Global Change History


Fixed minor changes.

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(20) "Wend Davidson Hunter" ["title"]=> string(18) "Experienced Player" ["photo"]=> string(110) "" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(19) "Weend2014 Weend2015" } ["titles"]=> string(0) "" ["related"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(12) "Adawg Hunter" [1]=> string(4) "Bp28" [2]=> string(6) "Jake01" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(7) "Hunters" ["location"]=> string(21) "Nevada, United States" ["photos"]=> array(0) { } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(4) "Wend" }


Wend has been in a few historical events on oldcp, Such as the ice ghost war,Wend and a few other users went to the forest and dressed like tree's to blend in and spied on the ice ghosts. They delivered information to the knights


Wend has had a couple of jobs such as being a worker at the Phone lair but later going to an easier business and working at the coffee shop as a barista.
Later when v7 hit Wend lost his job and was making no money at all, he then realized he was not cut out to have a job and started training under the knight captain Bp28.
Still today Wend is learning the ways of a knight.
WIKI:WEND, 30TH DECEMBER 2014 BY IAN , BODY: 5213E096EB53D8D5AD3B5B2E1431A061 , PROPS: 539D6B2EC7786FB00AAF7E8B195D511D [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(20) "Wend Davidson Hunter" ["title"]=> string(18) "Experienced Player" ["photo"]=> string(110) "" ["alias"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(19) "Weend2014 Weend2015" } ["titles"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(18) "Knight in training" [1]=> string(25) "Former coffee shop worker" } ["related"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(12) "Adawg Hunter" [1]=> string(4) "Bp28" [2]=> string(6) "Jake01" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(7) "Hunters" ["location"]=> string(21) "Nevada, United States" ["photos"]=> array(0) { } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(4) "Wend" }


Wend has been in a few historical events on oldcp, Such as the ice ghost war, wend and a few other users went to the forest and dressed like tree's and blended in with the tree's and spied on the ice ghosts and delivered information to the knights

Wend was also nearly killed in a terror attack behind the black hawks


Wend has had a couple of jobs such as being a worker at the Phone lair but later going to an easier business and working at the coffee shop as a barista
Later when v7 hit wend lost his job and was making no money at all, he than realized he was not cut out to have a job and started training under the knight captain Bp28
Still today Wend is learning the ways of the knight and could become a knight of oldcp.
WIKI:ANGI, 30TH DECEMBER 2014 BY TENNIS , BODY: 90BBC5B209FB13E55E23352D86323451 , PROPS: 8BF4AFC5E2D4F8B6DA6541131AF17CE4 [RESTORE]

Fixed major structure issues. About 5 unnecessary spaces before a sentence.

array(4) { ["title"]=> string(4) "Angi" ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Angi" ["title"]=> string(6) "Player" ["photo"]=> string(30) "" ["alias"]=> string(0) "" ["titles"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(9) "Moderator" } ["related"]=> string(0) "" ["gender"]=> string(1) "2" ["house"]=> string(8) "Freehawk" ["location"]=> string(0) "" ["photos"]=> array(0) { } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } }

Before DSGHQ

Angi was born in the United states and has always lived there. At age twelve she had realized how much free time she had on her hands. Angi enjoyed helping others, it was big part of her life, but at a young age it was difficult.

One day in late April, Angi was introduced by her cousin to a website called Oldcp. It was one link to a series of websites in the DSGHQ community. At first Angi didn't think it was worth her time, but she was eventually convinced to get online. That is where her journey began.


Angi joined Oldcp in late April 2014 not knowing the impact she would make on this community.

The beginning

In the beginning Angi's journey started out slow. She did not create a forums account right away, and she certainly did not use proper grammar. She was unique and despite her weaknesses, she tried to spread kindness wherever she could.

In the near future all of that changed. Angi was quickly involved with competing in Mod comps because of her early house tryouts for the Freehawks. She managed to become a member of the Freehawks and she has kept the orange wings of the Freehawks ever since. After the day Angi became a Freehawk, she became fascinated and wanted to get more involved into the DSGHQ Community.

