Global Change History


Changed my picture because Naoto is better than a penguin

array(4) { ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(13) "Chelsey Spike" ["character"]=> array(12) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Chelsey" ["title"]=> string(5) "Queen" ["photo"]=> string(33) "" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(7) "Castiel" } ["titles"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(14) "Queen of DSGHQ" [1]=> string(22) "Administrator of DSGHQ" [2]=> string(14) "Emperor Helper" } ["rule"]=> string(5) "2014-" ["gender"]=> string(1) "2" ["house"]=> string(5) "Spike" ["related"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(11) "Damen Spike" [1]=> string(9) "Cyberwolf" } ["location"]=> string(0) "" ["photos"]=> array(0) { } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" }


Chelsey joined the forums of OldCP during 2012 and 2013. She met Damen and soon became friends on Skype.

Moderator Role

Chelsey was a highly trusted and effective member of staff on the game. She spent time with the users and also enjoyed her role moderating.


Chelsey later became an Administrator, she kept the rank for a long time. She went on reproving and keeping in order the forums.

Relationship with Damen

Chelsey and Damen had always been close friends, her role depended on her friendship with Damen. They were very close at a certain point, even going as far as calling each other closest friends. Damen looked out for Chelsey's safety on the internet also, since there were many out there that weren't fully respectful.

Though Damen and Chelsey were good friends, at times they clashed which resulted in some problems.

House Spike

Since Damen and Chelsey were good friends, Damen accepted her request to join his House. Chelsey's friendship was Damen is still evident as they today continue to share House.

Relationship with Role

Chelsey's friendship with Damen helped her keep visiting the DSGHQ, but over time she became less active in the role because of outside activities, which everyone respects.

Problems with Cyberwolf

Cyberwolf and Chelsey didn't find it easy to get along. They both were in high positions at the time, and they needed to get along to work well together. So, Damen called a rather strange private meeting in the Throne Room. During this private meeting, they worked out their problems together.

Cyberwolf and Chelsey making friends!


Chelsey became the first Queen of the DSGHQ. Damen coronated her in the Throne Room of OldCP. Unfortunately her reign didn't last long. She fell into problems.


Chelsey was responsible for the official OldCP chat. The chat used the xat service and it is commonly used by less savoury characters than innocent children. The job of keeping such people out of the chat was paramount to maintaining a safe and clean place for youngsters to be. That was Chelsey's job along with Cyberwolf.

Chelsey had become friends with some unsavoury characters which lead her to value them over the security of the chat box. She unbanned rule breakers on the chat because of these friend ships and refrained from taking action against the rule breakers when they broke rules.

Enraged, Emperor Damen Spike banished her from the OldCP game and removed her place as Queen. She became a betrayer of the DSGHQ. Whilst she was banished, Princess Sofie became the new Queen of the DSGHQ. Although it seemed bad, a short time later, she was forgiven by Damen and restored to her rightful position of Princess before Queen Sofie.

Emperor Helper

After Cyberwolf had been demoted and after Emperor Helper Mikomi resigned, Princess Chelsey became the Emperor Helper on the 10th of September 2014. Bestowed now with the authority to execute commands in the name of the Emperor, she served as long as 49 days until her resignation.


Chelsey resigned from her role of Emperor Helper after serving for about 2 months. Her official statement was..

I've been doing a lot of stuff at school/after school and I've been spending more time with my friends and I don't want dsg to be something I kind of just push to the side.... My only options are to do an awesome job or to let someone else do an awesome job.

After resigning, she also gave up DSGHQ staff roles and game roles. She is now of the Master rank in the community.
WIKI:PICKLE1020, 30TH DECEMBER 2014 BY BAILEY , BODY: 8A79083A004523478736278AED9A705E , PROPS: F108E7285CBC65F8C008C7B313B1BE2B [RESTORE]

Took away the [b][/b]'s

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Pickle1020" ["title"]=> string(17) "Retired Moderator" ["photo"]=> string(84) "" ["alias"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(6) "Pickle" [1]=> string(4) "Matt" [2]=> string(5) "Logon" } ["titles"]=> array(6) { [0]=> string(7) "Saviour" [1]=> string(16) "Former Detective" [2]=> string(13) "Former Knight" [3]=> string(16) "Former Moderator" [4]=> string(22) "Former Forum Moderator" [5]=> string(21) "Former Chat Moderator" } ["related"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(5) "Damen" [1]=> string(5) "Gamer" [2]=> string(4) "Toby" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(9) "Freehawks" ["location"]=> string(6) "London" ["photos"]=> array(0) { } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(10) "Pickle1020" }


It was just one of those rainy, dark days. Pickle1020 was on his computer, playing Minecraft. Suddenly, he thought of an idea and wrote some junky words, cppx, and came up onto a search result named 'CPPXv1'.

