
Change History of Wiki:Ranks

6TH NOVEMBER 2020 BY FABLE , BODY: 3D7D9F48F0D285B3C543658DD885495F , PROPS: EE33917BC2373084FF6A179DD7E20673 [RESTORE]

added a toooon

array(3) { ["title"]=> string(5) "Ranks" ["type"]=> string(7) "regular" ["info"]=> array(0) { } }


This article will list the full modern hierarchy of ranks belonging to the DamenSpike GAMES HQ. The ranks go in order of power. They include in-game ranks too.

Forbidden Tier


Banned is a rank belonging to those who are Banned from the DSGHQ. This may involve in-game and forum.


Suspended is a rank belonging to the suspended users, their state is similar to that of a Banned user but their ban expires after a set amount of time. (Maximum of 30 days, 23 hours and 59 minutes).


Recovery is a rank belonging to users whose password is stolen or known by other users. It stops users stop accessing the forum whilst their password is awaiting to be changed by the genuine account owner.

Regular Tier


Rookie is a rank belonging to newly registered users of the DSGHQ. They are unable to send mail to other users, dislike posts, make/edit wiki articles, or earn dsghq gold from posting. Users who are Rookies automatically become Members after they reach 100 posts.


Member is a rank belonging to qualified new users and are no longer classed as new/novice users. They become Members of the DSGHQ and may be trusted with earning new ranks in the future. All the limitations of Rookie are removed at this rank.

News Reporter

News Reporter is a rank for News Reporters of the DSGHQ. It is not a seriously global rank but is usually seen in-game and on forums. They deliver news in form of forum discussions.

Brother of the Watch

Brother of the Watch is an in-game rank for OldCP.biz only. They are undercover mediators and are only able to kick and ban users.


Knight is recognised globally on the DSGHQ forum and games. They are seen as 'Sir', appointed Knights to oversee protection and fighting where needed.

Penguin Watch Captain

Penguin Watch Captain is an in-game rank for OldCP.biz only. They are Captains over the secret brothers. They also make new brothers and make sure the brothers are doing a good job. They have the same powers as regular Brothers.


Master is a rank which belongs to users who have proven to be valuable and trusted DSGHQ members. Masters are only recognised on the DSGHQ forums but can also be seen as a credible candidate for a future in-game or forum moderator.


Reviewal is a rank belonging to Moderators who have an unconfirmed offence set against them. Until they are either vindicated or proven guilty, this rank will stop them from using Moderator abilities.


Lord belongs to users who have helped the governing of the DSGHQ in a vast way. This can include former Administrators, Helpers and Royal Wise Ones.

Wise Tier

Royal Wise Moth

Wise One is a rank for Royally qualified Wise Moth Counsellors who have had experience in wisdom and counselling.

Wise Tobler Moth Priest

Tobler Moth Priest belongs to Royal Tobler Moth Priests who are guardians of the Toblerscrolls in the OldCP Moth Temple hidden deep within the Rocketsnail Thrones complex. They are appointed especially with guarding OldCP with the power of the tobler scrolls. Eventually a Moth Priest becomes blind, and eventually retires to become a Blind Monk.

Wise Tobler Moth Ninja

After learning unique swordplay, the moth priest can decide to become a Moth Ninja! This allows the moth to turn invisible.

High Tobler Grand Moth Wise

Grand Moth Wise is the highest tier of Wise Moth possible, you are given full control of the council and manage moths. You may be given moderator based on experience. It is usually selected with a GOW.

Blind Monk of the Tobler Moths

Blind Monk is a rank only seen in-game. They are retired/demoted Tobler Moth Priests. They never change rank after receiving this position and they never leave the Moth Areas in the Rocketsnail Thrones complex. They are also given the job to teach the Priests how to be good Moth Priests.

Detective Tier


Detective is for DSGHQ Detectives in-game. This rank is only seen as a badge on the forum but in games is expressed through nickname color and subtitle. Detectives solve cases based on forensic analysis and make sure the crimezone area is secure.

Detective Corporal

Detective Corporal is the manager of Detective Assistants, making sure they stay out of trouble.

Detective Sergeant

Detective Sergeant is for the DSGHQ Crime Office Sergeant. This rank is only seen as a badge on the forum but in games is expressed through nickname color and subtitle. They are in charge of making sure detectives stay out of trouble, and securing crime scenes. This is a MILITARY rank. Current Sergeant is TOM.

Detective Inspector

Detective Inspector is for the DSGHQ Crime Office Inspector. This rank is only seen as a badge on the forum but in games is expressed through nickname color and subtitle. They manage the crime office and make sure detectives be punished or rewarded. This is a MILITARY rank. Current Inspector is Saber574

Moderator Tier


Moderator belongs to regular Moderators. It is an earn-able rank on the DSGHQ and most DSGHQ games and services.


Lady of the Bank or Lord of the Bank manages loans and POTM and wages given out. Current is Layla.

Knight Captain

Knight Captain is recognised globally on the DSGHQ forum and games. They are seen as 'Sir', appointed Knights to oversee protection and fighting where needed and command the DSGHQ Knights. They train new Knights and command any battles. Current is Randy.


Warlord is an in-game rank given to the Warlord of the DSGHQ. There can only be one Warlord and the Warlord rarely or never change(s).

Lord Commander

Lord Commander used to be a role for commanding the Emperor Guards. Since they have disbanded, it is now a rank for supreme knight manager and Knight Captain's boss. Current LC is Harry.

Island Tier


King/Queen of the North

KOTN (QOTN) is the leader of the north side of OldCP and assumes control to defend that portion of the land. They are usually given moderator and selected by Damen or the previous north monarch. They are able to also make north knights. Current QOTN is Little.

North Knight Captain

North Knight Captain[color] leads the north in defending it from destruction. They usually have a signature northern needle.

North Warlord

North Warlord is the champion of the North Warlord Tournament and is head of security in the north. There's only one and he/she watches over the knight captain and knights.


Top Dogg

Top Dogg is the leader of Providence island, the providence leader is selected by a battle to the death. The winner leads, the current leader is Accal Black.

[/sub]Providence Cavalier[/sub]
Cavaliers lead providence in defending it, there is also a cavalier captain. Since there's so often leaders popping up, many do not go for this rank.


King of Das

King/Queen of Das leads Das, the desert island. Maintaining order or disorder. The current ruler is Ungoliant.

Das Knight (Captain)

Das Knights defend Das and face all who come against them. They have daggers and swords, and eastern sabers.


King of Dorval

King of Dorval leads Dorval and makes sure all the Nightwatch knights are defending the land prosperously. Leader is Orlock.

Nightwatch Dorval Knights

Nightwatch knights are under the king or queen's rule and will do anything they say.


King of Cobia

King of Cobia rules Cobia, known for the Cobo royal family, based on Spain. Current Ruler is Prince Majorhalo!

Caballero are the defenders of Cobia.

Administration Tier


Administrator belongs to standard DSGHQ Administrators. This is a globally fitting rank which is seen on all the DSGHQ games and forums. An Administrator on the forums is also an Administrator on all the games. You cannot be an Administrator on a game and not an Administrator on the forum.

Emperor Helper

Emperor Helper belongs to the one and only Emperor Helper, the personal assistant of the Emperor. This rank can only belong to users who have been a standard Administrator previously. It is only seen as a badge on the forum but it is a separate rank in-game.


Princess belongs to the Princesses of the DSGHQ. It is a globally recognised rank in game and on forums.


Prince belongs to the Princes of the DSGHQ. It is a globally recognised rank in game and on forums.