Making friends

About a month after Angi got involved with Oldcp she had made many friends that she will never forget or the rest of her days in this community. Her friends were the main reason of her inspiration. They gave her hope, more hope then ever before. They have always been there for get her through hard times and inspire her some more. Even though some of them may have quit along Angi's journey, she still remembers them.

The Small start

During the summer of 2014, the World cup was happening all around the world. To celebrate this magnificent event around the globe, a sporting event called the Damencup was invented, a soccer game that users could be apart of in Oldcp. Angi was quite interested so she decided to join in for the fun and enjoyment. She joined the green team with no expectations of winning. During the game, Angi was very active, and scoring goals quickly. It turns out, she won the Damencup 2014, and earned the rank of Member on forums along with a soccer ball badge that is still in her profile today. It was her small start in earning a career in the DSGHQ.

Becoming an Oldcp Moderator

As time continued on, Angi seemed to have proven herself worthy to this community. Reporting misbehaving users to the Moderators became an endless routine, but that wasn't the only reason. She became quite mature and set a good example to all users around her. She never thought that in her future the rank of Moderator awaited her, she just enjoyed the thought of helping others.

Because of the increase of servers on Oldcp, Damen needed more staff to Moderate. As it turned out in Mid-August of 2014, Angi and three other users received Moderator. The three other staff Members that received the rank of Moderator are, Livetodance, Suzeh, and Emily. Only Angi and Livetodance still Moderate Oldcp today.

Entering the Crime office

Later on, Angi wanted to contribute more to this community.Detective Inspector Hashir, promoted Angi into detective soon after seeing that she wanted to help out, and had the requirements.

Receiving a Firearm

Not long before the Ice Ghost war Angi was given a firearm in December 2014 v10 along with a few other Detectives. A few days after the war, Angi and many others were stripped of their firearms.

Losing Detective

Not far after the ice ghost war, Damen demoted all Detective Mods, and Detective knights. Except Detective Inspector Hashir, and BAKON.


Angi joined forums on the day of May 27th, 2014.

The beginning

Angi's beginning of forums was fairly slow. She did not understand the basics at first until about a week after joining. Even after her first week you could defiantly tell she was new to the forums. She didn't mind and posted as much as she could, but eventually slowed down.

Earning the Damencup badge

After Angi won the Damencup in Oldcp, it gave her a push to get more involved with forums. After that she posted daily and began to appreciate the community more and more. She enjoyed the fact that she earned her first badge, and wanted to earn a bit more.

Becoming a Master

Angi had a goal for the forums. Her goal was Master. After her first application she didn't earn it right away, but she didn't give up hope. She repeatedly made edits to the application, and posted it in her mood various times.

Finally, in late Auguest 2014, Angi requested Chelsey, (current Emperor Helper) to read her application and was successful to become a Master that day.


Angi joined Snaildom the day it was released. She was unsuccessful to earn a rank at first, but Angi didn't let that get in her way of helping out any user in need.

As time continued Oldcp was shut down so, the unique game of Snaildom got more users each day.

During Angi's time in Snaildom she was able to earn Moderator and Detective.


Today, Angi is proud to Moderate Oldcp and Snaildom. She is still a Master on forums, but she will do her best to help out there any way possible. She has kept high spirits in this community and will continue to keep it safe.