Early Years

Once Pickle1020 found CPPX, he suggested to make an account under the name of Logon. Pickle1020 found some friends and greeted Tent (Damen).
CPPXv2 and 3 came out, and Tent went under the name of Sauron. Logon applied for moderator and became a trainee, he also earned xat moderator. A few months later, Damen made a new game called CPSolar. Logon still kept his ranks until he left for 1 month. When he came back, Damen was ready to make OldCP.
OldCP came out with a great website design but a not so good game. Until the second version, OldCP updated with a new website. Then came out. Logon left again and was demoted due to inactivity. Logon came back as Pickle1020. Pickle1020 met new friends such as Hashir and others.


Pickle1020 was on OldCP once, and suddenly the nightclub blew up! Pickle1020 was shocked and went inside the nightclub. He then found a word 'BANE' on the floor.
The next night, Pickle1020 and various users were sent to Mickey's base. Two weeks later, OldCP got ready for Mickey's battle. Mickey came on
and got shot by Pickle1020 but somehow revived. The next day, OldCP got ready for battle in Mickey's base and defeated Mickey and his army.
When the Blackhawks arrived, OldCP had a deadly battle but defeated them. On August 2013, Pickle1020 became forum moderator and Aurenjs moderator. In 2014, he then became a Snailschat moderator. From July to September, Pickle1020 had leukemia and was recovering from his injuries. He came back in September fully recovered and came back to doing what he normally used to do.

A quote

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(12) "Adawg Hunter" ["title"]=> string(9) "Moderator" ["photo"]=> string(30) "" ["alias"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(10) "AgentAdawg" [1]=> string(8) "Robotman" [2]=> string(6) "Adawg2" } ["titles"]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(9) "Detective" [1]=> string(9) "Moderator" [2]=> string(16) "Forums Moderator" [3]=> string(20) "DSGHQ World Champion" [4]=> string(17) "Champion of OldCP" } ["related"]=> string(0) "" ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(21) "Realhawks and Hunters" ["location"]=> string(24) "United States of America" ["photos"]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(30) "" [1]=> string(30) "" [2]=> string(30) "" [3]=> string(73) "" } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> NULL ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(5) "Adawg" }

Finding DSGHQ

Adawg found the DSGHQ in September of 2013, in the late v4 early v5 era of Oldcp and found the Forums later on in October of 2013.

Becoming Popular

After a few weeks, Adawg became popular around the DSGHQ and then he finally got the rank Master. This was quite an achievement for the new-comer Adawg. He soon had many friends and was finally on his way to earning a new rank.


At the end of 2013, Adawg became a Penguin Watch. He knew he wasn't supposed to tell anyone, but he couldn't hold it in. He leaked his rank to Tennis on another cpps called flippr. A few weeks afterwards, Damen asked Adawg if he had played flippr and leaked. At first Adawg lied knowing that his fate was soon to come, but finally told the truth. There was a trial and was found guilty of Treason, he was executed moments afterwards, and was IP-Banned on all of DSGHQ

Returning to DSGHQ

After three months, Damen gave Adawg another chance and unbanned him on all of DSGHQ Games. Adawg soon had the title Turncoat, and was later on relieved of the title, and became a normal user again.

Earning Master Again

After one month after returning to the DSGHQ, he earned the rank Master once more, and was trusted by the Emperor Damen again.

Earning New Ranks

In early v9 Adawg became a Detective of the DSGHQ, he was the first of the v9 era and many came after him.

DSGHQ World Champion

In the Summer of 2014, Oldcp was attacked by the Iceghosts. The Blackhawks rose as Ice Ghosts and the Ice King Raegon and Ice Queen Snowfalls were lingering around the island, turning innocent users into Ice Ghosts.

After Damen logged on and shot Snowfalls, he gave Adawg and a few other users a gun. He gave Adawg the order "Finish the Job". Adawg knew what he had to do, and followed Raegon and Dancebear the Legendary Healer to the Dock.