Empress belongs to the Queen of the DSGHQ. There can only be one Queen, her heirs are the Princesses. It is a globally recognised rank in game and on forums.


Emperor belongs to the Emperor of the DSGHQ. An Emperor is usually given the Administrator rank on forums and game but is seen as just a text title on both.

Miscellaneous Ranks


Finalist is a temporary rank that is only recognised in-game for the period of time that a user is a finalist in a transpiring Game of Mods competition. The maximum lasting period of time a finalist has their rank is under around 48 hours.

Free Fighter

Free Fighter belongs to Knights who have chosen to work independently without the guidance of the Knight Captain. They fight for the Empire alone and must be already trusted.

World Champion

The DSGHQ World Champion is only a badge on the forum and a title on game along with rainbow branded apparel. It's a temporary position that lasts until the next DSGHQ WCI Champion.

Boss of OldCP

Boss of OldCP was a temporary one day rank that has only ever been seen once as the prize of the first Dingo Dongo Challenge won by Jilly.

Grand Champion

Grand Champion is an in-game rank given to the Grand Champion of the empire. The champion is said to be the greatest and most skilled warrior in the DSGHQ and is decided by ways of a competition. Current is Zes.

Royal Jester

Royal Jester is appointed by the Emperor to appease him in a humorous way. This allows Damen to calm down with people begging for moderator and such.

Meme King

Meme King is Mike, forever will be. His memes are eternal and will be.

Rap God

Rap God was gifted to Khal for making the best OldCP raps ever.


Singer is for the best singers in the community, the only one is Lady GAGA, somehow.


YOUTUBE is given to famous YOUTUBERS for being YOUTUBER. elOrinas is the only one at the moment.
6TH NOVEMBER 2020 BY FABLE , BODY: E7B39ED4A5F476CF1D1DA4880CB0B1AB , PROPS: EE33917BC2373084FF6A179DD7E20673 [RESTORE]

upd. still need more to add

array(3) { ["title"]=> string(5) "Ranks" ["type"]=> string(7) "regular" ["info"]=> array(0) { } }


This article will list the full modern hierarchy of ranks belonging to the DamenSpike GAMES HQ. The ranks go in order of power. They include in-game ranks too.

Forbidden Tier


Banned is a rank belonging to those who are Banned from the DSGHQ. This may involve in-game and forum.


Suspended is a rank belonging to the suspended users, their state is similar to that of a Banned user but their ban expires after a set amount of time. (Maximum of 30 days, 23 hours and 59 minutes).


Recovery is a rank belonging to users whose password is stolen or known by other users. It stops users stop accessing the forum whilst their password is awaiting to be changed by the genuine account owner.

Regular Tier


Rookie is a rank belonging to newly registered users of the DSGHQ. They are unable to send mail to other users, dislike posts, make/edit wiki articles, or earn dsghq gold from posting. Users who are Rookies automatically become Members after they reach 100 posts.


Member is a rank belonging to qualified new users and are no longer classed as new/novice users. They become Members of the DSGHQ and may be trusted with earning new ranks in the future. All the limitations of Rookie are removed at this rank.

News Reporter

News Reporter is a rank for News Reporters of the DSGHQ. It is not a seriously global rank but is usually seen in-game and on forums. They deliver news in form of forum discussions.

Brother of the Watch

Brother of the Watch is an in-game rank for OldCP.biz only. They are undercover mediators and are only able to kick and ban users.


Knight is recognised globally on the DSGHQ forum and games. They are seen as 'Sir', appointed Knights to oversee protection and fighting where needed.

Penguin Watch Captain

Penguin Watch Captain is an in-game rank for OldCP.biz only. They are Captains over the secret brothers. They also make new brothers and make sure the brothers are doing a good job. They have the same powers as regular Brothers.


Master is a rank which belongs to users who have proven to be valuable and trusted DSGHQ members. Masters are only recognised on the DSGHQ forums but can also be seen as a credible candidate for a future in-game or forum moderator.


Reviewal is a rank belonging to Moderators who have an unconfirmed offence set against them. Until they are either vindicated or proven guilty, this rank will stop them from using Moderator abilities.


Lord belongs to users who have helped the governing of the DSGHQ in a vast way. This can include former Administrators, Helpers and Royal Wise Ones.

Wise Tier

Royal Wise Moth

Wise One is a rank for Royally qualified Wise Moth Counsellors who have had experience in wisdom and counselling.

Wise Tobler Moth Priest

Tobler Moth Priest belongs to Royal Tobler Moth Priests who are guardians of the Toblerscrolls in the OldCP Moth Temple hidden deep within the Rocketsnail Thrones complex. They are appointed especially with guarding OldCP with the power of the tobler scrolls. Eventually a Moth Priest becomes blind, and eventually retires to become a Blind Monk.

Wise Tobler Moth Ninja

After learning unique swordplay, the moth priest can decide to become a Moth Ninja! This allows the moth to turn invisible.

High Tobler Grand Moth Wise

Grand Moth Wise is the highest tier of Wise Moth possible, you are given full control of the council and manage moths. You may be given moderator based on experience. It is usually selected with a GOW.

Detective Tier

Detective is for DSGHQ Detectives in-game. This rank is only seen as a badge on the forum but in games is expressed through nickname color and subtitle. Detectives solve cases based on forensic analysis and make sure the crimezone area is secure.

Detective Sergeant

Detective Sergeant is for the DSGHQ Crime Office Sergeant. This rank is only seen as a badge on the forum but in games is expressed through nickname color and subtitle.

Detective Inspector

Detective Inspector is for the DSGHQ Crime Office Inspector. This rank is only seen as a badge on the forum but in games is expressed through nickname color and subtitle.

Moderator Tier


Moderator belongs to regular Moderators. It is an earn-able rank on the DSGHQ and most DSGHQ games and services.

Knight Captain

Knight Captain is recognised globally on the DSGHQ forum and games. They are seen as 'Sir', appointed Knights to oversee protection and fighting where needed and command the DSGHQ Knights. They train new Knights and command any battles.


Warlord is an in-game rank given to the Warlord of the DSGHQ. There can only be one Warlord and the Warlord rarely or never change(s).

Island Tier


King/Queen of the North

KOTN (QOTN) is the leader of the north side of OldCP and assumes control to defend that portion of the land. They are usually given moderator and selected by Damen or the previous north monarch. They are able to also make north knights.

North Knight Captain

North Knight Captain[color] leads the north in defending it from destruction. They usually have a signature northern needle.

North Warlord

North Warlord is the champion of the North Warlord Tournament and is head of security in the north. There's only one and he/she watches over the knight captain and knights.

Administration Tier


Administrator belongs to standard DSGHQ Administrators. This is a globally fitting rank which is seen on all the DSGHQ games and forums. An Administrator on the forums is also an Administrator on all the games. You cannot be an Administrator on a game and not an Administrator on the forum.

Emperor Helper

Emperor Helper belongs to the one and only Emperor Helper, the personal assistant of the Emperor. This rank can only belong to users who have been a standard Administrator previously. It is only seen as a badge on the forum but it is a separate rank in-game.


Princess belongs to the Princesses of the DSGHQ. It is a globally recognised rank in game and on forums.


Prince belongs to the Princes of the DSGHQ. It is a globally recognised rank in game and on forums.


Empress belongs to the Queen of the DSGHQ. There can only be one Queen, her heirs are the Princesses. It is a globally recognised rank in game and on forums.


Emperor belongs to the Emperor of the DSGHQ. An Emperor is usually given the Administrator rank on forums and game but is seen as just a text title on both.

