
Change History of Wiki:Warth



array(3) { ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["info"]=> array(10) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Warth" ["title"]=> string(15) "Shinobi General" ["photo"]=> string(111) "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/692641423849291836/769454180124983296/unknown.png?width=143&height=130" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(6) "Manbun" } ["titles"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(15) "Shinobi General" } ["gender"]=> string(0) "" ["birthday"]=> bool(false) ["house"]=> string(0) "" ["death"]=> string(0) "" ["related"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(6) "Zpheal" } } ["title"]=> string(5) "Warth" }

The Beginning

Warth joined in 2015 by finding a video about OLDCP.

But Warth ended up quitting in 2016.

The return

Warth came back in 2020 because of quarantine and become a drac because of his uncle Khal, but Warth left him and joined the PLA 2 days after and he met his new father Achilles. He met a new friend called Cpbiter and they are still friends until now.

Warth helped PLA on Cobia war and they won the Cobia war because Angel Cobo did not show up.

Betrayal Of Warth

Warth secretly left the PLA because he met new friends like Harry, Zpheal and Falcon and Harry offered Warth to join RHAF. He became a spy of RHAF and secretly leaked PLA's plans.

Warth's New Family

He met a cyan dune guy called Zpheal and Warth admired him a lot so he asked Zpheal to make him a son of Zpheal and he accepted it.

Becoming a shinobi

When das war was happening Warth checked /activity and saw people in Dojo, so he went south and check the people there. He saw a guy called Mekiro recruiting shinobis so stepped up and joined the shinobis with Mance.

One day Warth was in a place in Dorval and a legion popped up and the legion killed him.

Leaving the Shinobis

Warth decided to leave Faceless One and Mance so he could start a new life as a Forest boy.

Becoming a Forest boy

One day kace made him a forest boy because Warth asked him to be one and Kace agreed and made him a forest boy.

Joining a Military

One day Falcon offered Warth to join a military called ALPHA, and he did joined and became an Elite (High Rank).

He became the second commander after void left the ALPHA military.

Becoming a Drac

One day a guy named ELEHAZ came and has been empowering people, Warth asked for a CLSRU (Drac Saber) and he became fully evil because he sold his soul for a saber.


GARHAD made Warth his apprentice so Warth became one of them and GARHAD gave him a CLSIger and a Gray Ovac.

Warth's death

One day a war was happening in Das and he joined in because he needs to help his Drac friends and Light came and killed Warth and Cpbiter.

Warth returns to the Shinobis

He joined back to the shinobis because it became active again and Sekiro and Mekiro wanted him to join back so he joined back. He got a high rank in the Shinobi Order, Pencil was the First General, Warth the second General And Adawg the Third General.

Warth recruited a lot of people like Falcon, Rookie, and his own father Zpheal. He also made Luminite a shinobi and Akkar.

He is now one of the strongest Shinobi and has a powerful Great sword.

The Shinobis are strong now because they have Accal Black, Fable, Alatar, Mekiro, Rookie, Akkar, and Warth. (OP people)


23RD OCTOBER 2020 BY WARTH , BODY: EAC3AA47A16119A87053F83E57F734F8 , PROPS: A66C69A482CB81B9192E4D975BBEE750 [RESTORE]


array(3) { ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["info"]=> array(10) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Warth" ["title"]=> string(15) "Shinobi General" ["photo"]=> string(58) "https://image.prntscr.com/image/1hxcwg_vQDKQ-2NAqkX9wg.png" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(6) "Manbun" } ["titles"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(0) "" } ["gender"]=> string(0) "" ["birthday"]=> bool(false) ["house"]=> string(0) "" ["death"]=> string(0) "" ["related"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(6) "Zpheal" } } ["title"]=> string(5) "Warth" }

The Beginning

Warth joined in 2015 by finding a video about OLDCP.

But Warth ended up quitting in 2016.

The return

Warth came back in 2020 because of quarantine and become a drac because of his uncle Khal, but Warth left him and joined the PLA 2 days after and he met his new father Achilles. He met a new friend called Cpbiter and they are still friends until now.

Warth helped PLA on Cobia war and they won the Cobia war because Angel Cobo did not show up.

Betrayal Of Warth

Warth secretly left the PLA because he met new friends like Harry, Zpheal and Falcon and Harry offered Warth to join RHAF. He became a spy of RHAF and secretly leaked PLA's plans.

Warth's New Family

He met a cyan dune guy called Zpheal and Warth admired him a lot so he asked Zpheal to make him a son of Zpheal and he accepted it.

Becoming a shinobi

When das war was happening Warth checked /activity and saw people in Dojo, so he went south and check the people there. He saw a guy called Mekiro recruiting shinobis so stepped up and joined the shinobis with Mance.

One day Warth was in a place in Dorval and a legion popped up and the legion killed him.

Leaving the Shinobis

Warth decided to leave Faceless One and Mance so he could start a new life as a Forest boy.

Becoming a Forest boy

One day kace made him a forest boy because Warth asked him to be one and Kace agreed and made him a forest boy.