As Dancebear was holding off Raegon, Adawg fired his gun, and Raegon fell flat on his face. Oldcp was victorious, and Adawg became the Champion of Oldcp and DSGHQ World Champion.

PW Captain

In early 2014, Adawg achieved the rank of Penguin Watch Captain. This rank was very special for him, since he committed treason for leaking, this rank was special to know that he was now a very trusted user of Oldcp.

Forums Moderator

In September of 2014, Adawg became Forums Moderator. Adawg had achieved his dream of being a moderator, and made sure that he would be the best he could.

Snaildom Beta Tester

After earning Forums Moderator, the Snaildom Beta Testing ranks were being given out, Adawg was shocked to see that he had the Badge of "Snaildom Beta Tester", and this rank would lead to more of his dreams that he could imagine.

Snaildom Moderator

During the Beta Testing, Damen had a session for all Beta Testers to meet at the Throne room of Snaildom. There Damen quietly selected users from the Beta Test Group to be his first Snaildom Moderators, and one of them that he chose was Adawg. Adawg finally achieved his dream of being a Virtual World Moderator.


After Snaildom opened, Adawg made a huge mistake. He swore in front of users and got himself demoted, Adawg didn't grieve because he knew that he was wrong. So he told the users of his wrongdoings in a post and the Emperor appreciated that he did that, and told him that he would get another chance later on.

Oldcp v10

After being shut down by Disney, Oldcp reopened in the Winter of 2014. Adawg kept his title of Penguin Watch Captain, and became familiar with Oldcp Again.

Oldcp Moderator

After a trial, Damen told Adawg that he could give his rank to Tornado, and he would achieve Oldcp Moderator. Agreeing to do so, Damen made Adawg's only dream come true. Becoming a Moderator for Oldcp.


That is the story of the User named Adawg. He may be a popular user and a Moderator, but he is just a Normal kid who likes to play Games with nice people.


If God put us on earth we have a reason
Comedy is the best Healing
Hate isn't real
Everybody dies but not everybody lives

Fixed minor issues.

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Pickle1020" ["title"]=> string(17) "Retired Moderator" ["photo"]=> string(84) "" ["alias"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(6) "Pickle" [1]=> string(4) "Matt" [2]=> string(5) "Logon" } ["titles"]=> array(6) { [0]=> string(7) "Saviour" [1]=> string(16) "Former Detective" [2]=> string(13) "Former Knight" [3]=> string(16) "Former Moderator" [4]=> string(22) "Former Forum Moderator" [5]=> string(21) "Former Chat Moderator" } ["related"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(5) "Damen" [1]=> string(5) "Gamer" [2]=> string(4) "Toby" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(9) "Freehawks" ["location"]=> string(6) "London" ["photos"]=> array(0) { } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(10) "Pickle1020" }


It was just one of those rainy, dark days. Pickle1020 was on his computer, playing Minecraft. Suddenly, he thought of an idea and wrote some junky words, cppx, and came up onto a search result named 'CPPXv1'.

Early Years

Once Pickle1020 found CPPX, he suggested to make an account under the name of Logon. Pickle1020 found some friends and greeted Tent (Damen).
CPPXv2 and 3 came out, and Tent went under the name of Sauron. Logon applied for moderator and became a trainee, he also earned xat moderator. A few months later, Damen made a new game called CPSolar. Logon still kept his ranks until he left for 1 month. When he came back, Damen was ready to make OldCP.
OldCP came out with a great website design but a not so good game. Until the second version, OldCP updated with a new website. Then came out. Logon left again and was demoted due to inactivity. Logon came back as Pickle1020. Pickle1020 met new friends such as Hashir and others.


Pickle1020 was on OldCP once, and suddenly the nightclub blew up! Pickle1020 was shocked and went inside the nightclub. He then found a word 'BANE' on the floor.
The next night, Pickle1020 and various users were sent to Mickey's base. Two weeks later, OldCP got ready for Mickey's battle. Mickey came on
and got shot by Pickle1020 but somehow revived. The next day, OldCP got ready for battle in Mickey's base and defeated Mickey and his army.
When the Blackhawks arrived, OldCP had a deadly battle but defeated them. On August 2013, Pickle1020 became forum moderator and Aurenjs moderator. In 2014, he then became a Snailschat moderator. From July to September, Pickle1020 had leukemia and was recovering from his injuries. He came back in September fully recovered and came back to doing what he normally used to do.