Miscellaneous Ranks


Finalist is a temporary rank that is only recognised in-game for the period of time that a user is a finalist in a transpiring Game of Mods competition. The maximum lasting period of time a finalist has their rank is under around 48 hours.

Blind Monk of the Tobler Moths

Blind Monk is a rank only seen in-game. They are retired/demoted Tobler Moth Priests. They never change rank after receiving this position and they never leave the Moth Areas in the Rocketsnail Thrones complex. They are also given the job to teach the Priests how to be good Moth Priests.

Free Fighter

Free Fighter belongs to Knights who have chosen to work independently without the guidance of the Knight Captain. They fight for the Empire alone and must be already trusted.

World Champion

The DSGHQ World Champion is only a badge on the forum and a title on game along with rainbow branded apparel. It's a temporary position that lasts until the next DSGHQ WCI Champion.

Boss of OldCP

Boss of OldCP was a temporary one day rank that has only ever been seen once as the prize of the first Dingo Dongo Challenge won by Jilly.

Grand Champion

Grand Champion is an in-game rank given to the Grand Champion of the empire. The champion is said to be the greatest and most skilled warrior in the DSGHQ and is decided by ways of a competition.

Fixed Grand Champion color error

array(2) { ["title"]=> string(5) "Ranks" ["layout"]=> string(7) "regular" }


This article will list the full modern hierarchy of ranks belonging to the DamenSpike GAMES HQ. The ranks go in order of power. They include in-game ranks too.

Forbidden Tier


Banned is a rank belonging to those who are Banned from the DSGHQ. This may involve in-game and forum.


Suspended is a rank belonging to the suspended users, their state is similar to that of a Banned user but their ban expires after a set amount of time. (Maximum of 30 days, 23 hours and 59 minutes).


Recovery is a rank belonging to users whose password is stolen or known by other users. It stops users stop accessing the forum whilst their password is awaiting to be changed by the genuine account owner.

Regular Tier


Rookie is a rank belonging to newly registered users of the DSGHQ. They are unable to send mail to other users, dislike posts, make/edit wiki articles, or earn dsghq gold from posting. Users who are Rookies automatically become Members after they reach 100 posts.


Member is a rank belonging to qualified new users and are no longer classed as new/novice users. They become Members of the DSGHQ and may be trusted with earning new ranks in the future. All the limitations of Rookie are removed at this rank.

News Reporter

News Reporter is a rank for News Reporters of the DSGHQ. It is not a seriously global rank but is usually seen in-game and on forums. They deliver news in form of forum discussions.

Brother of the Watch

Brother of the Watch is an in-game rank for OldCP.biz only. They are undercover mediators and are only able to kick and ban users.


Detective is for DSGHQ Detectives in-game. This rank is only seen as a badge on the forum but in games is expressed through nickname color and subtitle.


Knight is recognised globally on the DSGHQ forum and games. They are seen as 'Sir', appointed Knights to oversee protection and fighting where needed.

Knight Captain

Knight Captain is recognised globally on the DSGHQ forum and games. They are seen as 'Sir', appointed Knights to oversee protection and fighting where needed and command the DSGHQ Knights. They train new Knights and command any battles.


Warlord is an in-game rank given to the Warlord of the DSGHQ. There can only be one Warlord and the Warlord rarely or never change(s).

Penguin Watch Captain

Penguin Watch Captain is an in-game rank for OldCP.biz only. They are Captains over the secret brothers. They also make new brothers and make sure the brothers are doing a good job. They have the same powers as regular Brothers.

Royal Wise One

Wise One is a rank for Royally qualified Wise Counsellors who have had experience in wisdom and counselling.


Master is a rank which belongs to users who have proven to be valuable and trusted DSGHQ members. Masters are only recognised on the DSGHQ forums but can also be seen as a credible candidate for a future in-game or forum moderator.


Reviewal is a rank belonging to Moderators who have an unconfirmed offence set against them. Until they are either vindicated or proven guilty, this rank will stop them from using Moderator abilities.


Lord belongs to users who have helped the governing of the DSGHQ in a vast way. This can include former Administrators, Helpers and Royal Wise Ones.

Moderator Tier


Moderator belongs to regular Moderators. It is an earn-able rank on the DSGHQ and most DSGHQ games and services.

Detective Sergeant

Detective Sergeant is for the DSGHQ Crime Office Sergeant. This rank is only seen as a badge on the forum but in games is expressed through nickname color and subtitle.

Detective Inspector

Detective Inspector is for the DSGHQ Crime Office Inspector. This rank is only seen as a badge on the forum but in games is expressed through nickname color and subtitle.

Wise Tobler Moth Priest

Tobler Moth Priest belongs to Royal Tobler Moth Priests who are guardians of the Toblerscrolls in the OldCP Moth Temple hidden deep within the Rocketsnail Thrones complex. They are appointed especially with guarding OldCP with the power of a moderator and the military training of a Knight. Eventually a Moth Priest becomes blind, and eventually retires to become a Blind Monk.

Administration Tier


Administrator belongs to standard DSGHQ Administrators. This is a globally fitting rank which is seen on all the DSGHQ games and forums. An Administrator on the forums is also an Administrator on all the games. You cannot be an Administrator on a game and not an Administrator on the forum.

Emperor Helper

Emperor Helper belongs to the one and only Emperor Helper, the personal assistant of the Emperor. This rank can only belong to users who have been a standard Administrator previously. It is only seen as a badge on the forum but it is a separate rank in-game.


Princess belongs to the Princesses of the DSGHQ. It is a globally recognised rank in game and on forums.


Prince belongs to the Princes of the DSGHQ. It is a globally recognised rank in game and on forums.


Empress belongs to the Queen of the DSGHQ. There can only be one Queen, her heirs are the Princesses. It is a globally recognised rank in game and on forums.


Emperor belongs to the Emperor of the DSGHQ. An Emperor is usually given the Administrator rank on forums and game but is seen as just a text title on both.

Miscellaneous Ranks


Finalist is a temporary rank that is only recognised in-game for the period of time that a user is a finalist in a transpiring Game of Mods competition. The maximum lasting period of time a finalist has their rank is under around 48 hours.

Blind Monk of the Tobler Moths

Blind Monk is a rank only seen in-game. They are retired/demoted Tobler Moth Priests. They never change rank after receiving this position and they never leave the Moth Areas in the Rocketsnail Thrones complex. They are also given the job to teach the Priests how to be good Moth Priests.

Free Fighter

Free Fighter belongs to Knights who have chosen to work independently without the guidance of the Knight Captain. They fight for the Empire alone and must be already trusted.

World Champion

The DSGHQ World Champion is only a badge on the forum and a title on game along with rainbow branded apparel. It's a temporary position that lasts until the next DSGHQ WCI Champion.

Boss of OldCP

Boss of OldCP was a temporary one day rank that has only ever been seen once as the prize of the first Dingo Dongo Challenge won by Jilly.

Grand Champion

Grand Champion is an in-game rank given to the Grand Champion of the empire. The champion is said to be the greatest and most skilled warrior in the DSGHQ and is decided by ways of a competition.
14TH SEPTEMBER 2015 BY MATT , BODY: AFF60EA300172968BE4B3702E683F3E3 , PROPS: 3CAD2FCEC888EB0FEB7BF30162F96626 [RESTORE]

Added Grand Champion rank

array(2) { ["title"]=> string(5) "Ranks" ["layout"]=> string(7) "regular" }


This article will list the full modern hierarchy of ranks belonging to the DamenSpike GAMES HQ. The ranks go in order of power. They include in-game ranks too.