Be yourself everyone else is already taken, to do that one must be unique.
Be unique means standing out in a crowd of followers.
People often think it's easier to look on the bad side of things when they should be respecting what they have here, and now.
WIKI:ANGI, 30TH DECEMBER 2014 BY ANGI , BODY: 9D0E3F1808788FFEEA0CE934DA8A7908 , PROPS: 03D3582A63BB7C87A3DC756E94CD1488 [RESTORE]

Added Location, and Title

array(4) { ["title"]=> string(4) "Angi" ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Angi" ["title"]=> string(6) "Player" ["photo"]=> string(30) "" ["alias"]=> string(0) "" ["titles"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(9) "Moderator" [1]=> string(13) "Damencup 2014" } ["related"]=> string(0) "" ["gender"]=> string(1) "2" ["house"]=> string(8) "Freehawk" ["location"]=> string(13) "United States" ["photos"]=> array(0) { } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } }

Before DSGHQ

Angi was born in the United states and has always lived there. At age twelve she had realized how much free time she had on her hands. Angi enjoyed helping others, it was big part of her life, but at a young age it was difficult.

One day in late April, Angi was introduced by her cousin to a website called Oldcp. It was one link to a series of websites in the DSGHQ community. At first Angi didn't think it was worth her time, but she was eventually convinced to get online. That is where her journey began.


Angi joined Oldcp in late April 2014 not knowing the impact she would make on this community.

The beginning

In the beginning Angi's journey started out slow. She did not create a forums account right away, and she certainly did not use propper grammar. She was unique and despite her weaknesses, she tried to spread kindness wherever she could.

In the near future all of that changed. Angi was quickly involved with competing in Mod comps because of her early house tryouts for the Freehawks. She managed to become a member of the Freehawks and she has kept the orange wings of the Free hawks ever since. After the day Angi became a Free hawk, she became fascinated and wanted to get more involved into the DSGHQ Community.

Making friends

About a month after Angi got involved with Oldcp she had made many friends that she will never forget or the rest of her days in this community. Her friends were the main reason of her inspiration. They gave her hope, more hope then ever before. They have always been there for get her through hard times and inspire her some more. Even though some of them may have quit along Angi's journey, she still remembers them.

The Small start

In the time, the World cup was happening all around the world. To celebrate this magnificent event around the globe, a sporting event called the Damencup was a soccer game that users could be apart of in Oldcp. Angi was quite interested so she decided to join in for the fun and enjoyment. She joined the green team with no expectations of winning. During the game, Angi was very active, and scoring goals quickly. It turns out, she won the Damencup 2014, and revived the rank of Member on forums along with a soccer ball badge that is still in her profile today. It was her small start in earning a career in the DSGHQ.

Becoming an Oldcp Moderator

As time continued on, Angi seemed to have proven herself worthy to this community. Reporting misbehaving users to the Moderators became an endless routine, but that wasn't the only reason. She became quite mature and set a good example to all users around her. She never thought that in her future the rank of Moderator awaited her, she just enjoyed the thought of helping others.

Because of the increase of servers on Oldcp, Damen needed more staff to Moderate. As it turned out in Mid-Auguest of 2014, Angi and three other users received Moderator. The three other staff Members that received the rank of Moderator are, Livetodance, Suzeh, and Emily. Only Angi and Livetodance succeed in Moderating Oldcp today.

Entering the Crime office

Later on, Angi wanted to contribute more to this community. Detective Inspector Hashir, promoted Angi into detective soon after seeing that she wanted to help out, and had the requirements.

Receiving a Firearm

Not long before the Ice Ghost war Angi was given a firearm in December 2014 v10 along with a few other Detectives. A few days after the war, Angi and many others were stripped of their firearms.

Losing Detective

Not far after the ice ghost war, Damen demoted all Detective Mods, and Detective knights. Except Detective Inspector Hashir, and Bp28.


Angi joined forums on the day of May 27th, 2014.

The beginning

Angi's beginning of forums was fairly slow. She did not understand the basics at first until about a week later. Even after her first week you could defiantly tell she was new to the forums. She didn't mind she posted as much as she could, but eventually slowed down.

Earning the Damencup badge

After Angi won the Damencup in Oldcp, it gave her a push to get more involved with forums. After that she posted daily and began to appreciate this community more and more. She enjoyed the fact that she earned her first badge, and wanted to earn a bit more. Angi began to post daily, and helped out users each day.

