=> string(17) "Place in Baraddur" ["photo"]=> string(91) "" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(0) "" } ["titles"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(41) "Home of the Abducted Children in Baraddur" } ["gender"]=> string(0) "" ["birthday"]=> bool(false) ["house"]=> string(0) "" ["death"]=> string(0) "" ["related"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(9) "NannyDoom" } } ["title"]=> string(15) "Nursery of Doom" }

The Nursery of Doom was overseen by NannyDoom, who was the caretaker of all the abducted children in Baraddur.


The Nursery of Doom was located on Das, somewhere in the tower of Baraddur. It closed after the death of NannyDoom, who was the caretaker of the children in the nursery.


The purpose of the Nursery of Doom was mostly an evil training facility for all the children that were abducted by evils. Many of the children who were in the Nursery of Doom were ones that Pythas had ordered to be kidnapped and brought to him. It is unknown why he chose certain children to be kidnapped, it is likely it was due to more significant reasons than simply because he desired more servants as Pythas had already enslaved entire races.

Life of an Abducted Child

Every day in the Nursery of Doom, the children were subjected to torture and brainwashing. The children would be read to from the Black Bible and taken on walks around Das to see the most evil sites and learn their history, instilling within them the desire to be evil.

NannyDoom would take pleasure in inflicting pain on the abducted children. She would also give new names to some of the children in her care to further remove them from their roots. Pythas would also visit once a month to inspect the nursery and children in it. If Pythas noticed any of the children acting even the slightest bit disrespectful, he would take them into the Pyramidon where he would brand them with a hot iron and subject them to any other punishments that he saw fit.


The Nursery of Doom would close after the death of NannyDoom as there was no one else to take on her role.
28TH JULY 2022 BY LOKI , BODY: 224B95D77D84FE4DB731F7709708DD64 , PROPS: 459383FE86438EFDB6E72B634184C953 [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["info"]=> array(10) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Nursery of Doom" ["title"]=> string(26) "Home for Abducted Children" ["photo"]=> string(91) "" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(0) "" } ["titles"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(41) "Home of the Abducted Children in Baraddur" } ["gender"]=> string(0) "" ["birthday"]=> bool(false) ["house"]=> string(0) "" ["death"]=> string(0) "" ["related"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(9) "NannyDoom" } } ["title"]=> string(15) "Nursery of Doom" }

The Nursery of Doom was overseen by NannyDoom, who was the caretaker of all the abducted children in Baraddur.


The Nursery of Doom was located on Das, somewhere in the tower of Baraddur. It closed after the death of NannyDoom, who was the caretaker of the children in the nursery.


The purpose of the Nursery of Doom was mostly an evil training facility for all the children that were abducted by evils. Many of the children who were in the Nursery of Doom were ones that Pythas had ordered to be kidnapped and brought to him. It is unknown why he chose certain children to be kidnapped, it is likely it was due to more significant reasons than simply because he desired more servants as Pythas had already enslaved entire races.

Life of an Abducted Child

Every day in the Nursery of Doom, the children were subjected to torture and brainwashing. The children would be read to from the Black Bible and taken on walks around Das to see the most evil sites and learn their history, instilling within them the desire to be evil.

NannyDoom would take pleasure in inflicting pain on the abducted children. She would also give new names to some of the children in her care to further remove them from their roots. Pythas would also visit once a month to inspect the nursery and children in it. If Pythas noticed any of the children acting even the slightest bit disrespectful, he would take them into the Pyramidon where he would brand them with a hot iron and subject them to any other punishments that he saw fit.


The Nursery of Doom would close after the death of NannyDoom as there was no one else to take on her role.
28TH JULY 2022 BY LOKI , BODY: 224B95D77D84FE4DB731F7709708DD64 , PROPS: 870A55EE9A9F24D48F8DBD81BE018B98 [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["info"]=> array(10) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Nursery of Doom" ["title"]=> string(19) "Nursery in Baraddur" ["photo"]=> string(91) "" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(0) "" } ["titles"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(41) "Home of the Abducted Children in Baraddur" } ["gender"]=> string(0) "" ["birthday"]=> bool(false) ["house"]=> string(0) "" ["death"]=> string(0) "" ["related"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(9) "NannyDoom" } } ["title"]=> string(15) "Nursery of Doom" }

The Nursery of Doom was overseen by NannyDoom, who was the caretaker of all the abducted children in Baraddur.


The Nursery of Doom was located on Das, somewhere in the tower of Baraddur. It closed after the death of NannyDoom, who was the caretaker of the children in the nursery.