Forbidden Tier


Banned is a rank belonging to those who are Banned from the DSGHQ. This may involve in-game and forum.


Suspended is a rank belonging to the suspended users, their state is similar to that of a Banned user but their ban expires after a set amount of time. (Maximum of 30 days, 23 hours and 59 minutes).


Recovery is a rank belonging to users whose password is stolen or known by other users. It stops users stop accessing the forum whilst their password is awaiting to be changed by the genuine account owner.

Regular Tier


Rookie is a rank belonging to newly registered users of the DSGHQ. They are unable to send mail to other users, dislike posts, make/edit wiki articles, or earn dsghq gold from posting. Users who are Rookies automatically become Members after they reach 100 posts.


Member is a rank belonging to qualified new users and are no longer classed as new/novice users. They become Members of the DSGHQ and may be trusted with earning new ranks in the future. All the limitations of Rookie are removed at this rank.

News Reporter

News Reporter is a rank for News Reporters of the DSGHQ. It is not a seriously global rank but is usually seen in-game and on forums. They deliver news in form of forum discussions.

Brother of the Watch

Brother of the Watch is an in-game rank for OldCP.biz only. They are undercover mediators and are only able to kick and ban users.


Detective is for DSGHQ Detectives in-game. This rank is only seen as a badge on the forum but in games is expressed through nickname color and subtitle.


Knight is recognised globally on the DSGHQ forum and games. They are seen as 'Sir', appointed Knights to oversee protection and fighting where needed.

Knight Captain

Knight Captain is recognised globally on the DSGHQ forum and games. They are seen as 'Sir', appointed Knights to oversee protection and fighting where needed and command the DSGHQ Knights. They train new Knights and command any battles.


Warlord is an in-game rank given to the Warlord of the DSGHQ. There can only be one Warlord and the Warlord rarely or never change(s).

Penguin Watch Captain

Penguin Watch Captain is an in-game rank for OldCP.biz only. They are Captains over the secret brothers. They also make new brothers and make sure the brothers are doing a good job. They have the same powers as regular Brothers.

Royal Wise One

Wise One is a rank for Royally qualified Wise Counsellors who have had experience in wisdom and counselling.


Master is a rank which belongs to users who have proven to be valuable and trusted DSGHQ members. Masters are only recognised on the DSGHQ forums but can also be seen as a credible candidate for a future in-game or forum moderator.


Reviewal is a rank belonging to Moderators who have an unconfirmed offence set against them. Until they are either vindicated or proven guilty, this rank will stop them from using Moderator abilities.


Lord belongs to users who have helped the governing of the DSGHQ in a vast way. This can include former Administrators, Helpers and Royal Wise Ones.

Moderator Tier


Moderator belongs to regular Moderators. It is an earn-able rank on the DSGHQ and most DSGHQ games and services.

Detective Sergeant

Detective Sergeant is for the DSGHQ Crime Office Sergeant. This rank is only seen as a badge on the forum but in games is expressed through nickname color and subtitle.

Detective Inspector

Detective Inspector is for the DSGHQ Crime Office Inspector. This rank is only seen as a badge on the forum but in games is expressed through nickname color and subtitle.

Wise Tobler Moth Priest

Tobler Moth Priest belongs to Royal Tobler Moth Priests who are guardians of the Toblerscrolls in the OldCP Moth Temple hidden deep within the Rocketsnail Thrones complex. They are appointed especially with guarding OldCP with the power of a moderator and the military training of a Knight. Eventually a Moth Priest becomes blind, and eventually retires to become a Blind Monk.

Administration Tier


Administrator belongs to standard DSGHQ Administrators. This is a globally fitting rank which is seen on all the DSGHQ games and forums. An Administrator on the forums is also an Administrator on all the games. You cannot be an Administrator on a game and not an Administrator on the forum.

Emperor Helper

Emperor Helper belongs to the one and only Emperor Helper, the personal assistant of the Emperor. This rank can only belong to users who have been a standard Administrator previously. It is only seen as a badge on the forum but it is a separate rank in-game.


Princess belongs to the Princesses of the DSGHQ. It is a globally recognised rank in game and on forums.


Prince belongs to the Princes of the DSGHQ. It is a globally recognised rank in game and on forums.


Empress belongs to the Queen of the DSGHQ. There can only be one Queen, her heirs are the Princesses. It is a globally recognised rank in game and on forums.


Emperor belongs to the Emperor of the DSGHQ. An Emperor is usually given the Administrator rank on forums and game but is seen as just a text title on both.

Miscellaneous Ranks


Finalist is a temporary rank that is only recognised in-game for the period of time that a user is a finalist in a transpiring Game of Mods competition. The maximum lasting period of time a finalist has their rank is under around 48 hours.

Blind Monk of the Tobler Moths

Blind Monk is a rank only seen in-game. They are retired/demoted Tobler Moth Priests. They never change rank after receiving this position and they never leave the Moth Areas in the Rocketsnail Thrones complex. They are also given the job to teach the Priests how to be good Moth Priests.

Free Fighter

Free Fighter belongs to Knights who have chosen to work independently without the guidance of the Knight Captain. They fight for the Empire alone and must be already trusted.

World Champion

The DSGHQ World Champion is only a badge on the forum and a title on game along with rainbow branded apparel. It's a temporary position that lasts until the next DSGHQ WCI Champion.

Boss of OldCP

Boss of OldCP was a temporary one day rank that has only ever been seen once as the prize of the first Dingo Dongo Challenge won by Jilly.

Grand Champion

is an in-game rank given to the Grand Champion of the empire. The champion is said to be the greatest and most skilled warrior in the DSGHQ and is decided by ways of a competition.

Changed "Queen" to "Empress," the updated version of the rank

array(2) { ["title"]=> string(5) "Ranks" ["layout"]=> string(7) "regular" }


This article will list the full modern hierarchy of ranks belonging to the DamenSpike GAMES HQ. The ranks go in order of power. They include in-game ranks too.

Forbidden Tier


Banned is a rank belonging to those who are Banned from the DSGHQ. This may involve in-game and forum.


Suspended is a rank belonging to the suspended users, their state is similar to that of a Banned user but their ban expires after a set amount of time. (Maximum of 30 days, 23 hours and 59 minutes).


Recovery is a rank belonging to users whose password is stolen or known by other users. It stops users stop accessing the forum whilst their password is awaiting to be changed by the genuine account owner.

Regular Tier


Rookie is a rank belonging to newly registered users of the DSGHQ. They are unable to send mail to other users, dislike posts, make/edit wiki articles, or earn dsghq gold from posting. Users who are Rookies automatically become Members after they reach 100 posts.


Member is a rank belonging to qualified new users and are no longer classed as new/novice users. They become Members of the DSGHQ and may be trusted with earning new ranks in the future. All the limitations of Rookie are removed at this rank.

News Reporter

News Reporter is a rank for News Reporters of the DSGHQ. It is not a seriously global rank but is usually seen in-game and on forums. They deliver news in form of forum discussions.

Brother of the Watch

Brother of the Watch is an in-game rank for OldCP.biz only. They are undercover mediators and are only able to kick and ban users.


Detective is for DSGHQ Detectives in-game. This rank is only seen as a badge on the forum but in games is expressed through nickname color and subtitle.


Knight is recognised globally on the DSGHQ forum and games. They are seen as 'Sir', appointed Knights to oversee protection and fighting where needed.