Becoming a Master

Not long after Angi became a Moderator on Oldcp Angi had other goals on the forums. Her goal was Master. After her first application she didn't earn it right away, but she didn't give up hope. She repeatedly made edits to the application, and posted it in her mood various times.

Finally, in late Auguest 2014, Angi requested Chelsey, (current Emperor Helper) to read her application and was successful to become a Master that day.


Angi joined Snaildom the day it was released. She was unsuccessful to earn a rank at first, but Angi didn't let that get in her way of helping out any user in need.

As time continued Oldcp was shut down so, the unique game of Snaildom got more users each day.

During Angi's time in Snaildom she was able to earn Moderator and Detective. When Oldcp came back Snaildoms population slowly fell, and Snaildom is currently unavailable.


Today, Angi is proud to Moderate Oldcp and Snaildom. She is still a Master on forums, but she will do her best to help out there any way possible. She has kept high spirits in this community and will continue to keep it safe.


This is a story of a unique girl who had an amazing journey that she will never forget. One who has had enough fun here to last her a lifetime.


Be yourself everyone else is already taken, to do that one must be unique

Be unique means standing out in a crowd of followers.

People often think it's easier to look on the bad side of things when they should be respecting what they have here, and now.

Added pic

array(4) { ["title"]=> string(4) "Angi" ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Angi" ["title"]=> string(6) "Player" ["photo"]=> string(30) "" ["alias"]=> string(0) "" ["titles"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(9) "Moderator" } ["related"]=> string(0) "" ["gender"]=> string(1) "2" ["house"]=> string(8) "Freehawk" ["location"]=> string(0) "" ["photos"]=> array(0) { } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } }

Before DSGHQ

Angi was born in the United states and has always lived there. At age twelve she had realized how much free time she had on her hands. Angi enjoyed helping others, it was big part of her life, but at a young age it was difficult.

One day in late April, Angi was introduced by her cousin to a website called Oldcp. It was one link to a series of websites in the DSGHQ community. At first Angi didn't think it was worth her time, but she was eventually convinced to get online. That is where her journey began.


Angi joined Oldcp in late April 2014 not knowing the impact she would make on this community.

The beginning

In the beginning Angi's journey started out slow. She did not create a forums account right away, and she certainly did not use propper grammar. She was unique and despite her weaknesses, she tried to spread kindness wherever she could.

In the near future all of that changed. Angi was quickly involved with competing in Mod comps because of her early house tryouts for the Freehawks. She managed to become a member of the Freehawks and she has kept the orange wings of the Free hawks ever since. After the day Angi became a Free hawk, she became fascinated and wanted to get more involved into the DSGHQ Community.

Making friends

About a month after Angi got involved with Oldcp she had made many friends that she will never forget or the rest of her days in this community. Her friends were the main reason of her inspiration. They gave her hope, more hope then ever before. They have always been there for get her through hard times and inspire her some more. Even though some of them may have quit along Angi's journey, she still remembers them.

The Small start

In the time, the World cup was happening all around the world. To celebrate this magnificent event around the globe, a sporting event called the Damencup was a soccer game that users could be apart of in Oldcp. Angi was quite interested so she decided to join in for the fun and enjoyment. She joined the green team with no expectations of winning. During the game, Angi was very active, and scoring goals quickly. It turns out, she won the Damencup 2014, and revived the rank of Member on forums along with a soccer ball badge that is still in her profile today. It was her small start in earning a career in the DSGHQ.

Becoming an Oldcp Moderator

As time continued on, Angi seemed to have proven herself worthy to this community. Reporting misbehaving users to the Moderators became an endless routine, but that wasn't the only reason. She became quite mature and set a good example to all users around her. She never thought that in her future the rank of Moderator awaited her, she just enjoyed the thought of helping others.

Because of the increase of servers on Oldcp, Damen needed more staff to Moderate. As it turned out in Mid-Auguest of 2014, Angi and three other users received Moderator. The three other staff Members that received the rank of Moderator are, Livetodance, Suzeh, and Emily. Only Angi and Livetodance succeed in Moderating Oldcp today.