The purpose of the Nursery of Doom was mostly an evil training facility for all the children that were abducted by evils. Many of the children who were in the Nursery of Doom were ones that Pythas had ordered to be kidnapped and brought to him. It is unknown why he chose certain children to be kidnapped, it is likely it was due to more significant reasons than simply because he desired more servants as Pythas had already enslaved entire races.

Life of an Abducted Child

Every day in the Nursery of Doom, the children were subjected to torture and brainwashing. The children would be read to from the Black Bible and taken on walks around Das to see the most evil sites and learn their history, instilling within them the desire to be evil.

NannyDoom would take pleasure in inflicting pain on the abducted children. She would also give new names to some of the children in her care to further remove them from their roots. Pythas would also visit once a month to inspect the nursery and children in it. If Pythas noticed any of the children acting even the slightest bit disrespectful, he would take them into the Pyramidon where he would brand them with a hot iron and subject them to any other punishments that he saw fit.


The Nursery of Doom would close after the death of NannyDoom as there was no one else to take on her role.
28TH JULY 2022 BY LOKI , BODY: FD601C2026F4615044EE66FF19F56B77 , PROPS: 870A55EE9A9F24D48F8DBD81BE018B98 [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["info"]=> array(10) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Nursery of Doom" ["title"]=> string(19) "Nursery in Baraddur" ["photo"]=> string(91) "" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(0) "" } ["titles"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(41) "Home of the Abducted Children in Baraddur" } ["gender"]=> string(0) "" ["birthday"]=> bool(false) ["house"]=> string(0) "" ["death"]=> string(0) "" ["related"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(9) "NannyDoom" } } ["title"]=> string(15) "Nursery of Doom" }

The Nursery of Doom was overseen by NannyDoom, who was the caretaker of all the abducted children in Baraddur.


The Nursery of Doom was located on Das, somewhere in the tower of Baraddur. It closed after the death of NannyDoom, who was the caretaker of the children in the nursery.


The purpose of the Nursery of Doom was mostly an evil training facility for all the children that were abducted by evils. Many of the children who were in the Nursery of Doom were ones that Pythas had ordered to be kidnapped and brought to him. It is unknown why he chose certain children to be kidnapped, it is likely it was due to more significant reasons than simply because he desired more servants as Pythas had already enslaved entire races.

Life of an Abducted Child

Every day in the Nursery of Doom, the children were subjected to torture and brainwashing. The children would be read to from the Black Bible and taken on walks around Das to see the most evil sites and learn their history, instilling within them the desire to be evil.

NannyDoom would take pleasure in inflicting pain on the abducted children. She would also give new names to some of the children in her care to further remove them from their roots. Pythas would also visit once a month to inspect the nursery and children in it. If Pythas noticed any of the children acting even the slightest bit disrespectful, he would take them into the Pyramidon where he would brand them with a hot iron and subject them to any other punishments that he saw fit.
28TH JULY 2022 BY LOKI , BODY: 0868693011AF05F294CB72A5ED5A3D17 , PROPS: 870A55EE9A9F24D48F8DBD81BE018B98 [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["info"]=> array(10) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Nursery of Doom" ["title"]=> string(19) "Nursery in Baraddur" ["photo"]=> string(91) "" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(0) "" } ["titles"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(41) "Home of the Abducted Children in Baraddur" } ["gender"]=> string(0) "" ["birthday"]=> bool(false) ["house"]=> string(0) "" ["death"]=> string(0) "" ["related"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(9) "NannyDoom" } } ["title"]=> string(15) "Nursery of Doom" }

The Nursery of Doom was overseen by NannyDoom, who was the caretaker of all the abducted children in Baraddur.


The Nursery of Doom was located on Das, somewhere in the tower of Baraddur. It closed after the death of NannyDoom, who was the caretaker of the children in the nursery.


The purpose of the Nursery of Doom was mostly an evil training facility for all the children that were abducted by evils. Many of the children who were in the Nursery of Doom were ones that Pythas had ordered to be kidnapped and brought to him. It is unknown why he chose certain children to be kidnapped, it is likely it was due to more significant reasons than simply because he desired more servants as Pythas had already enslaved entire races.

Life of an Abducted Child

Every day in the Nursery of Doom, the children were subjected to torture and brainwashing. The children would be read to from the Black Bible and taken on walks around Das to see the most evil sites and learn their history, instilling within them the desire to be evil.

NannyDoom would take pleasure in inflicting pain on the abducted children. Pythas would also visit once a month to inspect the nursery and children in it. If Pythas noticed any of the children acting even the slightest bit disrespectful, he would take them into the Pyramidon where he would brand them with a hot iron and subject them to any other punishments that he saw fit.