Knight Captain

Knight Captain is recognised globally on the DSGHQ forum and games. They are seen as 'Sir', appointed Knights to oversee protection and fighting where needed and command the DSGHQ Knights. They train new Knights and command any battles.


Warlord is an in-game rank given to the Warlord of the DSGHQ. There can only be one Warlord and the Warlord rarely or never change(s).

Penguin Watch Captain

Penguin Watch Captain is an in-game rank for OldCP.biz only. They are Captains over the secret brothers. They also make new brothers and make sure the brothers are doing a good job. They have the same powers as regular Brothers.

Royal Wise One

Wise One is a rank for Royally qualified Wise Counsellors who have had experience in wisdom and counselling.


Master is a rank which belongs to users who have proven to be valuable and trusted DSGHQ members. Masters are only recognised on the DSGHQ forums but can also be seen as a credible candidate for a future in-game or forum moderator.


Reviewal is a rank belonging to Moderators who have an unconfirmed offence set against them. Until they are either vindicated or proven guilty, this rank will stop them from using Moderator abilities.


Lord belongs to users who have helped the governing of the DSGHQ in a vast way. This can include former Administrators, Helpers and Royal Wise Ones.

Moderator Tier


Moderator belongs to regular Moderators. It is an earn-able rank on the DSGHQ and most DSGHQ games and services.

Detective Sergeant

Detective Sergeant is for the DSGHQ Crime Office Sergeant. This rank is only seen as a badge on the forum but in games is expressed through nickname color and subtitle.

Detective Inspector

Detective Inspector is for the DSGHQ Crime Office Inspector. This rank is only seen as a badge on the forum but in games is expressed through nickname color and subtitle.

Wise Tobler Moth Priest

Tobler Moth Priest belongs to Royal Tobler Moth Priests who are guardians of the Toblerscrolls in the OldCP Moth Temple hidden deep within the Rocketsnail Thrones complex. They are appointed especially with guarding OldCP with the power of a moderator and the military training of a Knight. Eventually a Moth Priest becomes blind, and eventually retires to become a Blind Monk.

Administration Tier


Administrator belongs to standard DSGHQ Administrators. This is a globally fitting rank which is seen on all the DSGHQ games and forums. An Administrator on the forums is also an Administrator on all the games. You cannot be an Administrator on a game and not an Administrator on the forum.

Emperor Helper

Emperor Helper belongs to the one and only Emperor Helper, the personal assistant of the Emperor. This rank can only belong to users who have been a standard Administrator previously. It is only seen as a badge on the forum but it is a separate rank in-game.


Princess belongs to the Princesses of the DSGHQ. It is a globally recognised rank in game and on forums.


Prince belongs to the Princes of the DSGHQ. It is a globally recognised rank in game and on forums.


Empress belongs to the Queen of the DSGHQ. There can only be one Queen, her heirs are the Princesses. It is a globally recognised rank in game and on forums.


Emperor belongs to the Emperor of the DSGHQ. An Emperor is usually given the Administrator rank on forums and game but is seen as just a text title on both.

Miscellaneous Ranks


Finalist is a temporary rank that is only recognised in-game for the period of time that a user is a finalist in a transpiring Game of Mods competition. The maximum lasting period of time a finalist has their rank is under around 48 hours.

Blind Monk of the Tobler Moths

Blind Monk is a rank only seen in-game. They are retired/demoted Tobler Moth Priests. They never change rank after receiving this position and they never leave the Moth Areas in the Rocketsnail Thrones complex. They are also given the job to teach the Priests how to be good Moth Priests.

Free Fighter

Free Fighter belongs to Knights who have chosen to work independently without the guidance of the Knight Captain. They fight for the Empire alone and must be already trusted.

Boss of OldCP

Boss of OldCP was a temporary one day rank that has only ever been seen once as the prize of the first Dingo Dongo Challenge won by Jilly.

World Champion

The DSGHQ World Champion is only a badge on the forum and a title on game along with rainbow branded apparel. It's a temporary position that lasts until the next DSGHQ WCI Champion.
22ND JANUARY 2015 BY DAMEN , BODY: 70C3DFE86C55F5F1A4737266B54575BF , PROPS: 2EB43EDA7FCAEC7C9301445045BB08A6 [RESTORE]


array(3) { ["title"]=> string(5) "Ranks" ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(7) "regular" }


This article will list the full modern hierarchy of ranks belonging to the DamenSpike GAMES HQ. The ranks go in order of power. They include in-game ranks too.

Forbidden Tier


Banned is a rank belonging to those who are Banned from the DSGHQ. This may involve in-game and forum.


Suspended is a rank belonging to the suspended users, their state is similar to that of a Banned user but their ban expires after a set amount of time. (Maximum of 30 days, 23 hours and 59 minutes).


Recovery is a rank belonging to users whose password is stolen or known by other users. It stops users stop accessing the forum whilst their password is awaiting to be changed by the genuine account owner.

Regular Tier


Rookie is a rank belonging to newly registered users of the DSGHQ. They are unable to send mail to other users, dislike posts, make/edit wiki articles, or earn dsghq gold from posting. Users who are Rookies automatically become Members after they reach 100 posts.


Member is a rank belonging to qualified new users and are no longer classed as new/novice users. They become Members of the DSGHQ and may be trusted with earning new ranks in the future. All the limitations of Rookie are removed at this rank.

News Reporter

News Reporter is a rank for News Reporters of the DSGHQ. It is not a seriously global rank but is usually seen in-game and on forums. They deliver news in form of forum discussions.

Brother of the Watch

Brother of the Watch is an in-game rank for OldCP.biz only. They are undercover mediators and are only able to kick and ban users.


Detective is for DSGHQ Detectives in-game. This rank is only seen as a badge on the forum but in games is expressed through nickname color and subtitle.


Knight is recognised globally on the DSGHQ forum and games. They are seen as 'Sir', appointed Knights to oversee protection and fighting where needed.

Knight Captain

Knight Captain is recognised globally on the DSGHQ forum and games. They are seen as 'Sir', appointed Knights to oversee protection and fighting where needed and command the DSGHQ Knights. They train new Knights and command any battles.


Warlord is an in-game rank given to the Warlord of the DSGHQ. There can only be one Warlord and the Warlord rarely or never change(s).

Penguin Watch Captain

Penguin Watch Captain is an in-game rank for OldCP.biz only. They are Captains over the secret brothers. They also make new brothers and make sure the brothers are doing a good job. They have the same powers as regular Brothers.

Royal Wise One

Wise One is a rank for Royally qualified Wise Counsellors who have had experience in wisdom and counselling.


Master is a rank which belongs to users who have proven to be valuable and trusted DSGHQ members. Masters are only recognised on the DSGHQ forums but can also be seen as a credible candidate for a future in-game or forum moderator.


Reviewal is a rank belonging to Moderators who have an unconfirmed offence set against them. Until they are either vindicated or proven guilty, this rank will stop them from using Moderator abilities.


Lord belongs to users who have helped the governing of the DSGHQ in a vast way. This can include former Administrators, Helpers and Royal Wise Ones.

Moderator Tier


Moderator belongs to regular Moderators. It is an earn-able rank on the DSGHQ and most DSGHQ games and services.

Detective Sergeant

Detective Sergeant is for the DSGHQ Crime Office Sergeant. This rank is only seen as a badge on the forum but in games is expressed through nickname color and subtitle.

Detective Inspector

Detective Inspector is for the DSGHQ Crime Office Inspector. This rank is only seen as a badge on the forum but in games is expressed through nickname color and subtitle.