Entering the Crime office

Later on, Angi wanted to contribute more to this community. Detective Inspector Hashir, promoted Angi into detective soon after seeing that she wanted to help out, and had the requirements.

Receiving a Firearm

Not long before the Ice Ghost war Angi was given a firearm in December 2014 v10 along with a few other Detectives. A few days after the war, Angi and many others were stripped of their firearms.

Losing Detective

Not far after the ice ghost war, Damen demoted all Detective Mods, and Detective knights. Except Detective Inspector Hashir, and Bp28.


Angi joined forums on the day of May 27th, 2014.

The beginning

Angi's beginning of forums was fairly slow. She did not understand the basics at first until about a week later. Even after her first week you could defiantly tell she was new to the forums. She didn't mind she posted as much as she could, but eventually slowed down.

Earning the Damencup badge

After Angi won the Damencup in Oldcp, it gave her a push to get more involved with forums. After that she posted daily and began to appreciate this community more and more. She enjoyed the fact that she earned her first badge, and wanted to earn a bit more. Angi began to post daily, and helped out users each day.

Becoming a Master

Not long after Angi became a Moderator on Oldcp Angi had other goals on the forums. Her goal was Master. After her first application she didn't earn it right away, but she didn't give up hope. She repeatedly made edits to the application, and posted it in her mood various times.

Finally, in late Auguest 2014, Angi requested Chelsey, (current Emperor Helper) to read her application and was successful to become a Master that day.


Angi joined Snaildom the day it was released. She was unsuccessful to earn a rank at first, but Angi didn't let that get in her way of helping out any user in need.

As time continued Oldcp was shut down so, the unique game of Snaildom got more users each day.

During Angi's time in Snaildom she was able to earn Moderator and Detective. When Oldcp came back Snaildoms population slowly fell, and Snaildom is currently unavailable.


Today, Angi is proud to Moderate Oldcp and Snaildom. She is still a Master on forums, but she will do her best to help out there any way possible. She has kept high spirits in this community and will continue to keep it safe.


This is a story of a unique girl who had an amazing journey that she will never forget. One who has had enough fun here to last her a lifetime.


Be yourself everyone else is already taken, to do that one must be unique

Be unique means standing out in a crowd of followers.

People often think it's easier to look on the bad side of things when they should be respecting what they have here, and now.
WIKI:ANGI, 30TH DECEMBER 2014 BY TENNIS , BODY: 9D0E3F1808788FFEEA0CE934DA8A7908 , PROPS: 8F094E5A214F2B5784A3165868BC5BFE [RESTORE]

Added stuff that was left out. Major update. Part one of two.

array(3) { ["title"]=> string(4) "Angi" ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" }

Before DSGHQ

Angi was born in the United states and has always lived there. At age twelve she had realized how much free time she had on her hands. Angi enjoyed helping others, it was big part of her life, but at a young age it was difficult.

One day in late April, Angi was introduced by her cousin to a website called Oldcp. It was one link to a series of websites in the DSGHQ community. At first Angi didn't think it was worth her time, but she was eventually convinced to get online. That is where her journey began.


Angi joined Oldcp in late April 2014 not knowing the impact she would make on this community.

The beginning

In the beginning Angi's journey started out slow. She did not create a forums account right away, and she certainly did not use propper grammar. She was unique and despite her weaknesses, she tried to spread kindness wherever she could.

In the near future all of that changed. Angi was quickly involved with competing in Mod comps because of her early house tryouts for the Freehawks. She managed to become a member of the Freehawks and she has kept the orange wings of the Free hawks ever since. After the day Angi became a Free hawk, she became fascinated and wanted to get more involved into the DSGHQ Community.

Making friends

About a month after Angi got involved with Oldcp she had made many friends that she will never forget or the rest of her days in this community. Her friends were the main reason of her inspiration. They gave her hope, more hope then ever before. They have always been there for get her through hard times and inspire her some more. Even though some of them may have quit along Angi's journey, she still remembers them.