My description.

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Pickle1020" ["title"]=> string(17) "Retired Moderator" ["photo"]=> string(84) "" ["alias"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(6) "Pickle" [1]=> string(4) "Matt" [2]=> string(5) "Logon" } ["titles"]=> array(6) { [0]=> string(7) "Saviour" [1]=> string(16) "Former Detective" [2]=> string(13) "Former Knight" [3]=> string(16) "Former Moderator" [4]=> string(22) "Former Forum Moderator" [5]=> string(21) "Former Chat Moderator" } ["related"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(5) "Damen" [1]=> string(5) "Gamer" [2]=> string(4) "Toby" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(18) "Freehawks (as COO)" ["location"]=> string(6) "London" ["photos"]=> array(0) { } ["death"]=> string(18) "Mid 2013, revived." } ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(10) "Pickle1020" }


It was just like one of those rainy, dark days. Pickle1020 was on his computer, playing minecraft. Suddenly, Pickle1020 thought of an idea and wrote some junky words, he then wrote 'cppx' and came up onto a search result named 'CPPXv1'.

Early Years

Once Pickle1020 found CPPX, he suggested to make an account under the name of Logon. Pickle1020 found some friends and greeted Tent (Damen).
CPPXv2 and 3 came out, and Tent went under the name of Sauron and then Damen. Logon applied for moderator and became a trainee, he also earned xat moderator. A few months later, Damen made a new game called CPSolar. Logon still kept his ranks until he left for 1 month. When he came back, Damen was ready to make OldCP.
OldCP came out with a great website design but a not so good game. Until the second version, OldCP updated with a new website. Then came out. Logon left again and was demoted due to inactivity. Logon came back as Pickle1020. Pickle1020 met new friends such as Hashir and others for instance, then came mid 2013.


Pickle1020 was on OldCP once, and suddenly the nightclub blew up! Pickle1020 was shocked and went inside the nightclub. He then found a word 'BANE' on the floor.
The next night, Pickle1020 and various users were sent to Mickey's base. Two weeks later, OldCP got ready for Mickey's battle. Mickey came on
and got shot by Pickle1020 but somehow revived. I got shot by Mickey and then revived The next day, OldCP got ready for battle in Mickey's base and defeated Mickey and his army.
When blackhawks arrived, OldCP had a deadly battle but defeated the blackhawks. At August 2013, Pickle1020 became forum moderator and auren moderator. In 2014, he then became snailschat moderator. From July to September, Pickle1020 had leukemia and was recovering from his injuries. He came back in September fully recovered and came back to doing what he normally used to do.
WIKI:PICKLE1020, 30TH DECEMBER 2014 BY MOHAMED , BODY: EF194C432EF53D83B93CAB39027E767D , PROPS: 9B46B47F4A1BE6031685E48ED3CA3E09 [RESTORE]

Titles, related characters and death.

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Pickle1020" ["title"]=> string(17) "Retired Moderator" ["photo"]=> string(84) "" ["alias"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(6) "Pickle" [1]=> string(4) "Matt" [2]=> string(5) "Logon" } ["titles"]=> array(6) { [0]=> string(7) "Saviour" [1]=> string(16) "Former Detective" [2]=> string(13) "Former Knight" [3]=> string(16) "Former Moderator" [4]=> string(22) "Former Forum Moderator" [5]=> string(21) "Former Chat Moderator" } ["related"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(5) "Damen" [1]=> string(5) "Gamer" [2]=> string(4) "Toby" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(18) "Freehawks (as COO)" ["location"]=> string(6) "London" ["photos"]=> array(0) { } ["death"]=> string(18) "Mid 2013, revived." } ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(10) "Pickle1020" }



It was just like one of those rainy, dark days. Pickle1020 was on his computer, playing minecraft. Suddenly, Pickle1020 thought of an idea and wrote some junky words, he then wrote 'cppx' and came up onto a search result named 'CPPXv1'.

Early Years

Once Pickle1020 found CPPX, he suggested to make an account under the name of Logon. Pickle1020 found some friends and greeted Tent (Damen).
CPPXv2 and 3 came out, and Tent went under the name of Sauron and then Damen. Logon applied for moderator and became a trainee, he also earned xat moderator. A few months later, Damen made a new game called CPSolar. Logon still kept his ranks until he left for 1 month. When he came back, Damen was ready to make OldCP.
OldCP came out with a great website design but a not so good game. Until the second version, OldCP updated with a new website. Then came out. Logon left again and was demoted due to inactivity. Logon came back as Pickle1020. Pickle1020 met new friends such as Hashir and others for instance, then came mid 2013.