Wise Tobler Moth Priest

Tobler Moth Priest belongs to Royal Tobler Moth Priests who are guardians of the Toblerscrolls in the OldCP Moth Temple hidden deep within the Rocketsnail Thrones complex. They are appointed especially with guarding OldCP with the power of a moderator and the military training of a Knight. Eventually a Moth Priest becomes blind, and eventually retires to become a Blind Monk.

Administration Tier


Administrator belongs to standard DSGHQ Administrators. This is a globally fitting rank which is seen on all the DSGHQ games and forums. An Administrator on the forums is also an Administrator on all the games. You cannot be an Administrator on a game and not an Administrator on the forum.

Emperor Helper

Emperor Helper belongs to the one and only Emperor Helper, the personal assistant of the Emperor. This rank can only belong to users who have been a standard Administrator previously. It is only seen as a badge on the forum but it is a separate rank in-game.


Princess belongs to the Princesses of the DSGHQ. It is a globally recognised rank in game and on forums.


Prince belongs to the Princes of the DSGHQ. It is a globally recognised rank in game and on forums.


Queen belongs to the Queen of the DSGHQ. There can only be one Queen, her heirs are the Princesses. It is a globally recognised rank in game and on forums.


Emperor belongs to the Emperor of the DSGHQ. An Emperor is usually given the Administrator rank on forums and game but is seen as just a text title on both.

Miscellaneous Ranks


Finalist is a temporary rank that is only recognised in-game for the period of time that a user is a finalist in a transpiring Game of Mods competition. The maximum lasting period of time a finalist has their rank is under around 48 hours.

Blind Monk of the Tobler Moths

Blind Monk is a rank only seen in-game. They are retired/demoted Tobler Moth Priests. They never change rank after receiving this position and they never leave the Moth Areas in the Rocketsnail Thrones complex. They are also given the job to teach the Priests how to be good Moth Priests.

Free Fighter

Free Fighter belongs to Knights who have chosen to work independently without the guidance of the Knight Captain. They fight for the Empire alone and must be already trusted.

Boss of OldCP

Boss of OldCP was a temporary one day rank that has only ever been seen once as the prize of the first Dingo Dongo Challenge won by Jilly.

World Champion

The DSGHQ World Champion is only a badge on the forum and a title on game along with rainbow branded apparel. It's a temporary position that lasts until the next DSGHQ WCI Champion.
19TH JANUARY 2015 BY DAMEN , BODY: 034622571B63E409683C27E623677A47 , PROPS: 2EB43EDA7FCAEC7C9301445045BB08A6 [RESTORE]


array(3) { ["title"]=> string(5) "Ranks" ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(7) "regular" }


This article will list the full modern hierarchy of ranks belonging to the DamenSpike GAMES HQ. The ranks go in order of power. They include in-game ranks too.

Forbidden Tier


Banned is a rank belonging to those who are Banned from the DSGHQ. This may involve in-game and forum.


Suspended is a rank belonging to the suspended users, their state is similar to that of a Banned user but their ban expires after a set amount of time. (Maximum of 30 days, 23 hours and 59 minutes).


Recovery is a rank belonging to users whose password is stolen or known by other users. It stops users stop accessing the forum whilst their password is awaiting to be changed by the genuine account owner.

Regular Tier


Rookie is a rank belonging to newly registered users of the DSGHQ. They are unable to send mail to other users, dislike posts, make/edit wiki articles, or earn dsghq gold from posting. Users who are Rookies automatically become Members after they reach 100 posts.


Member is a rank belonging to qualified new users and are no longer classed as new/novice users. They become Members of the DSGHQ and may be trusted with earning new ranks in the future. All the limitations of Rookie are removed at this rank.

News Reporter

News Reporter is a rank for News Reporters of the DSGHQ. It is not a seriously global rank but is usually seen in-game and on forums. They deliver news in form of forum discussions.

Brother of the Watch

Brother of the Watch is an in-game rank for OldCP.biz only. They are undercover mediators and are only able to kick and ban users.


Detective is for DSGHQ Detectives in-game. This rank is only seen as a badge on the forum but in games is expressed through nickname color and subtitle.


Knight is recognised globally on the DSGHQ forum and games. They are seen as 'Sir', appointed Knights to oversee protection and fighting where needed.

Knight Captain

Knight Captain is recognised globally on the DSGHQ forum and games. They are seen as 'Sir', appointed Knights to oversee protection and fighting where needed and command the DSGHQ Knights. They train new Knights and command any battles.

Penguin Watch Captain

Penguin Watch Captain is an in-game rank for OldCP.biz only. They are Captains over the secret brothers. They also make new brothers and make sure the brothers are doing a good job. They have the same powers as regular Brothers.

Royal Wise One

Wise One is a rank for Royally qualified Wise Counsellors who have had experience in wisdom and counselling.


Master is a rank which belongs to users who have proven to be valuable and trusted DSGHQ members. Masters are only recognised on the DSGHQ forums but can also be seen as a credible candidate for a future in-game or forum moderator.


Reviewal is a rank belonging to Moderators who have an unconfirmed offence set against them. Until they are either vindicated or proven guilty, this rank will stop them from using Moderator abilities.


Lord belongs to users who have helped the governing of the DSGHQ in a vast way. This can include former Administrators, Helpers and Royal Wise Ones.

Moderator Tier


Moderator belongs to regular Moderators. It is an earn-able rank on the DSGHQ and most DSGHQ games and services.

Detective Sergeant

Detective Sergeant is for the DSGHQ Crime Office Sergeant. This rank is only seen as a badge on the forum but in games is expressed through nickname color and subtitle.

Detective Inspector

Detective Inspector is for the DSGHQ Crime Office Inspector. This rank is only seen as a badge on the forum but in games is expressed through nickname color and subtitle.

Wise Tobler Moth Priest

Tobler Moth Priest belongs to Royal Tobler Moth Priests who are guardians of the Toblerscrolls in the OldCP Moth Temple hidden deep within the Rocketsnail Thrones complex. They are appointed especially with guarding OldCP with the power of a moderator and the military training of a Knight. Eventually a Moth Priest becomes blind, and eventually retires to become a Blind Monk.

Administration Tier


Administrator belongs to standard DSGHQ Administrators. This is a globally fitting rank which is seen on all the DSGHQ games and forums. An Administrator on the forums is also an Administrator on all the games. You cannot be an Administrator on a game and not an Administrator on the forum.

Emperor Helper

Emperor Helper belongs to the one and only Emperor Helper, the personal assistant of the Emperor. This rank can only belong to users who have been a standard Administrator previously. It is only seen as a badge on the forum but it is a separate rank in-game.


Princess belongs to the Princesses of the DSGHQ. It is a globally recognised rank in game and on forums.


Prince belongs to the Princes of the DSGHQ. It is a globally recognised rank in game and on forums.


Queen belongs to the Queen of the DSGHQ. There can only be one Queen, her heirs are the Princesses. It is a globally recognised rank in game and on forums.


Emperor belongs to the Emperor of the DSGHQ. An Emperor is usually given the Administrator rank on forums and game but is seen as just a text title on both.

Miscellaneous Ranks


Finalist is a temporary rank that is only recognised in-game for the period of time that a user is a finalist in a transpiring Game of Mods competition. The maximum lasting period of time a finalist has their rank is under around 48 hours.

Blind Monk of the Tobler Moths

Blind Monk is a rank only seen in-game. They are retired/demoted Tobler Moth Priests. They never change rank after receiving this position and they never leave the Moth Areas in the Rocketsnail Thrones complex. They are also given the job to teach the Priests how to be good Moth Priests.