The Small start

In the time, the World cup was happening all around the world. To celebrate this magnificent event around the globe, a sporting event called the Damencup was a soccer game that users could be apart of in Oldcp. Angi was quite interested so she decided to join in for the fun and enjoyment. She joined the green team with no expectations of winning. During the game, Angi was very active, and scoring goals quickly. It turns out, she won the Damencup 2014, and revived the rank of Member on forums along with a soccer ball badge that is still in her profile today. It was her small start in earning a career in the DSGHQ.

Becoming an Oldcp Moderator

As time continued on, Angi seemed to have proven herself worthy to this community. Reporting misbehaving users to the Moderators became an endless routine, but that wasn't the only reason. She became quite mature and set a good example to all users around her. She never thought that in her future the rank of Moderator awaited her, she just enjoyed the thought of helping others.

Because of the increase of servers on Oldcp, Damen needed more staff to Moderate. As it turned out in Mid-Auguest of 2014, Angi and three other users received Moderator. The three other staff Members that received the rank of Moderator are, Livetodance, Suzeh, and Emily. Only Angi and Livetodance succeed in Moderating Oldcp today.

Entering the Crime office

Later on, Angi wanted to contribute more to this community. Detective Inspector Hashir, promoted Angi into detective soon after seeing that she wanted to help out, and had the requirements.

Receiving a Firearm

Not long before the Ice Ghost war Angi was given a firearm in December 2014 v10 along with a few other Detectives. A few days after the war, Angi and many others were stripped of their firearms.

Losing Detective

Not far after the ice ghost war, Damen demoted all Detective Mods, and Detective knights. Except Detective Inspector Hashir, and Bp28.


Angi joined forums on the day of May 27th, 2014.

The beginning

Angi's beginning of forums was fairly slow. She did not understand the basics at first until about a week later. Even after her first week you could defiantly tell she was new to the forums. She didn't mind she posted as much as she could, but eventually slowed down.

Earning the Damencup badge

After Angi won the Damencup in Oldcp, it gave her a push to get more involved with forums. After that she posted daily and began to appreciate this community more and more. She enjoyed the fact that she earned her first badge, and wanted to earn a bit more. Angi began to post daily, and helped out users each day.

Becoming a Master

Not long after Angi became a Moderator on Oldcp Angi had other goals on the forums. Her goal was Master. After her first application she didn't earn it right away, but she didn't give up hope. She repeatedly made edits to the application, and posted it in her mood various times.

Finally, in late Auguest 2014, Angi requested Chelsey, (current Emperor Helper) to read her application and was successful to become a Master that day.


Angi joined Snaildom the day it was released. She was unsuccessful to earn a rank at first, but Angi didn't let that get in her way of helping out any user in need.

As time continued Oldcp was shut down so, the unique game of Snaildom got more users each day.

During Angi's time in Snaildom she was able to earn Moderator and Detective. When Oldcp came back Snaildoms population slowly fell, and Snaildom is currently unavailable.


Today, Angi is proud to Moderate Oldcp and Snaildom. She is still a Master on forums, but she will do her best to help out there any way possible. She has kept high spirits in this community and will continue to keep it safe.


This is a story of a unique girl who had an amazing journey that she will never forget. One who has had enough fun here to last her a lifetime.


Be yourself everyone else is already taken, to do that one must be unique

Be unique means standing out in a crowd of followers.

People often think it's easier to look on the bad side of things when they should be respecting what they have here, and now.
WIKI:ANGI, 30TH DECEMBER 2014 BY BP28 , BODY: 9D0E3F1808788FFEEA0CE934DA8A7908 , PROPS: 8F094E5A214F2B5784A3165868BC5BFE [RESTORE]

Changed to character

array(3) { ["title"]=> string(4) "Angi" ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" }

Before DSGHQ

Angi was born in the United states and has always lived there. At age twelve she had realized how much free time she had on her hands. Angi enjoyed helping others, it was big part of her life, but at a young age it was difficult.