Joining a Military

One day Falcon offered Warth to join a military called ALPHA, and he did joined and became an Elite (High Rank).

-under construction no cap-
22ND OCTOBER 2020 BY WARTH , BODY: F2A343100173109613AB175D2A3B8F5E , PROPS: A66C69A482CB81B9192E4D975BBEE750 [RESTORE]


array(3) { ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["info"]=> array(10) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Warth" ["title"]=> string(15) "Shinobi General" ["photo"]=> string(58) "https://image.prntscr.com/image/1hxcwg_vQDKQ-2NAqkX9wg.png" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(6) "Manbun" } ["titles"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(0) "" } ["gender"]=> string(0) "" ["birthday"]=> bool(false) ["house"]=> string(0) "" ["death"]=> string(0) "" ["related"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(6) "Zpheal" } } ["title"]=> string(5) "Warth" }

The Beginning

Warth joined in 2015 by finding a video about OLDCP.

But Warth ended up quitting in 2016.

The return

Warth came back in 2020 because of quarantine and become a drac because of his uncle Khal, but Warth left him and joined the PLA 2 days after and he met his new father Achilles. He met a new friend called Cpbiter and they are still friends until now.

Warth helped PLA on Cobia war and they won the Cobia war because Angel Cobo did not show up.

Betrayal Of Warth

Warth secretly left the PLA because he met new friends like Harry, Zpheal and Falcon and Harry offered Warth to join RHAF. He became a spy of RHAF and secretly leaked PLA's plans.

Warth's New Family

He met a cyan dune guy called Zpheal and Warth admired him a lot so he asked Zpheal to make him a son of Zpheal and he accepted it.

Becoming a shinobi

When das war was happening Warth checked /activity and saw people in Dojo, so he went south and check the people there. He saw a guy called Mekiro recruiting shinobis so stepped up and joined the shinobis with Mance.

One day Warth was in a place in Dorval and a legion popped up and the legion killed him.

Leaving the Shinobis

Warth decided to leave Faceless One and Mance so he could start a new life as a Forest boy.

Becoming a Forest boy

One day kace made him a forest boy because Warth asked him to be one and Kace agreed and made him a forest boy.

Joining a Military

One day Falcon offered Warth to join a military called ALPHA, and he did joined and became an Elite (High Rank).

-under construction no cap-


array(3) { ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["info"]=> array(10) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Warth" ["title"]=> string(15) "Shinobi General" ["photo"]=> string(58) "https://image.prntscr.com/image/1hxcwg_vQDKQ-2NAqkX9wg.png" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(6) "Manbun" } ["titles"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(0) "" } ["gender"]=> string(0) "" ["birthday"]=> int(1070168400) ["house"]=> string(0) "" ["death"]=> string(0) "" ["related"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(6) "Zpheal" } } ["title"]=> string(5) "Warth" }

The Beginning

Warth joined in 2015 by finding a video about OLDCP.

But Warth ended up quitting in 2016.

The return

Warth came back in 2020 because of quarantine and become a drac because of his uncle Khal, but Warth left him and joined the PLA 2 days after and he met his new father Achilles. He met a new friend called Cpbiter and they are still friends until now.

Warth helped PLA on Cobia war and they won the Cobia war because Angel Cobo did not show up.

Betrayal Of Warth

Warth secretly left the PLA because he met new friends like Harry, Zpheal and Falcon and Harry offered Warth to join RHAF. He became a spy of RHAF and secretly leaked PLA's plans.

Warth's New Family

He met a cyan dune guy called Zpheal and Warth admired him a lot so he asked Zpheal to make him a son of Zpheal and he accepted it.

Becoming a shinobi

When das war was happening Warth checked /activity and saw people in Dojo, so he went south and check the people there. He saw a guy called Mekiro recruiting shinobis so stepped up and joined the shinobis with Mance.

One day he met a guy called Faceless One and they became friends.
22ND OCTOBER 2020 BY WARTH , BODY: 620049563007AF8B975860E476E9F05E , PROPS: D4D047DD9504AE3893C7EEDEFBB6BCC7 [RESTORE]

Making one right now

array(3) { ["type"]=> string(9) "character" ["info"]=> array(10) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Warth" ["title"]=> string(15) "Shinobi General" ["photo"]=> string(58) "https://image.prntscr.com/image/1hxcwg_vQDKQ-2NAqkX9wg.png" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(6) "Scelus" } ["titles"]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(10) "Das Knight" [1]=> string(12) "North Knight" [2]=> string(13) "Dorval Knight" [3]=> string(8) "Cavalier" [4]=> string(0) "" } ["gender"]=> string(0) "" ["birthday"]=> int(1070168400) ["house"]=> string(0) "" ["death"]=> string(0) "" ["related"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(6) "Zpheal" } } ["title"]=> string(5) "Warth" }

The Beginning

Warth joined in 2015 by finding a video about OLDCP.

But Warth ended up quitting in 2016.

The return