Free Fighter

Free Fighter belongs to Knights who have chosen to work independently without the guidance of the Knight Captain. They fight for the Empire alone and must be already trusted.

Boss of OldCP

Boss of OldCP was a temporary one day rank that has only ever been seen once as the prize of the first Dingo Dongo Challenge won by Jilly.

World Champion

The DSGHQ World Champion is only a badge on the forum and a title on game along with rainbow branded apparel. It's a temporary position that lasts until the next DSGHQ WCI Champion.


array(3) { ["title"]=> string(5) "Ranks" ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(7) "regular" }


This article will list the full modern hierarchy of ranks belonging to the DamenSpike GAMES HQ. The ranks go in order of power. They include in-game ranks too.

Forbidden Tier


Banned is a rank belonging to those who are Banned from the DSGHQ. This may involve in-game and forum.


Suspended is a rank belonging to the suspended users, their state is similar to that of a Banned user but their ban expires after a set amount of time. (Maximum of 30 days, 23 hours and 59 minutes).


Recovery is a rank belonging to users whose password is stolen or known by other users. It stops users stop accessing the forum whilst their password is awaiting to be changed by the genuine account owner.

Regular Tier


Rookie is a rank belonging to newly registered users of the DSGHQ. They are unable to send mail to other users, dislike posts, make/edit wiki articles, or earn dsghq gold from posting. Users who are Rookies automatically become Members after they reach 100 posts.


Member is a rank belonging to qualified new users and are no longer classed as new/novice users. They become Members of the DSGHQ and may be trusted with earning new ranks in the future. All the limitations of Rookie are removed at this rank.

News Reporter

News Reporter is a rank for News Reporters of the DSGHQ. It is not a seriously global rank but is usually seen in-game and on forums. They deliver news in form of forum discussions.

Brother of the Watch

Brother of the Watch is an in-game rank for OldCP.biz only. They are undercover mediators and are only able to kick and ban users.


Detective is for DSGHQ Detectives in-game. This rank is only seen as a badge on the forum but in games is expressed through nickname color and subtitle.


Knight is recognised globally on the DSGHQ forum and games. They are seen as 'Sir', appointed Knights to oversee protection and fighting where needed.

Knight Captain

Knight Captain is recognised globally on the DSGHQ forum and games. They are seen as 'Sir', appointed Knights to oversee protection and fighting where needed and command the DSGHQ Knights. They train new Knights and command any battles.

Penguin Watch Captain

Penguin Watch Captain is an in-game rank for OldCP.biz only. They are Captains over the secret brothers. They also make new brothers and make sure the brothers are doing a good job. They have the same powers as regular Brothers.

Royal Wise One

Wise One is a rank for Royally qualified Wise Counsellors who have had experience in wisdom and counselling.


Master is a rank which belongs to users who have proven to be valuable and trusted DSGHQ members. Masters are only recognised on the DSGHQ forums but can also be seen as a credible candidate for a future in-game or forum moderator.


Reviewal is a rank belonging to Moderators who have an unconfirmed offence set against them. Until they are either vindicated or proven guilty, this rank will stop them from using Moderator abilities.


Lord belongs to users who have helped the governing of the DSGHQ in a vast way. This can include former Administrators, Helpers and Royal Wise Ones.

Moderator Tier


Moderator belongs to regular Moderators. It is an earn-able rank on the DSGHQ and most DSGHQ games and services.

Detective Sergeant

Detective Sergeant is for the DSGHQ Crime Office Sergeant. This rank is only seen as a badge on the forum but in games is expressed through nickname color and subtitle.

Detective Inspector

Detective Inspector is for the DSGHQ Crime Office Inspector. This rank is only seen as a badge on the forum but in games is expressed through nickname color and subtitle.

Wise Tobler Moth Priest

Tobler Moth Priest belongs to Royal Tobler Moth Priests who are guardians of the Toblerscrolls in the OldCP Moth Temple hidden deep within the Rocketsnail Thrones complex. They are appointed especially with guarding OldCP with the power of a moderator and the military training of a Knight. Eventually a Moth Priest becomes blind, and eventually retires to become a Blind Monk.

Administration Tier


Administrator belongs to standard DSGHQ Administrators. This is a globally fitting rank which is seen on all the DSGHQ games and forums. An Administrator on the forums is also an Administrator on all the games. You cannot be an Administrator on a game and not an Administrator on the forum.

Emperor Helper

Emperor Helper belongs to the one and only Emperor Helper, the personal assistant of the Emperor. This rank can only belong to users who have been a standard Administrator previously. It is only seen as a badge on the forum but it is a separate rank in-game.


Princess belongs to the Princesses of the DSGHQ. It is a globally recognised rank in game and on forums.


Prince belongs to the Princes of the DSGHQ. It is a globally recognised rank in game and on forums.


Queen belongs to the Queen of the DSGHQ. There can only be one Queen, her heirs are the Princesses. It is a globally recognised rank in game and on forums.


Emperor belongs to the Emperor of the DSGHQ. An Emperor is usually given the Administrator rank on forums and game but is seen as just a text title on both.

Miscellaneous Ranks


Finalist is a temporary rank that is only recognised in-game for the period of time that a user is a finalist in a transpiring Game of Mods competition. The maximum lasting period of time a finalist has their rank is under around 48 hours.

Blind Monk of the Tobler Moths

Blind Monk is a rank only seen in-game. They are retired/demoted Tobler Moth Priests. They never change rank after receiving this position and they never leave the Moth Areas in the Rocketsnail Thrones complex. They are also given the job to teach the Priests how to be good Moth Priests.

Free Fighter

Free Fighter belongs to Knights who have chosen to work independently without the guidance of the Knight Captain. They fight for the Empire alone and must be already trusted.

Boss of OldCP

Boss of OldCP was a temporary one day rank that has only ever been seen once as the prize of the first Dingo Dongo Challenge won by Jilly.
19TH JANUARY 2015 BY DAMEN , BODY: 8D28438FA8C270234E6176137C5C6E5C , PROPS: 2EB43EDA7FCAEC7C9301445045BB08A6 [RESTORE]


array(3) { ["title"]=> string(5) "Ranks" ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(7) "regular" }


This article will list the full modern hierarchy of ranks belonging to the DamenSpike GAMES HQ. The ranks go in order of power. They include in-game ranks too.

Forbidden Tier


Banned is a rank belonging to those who are Banned from the DSGHQ. This may involve in-game and forum.


Suspended is a rank belonging to the suspended users, their state is similar to that of a Banned user but their ban expires after a set amount of time. (Maximum of 30 days, 23 hours and 59 minutes).


Recovery is a rank belonging to users whose password is stolen or known by other users. It stops users stop accessing the forum whilst their password is awaiting to be changed by the genuine account owner.

Regular Tier


Rookie is a rank belonging to newly registered users of the DSGHQ. They are unable to send mail to other users, dislike posts, make/edit wiki articles, or earn dsghq gold from posting. Users who are Rookies automatically become Members after they reach 100 posts.


Member is a rank belonging to qualified new users and are no longer classed as new/novice users. They become Members of the DSGHQ and may be trusted with earning new ranks in the future. All the limitations of Rookie are removed at this rank.

News Reporter

News Reporter is a rank for News Reporters of the DSGHQ. It is not a seriously global rank but is usually seen in-game and on forums. They deliver news in form of forum discussions.


Detective is for DSGHQ Detectives in-game. This rank is only seen as a badge on the forum but in games is expressed through nickname color and subtitle.