One day in late April, Angi was introduced by her cousin to a website called Oldcp. It was one link to a series of websites in the DSGHQ community. At first Angi didn't think it was worth her time, but she was eventually convinced to get online. That is where her journey began.


Angi joined Oldcp in late April 2014 not knowing the impact she would make on this community.

The beginning

In the beginning Angi's journey started out slow. She did not create a forums account right away, and she certainly did not use propper grammar. She was unique and despite her weaknesses, she tried to spread kindness wherever she could.

In the near future all of that changed. Angi was quickly involved with competing in Mod comps because of her early house tryouts for the Freehawks. She managed to become a member of the Freehawks and she has kept the orange wings of the Free hawks ever since. After the day Angi became a Free hawk, she became fascinated and wanted to get more involved into the DSGHQ Community.

Making friends

About a month after Angi got involved with Oldcp she had made many friends that she will never forget or the rest of her days in this community. Her friends were the main reason of her inspiration. They gave her hope, more hope then ever before. They have always been there for get her through hard times and inspire her some more. Even though some of them may have quit along Angi's journey, she still remembers them.

The Small start

In the time, the World cup was happening all around the world. To celebrate this magnificent event around the globe, a sporting event called the Damencup was a soccer game that users could be apart of in Oldcp. Angi was quite interested so she decided to join in for the fun and enjoyment. She joined the green team with no expectations of winning. During the game, Angi was very active, and scoring goals quickly. It turns out, she won the Damencup 2014, and revived the rank of Member on forums along with a soccer ball badge that is still in her profile today. It was her small start in earning a career in the DSGHQ.

Becoming an Oldcp Moderator

As time continued on, Angi seemed to have proven herself worthy to this community. Reporting misbehaving users to the Moderators became an endless routine, but that wasn't the only reason. She became quite mature and set a good example to all users around her. She never thought that in her future the rank of Moderator awaited her, she just enjoyed the thought of helping others.

Because of the increase of servers on Oldcp, Damen needed more staff to Moderate. As it turned out in Mid-Auguest of 2014, Angi and three other users received Moderator. The three other staff Members that received the rank of Moderator are, Livetodance, Suzeh, and Emily. Only Angi and Livetodance succeed in Moderating Oldcp today.

Entering the Crime office

Later on, Angi wanted to contribute more to this community. Detective Inspector Hashir, promoted Angi into detective soon after seeing that she wanted to help out, and had the requirements.

Receiving a Firearm

Not long before the Ice Ghost war Angi was given a firearm in December 2014 v10 along with a few other Detectives. A few days after the war, Angi and many others were stripped of their firearms.

Losing Detective

Not far after the ice ghost war, Damen demoted all Detective Mods, and Detective knights. Except Detective Inspector Hashir, and Bp28.


Angi joined forums on the day of May 27th, 2014.

The beginning

Angi's beginning of forums was fairly slow. She did not understand the basics at first until about a week later. Even after her first week you could defiantly tell she was new to the forums. She didn't mind she posted as much as she could, but eventually slowed down.

Earning the Damencup badge

After Angi won the Damencup in Oldcp, it gave her a push to get more involved with forums. After that she posted daily and began to appreciate this community more and more. She enjoyed the fact that she earned her first badge, and wanted to earn a bit more. Angi began to post daily, and helped out users each day.

Becoming a Master

Not long after Angi became a Moderator on Oldcp Angi had other goals on the forums. Her goal was Master. After her first application she didn't earn it right away, but she didn't give up hope. She repeatedly made edits to the application, and posted it in her mood various times.

Finally, in late Auguest 2014, Angi requested Chelsey, (current Emperor Helper) to read her application and was successful to become a Master that day.


Angi joined Snaildom the day it was released. She was unsuccessful to earn a rank at first, but Angi didn't let that get in her way of helping out any user in need.