Pickle1020 was on OldCP once, and suddenly the nightclub blew up! Pickle1020 was shocked and went inside the nightclub. He then found a word 'BANE' on the floor.
The next night, Pickle1020 and various users were sent to Mickey's base. Two weeks later, OldCP got ready for Mickey's battle. Mickey came on
and got shot by Pickle1020 but somehow revived. I got shot by Mickey and then revived The next day, OldCP got ready for battle in Mickey's base and defeated Mickey and his army.
When blackhawks arrived, OldCP had a deadly battle but defeated the blackhawks. At August 2013, Pickle1020 became forum moderator and auren moderator. In 2014, he then became snailschat moderator. From July to September, Pickle1020 had leukemia and was recovering from his injuries. He came back in September fully recovered and came back to doing what he normally used to do.
WIKI:PICKLE1020, 30TH DECEMBER 2014 BY MOHAMED , BODY: 4406E75F43E35E36F8643D0858E660AA , PROPS: 54B1BB09B763F82E024FE403243F30E7 [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Pickle1020" ["title"]=> string(17) "Retired Moderator" ["photo"]=> string(84) "" ["alias"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(6) "Pickle" [1]=> string(4) "Matt" [2]=> string(5) "Logon" } ["titles"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(9) "Moderator" [1]=> string(7) "Warrior" [2]=> string(12) "HonouredUser" } ["related"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(8) "Everyone" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(18) "Freehawks (as COO)" ["location"]=> string(6) "London" ["photos"]=> array(0) { } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(10) "Pickle1020" }



It was just like one of those rainy, dark days. Pickle1020 was on his computer, playing minecraft. Suddenly, Pickle1020 thought of an idea and wrote some junky words, he then wrote 'cppx' and came up onto a search result named 'CPPXv1'.

Early Years

Once Pickle1020 found CPPX, he suggested to make an account under the name of Logon. Pickle1020 found some friends and greeted Tent (Damen).
CPPXv2 and 3 came out, and Tent went under the name of Sauron and then Damen. Logon applied for moderator and became a trainee, he also earned xat moderator. A few months later, Damen made a new game called CPSolar. Logon still kept his ranks until he left for 1 month. When he came back, Damen was ready to make OldCP.
OldCP came out with a great website design but a not so good game. Until the second version, OldCP updated with a new website. Then came out. Logon left again and was demoted due to inactivity. Logon came back as Pickle1020. Pickle1020 met new friends such as Hashir and others for instance, then came mid 2013.


Pickle1020 was on OldCP once, and suddenly the nightclub blew up! Pickle1020 was shocked and went inside the nightclub. He then found a word 'BANE' on the floor.
The next night, Pickle1020 and various users were sent to Mickey's base. Two weeks later, OldCP got ready for Mickey's battle. Mickey came on
and got shot by Pickle1020 but somehow revived. The next day, OldCP got ready for battle in Mickey's base and defeated Mickey and his army.
When blackhawks arrived, OldCP had a deadly battle but defeated the blackhawks. At August 2013, Pickle1020 became forum moderator and auren moderator. In 2014, he then became snailschat moderator. From July to September, Pickle1020 had leukemia and was recovering from his injuries. He came back in September fully recovered and came back to doing what he normally used to do.
WIKI:RAWR, 30TH DECEMBER 2014 BY RAWR , BODY: 431E3B6DFD92D7B322D315D8C7F63A9E , PROPS: 3044B1F4027571A378E0BD67B65D7924 [RESTORE]

article title.

array(3) { ["title"]=> string(13) "An older user" ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(7) "regular" }


Im rawr, an older user of this community.

You may not hear often about me, because I don't use this site very often anymore. I used to Moderate this forum, and keep the users safe. Although, I lost that position due to un-necessary behavior. I got my chance at what I wanted, and blew it within 3 weeks. I was and am still happy that I reached what I wanted. I knew, that I could do anything.