Knight is recognised globally on the DSGHQ forum and games. They are seen as 'Sir', appointed Knights to oversee protection and fighting where needed.

Royal Wise One

Wise One is a rank for Royally qualified Wise Counsellors who have had experience in wisdom and counselling.


Master is a rank which belongs to users who have proven to be valuable and trusted DSGHQ members. Masters are only recognised on the DSGHQ forums but can also be seen as a credible candidate for a future in-game or forum moderator.


Reviewal is a rank belonging to Moderators who have an unconfirmed offence set against them. Until they are either vindicated or proven guilty, this rank will stop them from using Moderator abilities.


Lord belongs to users who have helped the governing of the DSGHQ in a vast way. This can include former Administrators, Helpers and Royal Wise Ones.

Moderator Tier


Moderator belongs to regular Moderators. It is an earn-able rank on the DSGHQ and most DSGHQ games and services.

Detective Sergeant

Detective Sergeant is for the DSGHQ Crime Office Sergeant. This rank is only seen as a badge on the forum but in games is expressed through nickname color and subtitle.

Detective Inspector

Detective Inspector is for the DSGHQ Crime Office Inspector. This rank is only seen as a badge on the forum but in games is expressed through nickname color and subtitle.

Wise Tobler Moth Priest

Tobler Moth Priest belongs to Royal Tobler Moth Priests who are guardians of the Toblerscrolls in the OldCP Moth Temple hidden deep within the Rocketsnail Thrones complex. They are appointed especially with guarding OldCP with the power of a moderator and the military training of a Knight. Eventually a Moth Priest becomes blind, and eventually retires to become a Blind Monk.

Administration Tier


Administrator belongs to standard DSGHQ Administrators. This is a globally fitting rank which is seen on all the DSGHQ games and forums. An Administrator on the forums is also an Administrator on all the games. You cannot be an Administrator on a game and not an Administrator on the forum.

Emperor Helper

Emperor Helper belongs to the one and only Emperor Helper, the personal assistant of the Emperor. This rank can only belong to users who have been a standard Administrator previously. It is only seen as a badge on the forum but it is a separate rank in-game.


Princess belongs to the Princesses of the DSGHQ. It is a globally recognised rank in game and on forums.


Prince belongs to the Princes of the DSGHQ. It is a globally recognised rank in game and on forums.


Queen belongs to the Queen of the DSGHQ. There can only be one Queen, her heirs are the Princesses. It is a globally recognised rank in game and on forums.


Emperor belongs to the Emperor of the DSGHQ. An Emperor is usually given the Administrator rank on forums and game but is seen as just a text title on both.

Miscellaneous Ranks


Finalist is a temporary rank that is only recognised in-game for the period of time that a user is a finalist in a transpiring Game of Mods competition. The maximum lasting period of time a finalist has their rank is under around 48 hours.

Blind Monk of the Tobler Moths

Blind Monk is a rank seen in-game. They are retired/demoted Tobler Moth Priests. They never change rank after receiving this position and they never leave the Moth Areas in the Rocketsnail Thrones complex.

No reason given

array(3) { ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["title"]=> string(5) "Ranks" ["layout"]=> string(7) "regular" }


This article will list the full modern hierarchy of ranks belonging to the DamenSpike GAMES HQ. The ranks go in order of power. They include in-game ranks too.

Forbidden Tier


Banned is a rank belonging to those who are Banned from the DSGHQ. This may involve in-game and forum.


Suspended is a rank belonging to the suspended users, their state is similar to that of a Banned user but their ban expires after a set amount of time. (Maximum of 30 days, 23 hours and 59 minutes).


Recovery is a rank belonging to users whose password is stolen or known by other users. It stops users stop accessing the forum whilst their password is awaiting to be changed by the genuine account owner.

Regular Tier


Rookie is a rank belonging to newly registered users of the DSGHQ. They are unable to send mail to other users, dislike posts, make/edit wiki articles, or earn dsghq gold from posting. Users who are Rookies automatically become Members after they reach 100 posts.


Member is a rank belonging to qualified new users and are no longer classed as new/novice users. They become Members of the DSGHQ and may be trusted with earning new ranks in the future. All the limitations of Rookie are removed at this rank.

News Reporter

News Reporter is a rank for News Reporters of the DSGHQ. It is not a seriously global rank but is usually seen in-game and on forums. They deliver news in form of forum discussions.


Detective is for DSGHQ Detectives in-game. This rank is only seen as a badge on the forum but in games is expressed through nickname color and subtitle.


Knight is recognised globally on the DSGHQ forum and games. They are seen as 'Sir', appointed Knights to oversee protection and fighting where needed.

Royal Wise One

Wise One is a rank for Royally qualified Wise Counsellors who have had experience in wisdom and counselling.


Master is a rank which belongs to users who have proven to be valuable and trusted DSGHQ members. Masters are only recognised on the DSGHQ forums but can also be seen as a credible candidate for a future in-game or forum moderator.


Reviewal is a rank belonging to Moderators who have an unconfirmed offence set against them. Until they are either vindicated or proven guilty, this rank will stop them from using Moderator abilities.


Lord belongs to users who have helped the governing of the DSGHQ in a vast way. This can include former Administrators, Helpers and Royal Wise Ones.

Moderator Tier


Moderator belongs to regular Moderators. It is an earn-able rank on the DSGHQ and most DSGHQ games and services.

Detective Sergeant

Detective Sergeant is for the DSGHQ Crime Office Sergeant. This rank is only seen as a badge on the forum but in games is expressed through nickname color and subtitle.

Detective Inspector

Detective Sergeant is for the DSGHQ Crime Office Inspector. This rank is only seen as a badge on the forum but in games is expressed through nickname color and subtitle.

Wise Tobler Moth Priest

Tobler Moth Priest belongs to Royal Tobler Moth Priests who are guardians of the Toblerscrolls in the OldCP Moth Temple hidden deep within the Rocketsnail Thrones complex. They are appointed especially with guarding OldCP with the power of a moderator and the military training of a Knight. Eventually a Moth Priest becomes blind, and eventually retires to become a Blind Monk.

Administration Tier


Administrator belongs to standard DSGHQ Administrators. This is a globally fitting rank which is seen on all the DSGHQ games and forums. An Administrator on the forums is also an Administrator on all the games. You cannot be an Administrator on a game and not an Administrator on the forum.

Emperor Helper

Emperor Helper belongs to the one and only Emperor Helper, the personal assistant of the Emperor. This rank can only belong to users who have been a standard Administrator previously. It is only seen as a badge on the forum but it is a separate rank in-game.


Princess belongs to the Princesses of the DSGHQ. It is a globally recognised rank in game and on forums.


Prince belongs to the Princes of the DSGHQ. It is a globally recognised rank in game and on forums.


Queen belongs to the Queen of the DSGHQ. There can only be one Queen, her heirs are the Princesses. It is a globally recognised rank in game and on forums.


Emperor belongs to the Emperor of the DSGHQ. An Emperor is usually given the Administrator rank on forums and game but is seen as just a text title on both.

Miscellaneous Ranks


Finalist is a temporary rank that is only recognised in-game for the period of time that a user is a finalist in a transpiring Game of Mods competition. The maximum lasting period of time a finalist has their rank is under around 48 hours.

Blind Monk of the Tobler Moths

Blind Monk is a rank seen in-game. They are retired/demoted Tobler Moth Priests. They never change rank after receiving this position and they never leave the Moth Areas in the Rocketsnail Thrones complex.