I used to be very well known on this site, but now, I don't play anymore. Yes, iv been on snaildom a few times, but, now im gone.
WIKI:RAWR, 30TH DECEMBER 2014 BY RAWR , BODY: 431E3B6DFD92D7B322D315D8C7F63A9E , PROPS: C5605EE2B26203CF9C47AE5D112C6128 [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(3) { ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["title"]=> string(13) "An older user" ["layout"]=> string(7) "regular" }


Im rawr, an older user of this community.

You may not hear often about me, because I don't use this site very often anymore. I used to Moderate this forum, and keep the users safe. Although, I lost that position due to un-necessary behavior. I got my chance at what I wanted, and blew it within 3 weeks. I was and am still happy that I reached what I wanted. I knew, that I could do anything.

I used to be very well known on this site, but now, I don't play anymore. Yes, iv been on snaildom a few times, but, now im gone.

I added a photo

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(19) "Sir Gamer The Great" ["title"]=> string(9) "Moderator" ["photo"]=> string(30) "" ["alias"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(10) "Pingu17174" [1]=> string(7) "Recardo" [2]=> string(6) "Yithic" } ["titles"]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(15) "OldCP Moderator" [1]=> string(6) "Knight" [2]=> string(16) "Ice Queen Slayer" [3]=> string(19) "DSGHQ Forums Knight" [4]=> string(22) "Former OldCP Detective" } ["related"]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(11) "Bashysmelly" [1]=> string(6) "Freddy" [2]=> string(5) "BAKON" [3]=> string(9) "Jacobg627" [4]=> string(9) "Snowfalls" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(13) "Crime Solvers" ["location"]=> string(14) "United Kingdom" ["photos"]=> array(7) { [0]=> string(30) "" [1]=> string(30) "" [2]=> string(30) "" [3]=> string(30) "" [4]=> string(30) "" [5]=> string(30) "" [6]=> string(30) "" } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(9) "Sir Gamer" }


It was a dreary day. Gamer had lost interest in New Club Penguin. He was so curious if an old version of Club Penguin existed. So Gamer then decided search up Old Club Penguin. He had discovered a video containing a link to a Old Club Penguin website. Gamer thought to himself if he should check it out so he clicked the link ,and the link took him to the Old Club Penguin website. This is where his journey began.


Gamer had joined the forums on the 14th of September in 2013. He had registered the forum username Pingu17174. Gamer loved to make helpful posts to help new users on the forum. A user named Terry91 helped Gamer by explaining to him on what to do good helpful posts on.

Penguin Isles

Gamer joined Penguin Isles when it released. His main user was Pingu17174 and his backup was named Freezie. Gamer loved Penguin Isles because it was an amazing, fun and unique game Damen had created, though Penguin Isles did not last long.

Becoming OldCP Knight

It had been so long since Gamer wasn't a knight when OldCP had returned in v10, Gamer was then promoted to Imperial Knight he was promoted by the Great Emperor Damen.


On the 1st of October In 2014, Damen had made a post on the Snaildom Beta Testers he had picked. 21 Beta Testers were chosen. Gamer was one of them to be picked the beta test was indeed a huge success the testers had found lots of bugs on Snaildom.

Death of Snowfalls

On the 14th of December Old Club Penguin was at war with the Iceghosts. Sir Gamer tried to use his fire sword to kill the ice army troops but he then realized they wouldn't die. Gamer then ran to beach. There were ice troops there, and Commander Uzu stormed in and started freezing penguins.Then Sir Gamer, Detective Sergeant Bakon and some users burnt other users off. They went to courtyard and Snowfalls was there but she quickly went. She was spotted by CoolLloyd at the Mine Shack. Then Nathaniel said to go to the Mountain. They went to the mountain and Snowfalls came in and killed Nathaniel. Gamer was very angry at Snowfalls. He got out his fire sword and chased her around the room then he managed to slay her thanks to the help of Bakon.

Becoming OldCP Moderator

After The Iceghost Battle The town has received it's colors back the curse of the Ice queen had been lifted Old Club Penguin was saved from the Iceghost's. Damen had came to the town he was asking where Gamer, Tennis, Bp28 were. We said we were here Damen then started a session at thrones congratulating Bp28, Gamer, Tennis. Gamer was rewarded the Rank Moderator. And Now Gamer is now known as Sir Gamer The Great.

Minecraft Video's With Raindrop

Gamer and Princess Raindrop love to do Minecraft videos. On the 29th December they did their first video on the Damen Spike Games HQ Minecraft Server.