As time continued Oldcp was shut down so, the unique game of Snaildom got more users each day.

During Angi's time in Snaildom she was able to earn Moderator and Detective. When Oldcp came back Snaildoms population slowly fell, and Snaildom is currently unavailable.


Today, Angi is proud to Moderate Oldcp and Snaildom. She is still a Master on forums, but she will do her best to help out there any way possible. She has kept high spirits in this community and will continue to keep it safe.


This is a story of a unique girl who had an amazing journey that she will never forget. One who has had enough fun here to last her a lifetime.


Be yourself everyone else is already taken, to do that one must be unique

Be unique means standing out in a crowd of followers.

People often think it's easier to look on the bad side of things when they should be respecting what they have here, and now.
WIKI:ANGI, 30TH DECEMBER 2014 BY ANGI , BODY: 9D0E3F1808788FFEEA0CE934DA8A7908 , PROPS: 318E00CED854851C07D6BC122971EF23 [RESTORE]

No reason given

array(3) { ["writeProtected"]=> string(1) "1" ["title"]=> string(4) "Angi" ["layout"]=> string(7) "regular" }

Before DSGHQ

Angi was born in the United states and has always lived there. At age twelve she had realized how much free time she had on her hands. Angi enjoyed helping others, it was big part of her life, but at a young age it was difficult.

One day in late April, Angi was introduced by her cousin to a website called Oldcp. It was one link to a series of websites in the DSGHQ community. At first Angi didn't think it was worth her time, but she was eventually convinced to get online. That is where her journey began.


Angi joined Oldcp in late April 2014 not knowing the impact she would make on this community.

The beginning

In the beginning Angi's journey started out slow. She did not create a forums account right away, and she certainly did not use propper grammar. She was unique and despite her weaknesses, she tried to spread kindness wherever she could.

In the near future all of that changed. Angi was quickly involved with competing in Mod comps because of her early house tryouts for the Freehawks. She managed to become a member of the Freehawks and she has kept the orange wings of the Free hawks ever since. After the day Angi became a Free hawk, she became fascinated and wanted to get more involved into the DSGHQ Community.

Making friends

About a month after Angi got involved with Oldcp she had made many friends that she will never forget or the rest of her days in this community. Her friends were the main reason of her inspiration. They gave her hope, more hope then ever before. They have always been there for get her through hard times and inspire her some more. Even though some of them may have quit along Angi's journey, she still remembers them.

The Small start

In the time, the World cup was happening all around the world. To celebrate this magnificent event around the globe, a sporting event called the Damencup was a soccer game that users could be apart of in Oldcp. Angi was quite interested so she decided to join in for the fun and enjoyment. She joined the green team with no expectations of winning. During the game, Angi was very active, and scoring goals quickly. It turns out, she won the Damencup 2014, and revived the rank of Member on forums along with a soccer ball badge that is still in her profile today. It was her small start in earning a career in the DSGHQ.

Becoming an Oldcp Moderator

As time continued on, Angi seemed to have proven herself worthy to this community. Reporting misbehaving users to the Moderators became an endless routine, but that wasn't the only reason. She became quite mature and set a good example to all users around her. She never thought that in her future the rank of Moderator awaited her, she just enjoyed the thought of helping others.

Because of the increase of servers on Oldcp, Damen needed more staff to Moderate. As it turned out in Mid-Auguest of 2014, Angi and three other users received Moderator. The three other staff Members that received the rank of Moderator are, Livetodance, Suzeh, and Emily. Only Angi and Livetodance succeed in Moderating Oldcp today.

Entering the Crime office

Later on, Angi wanted to contribute more to this community. Detective Inspector Hashir, promoted Angi into detective soon after seeing that she wanted to help out, and had the requirements.

Receiving a Firearm

Not long before the Ice Ghost war Angi was given a firearm in December 2014 v10 along with a few other Detectives. A few days after the war, Angi and many others were stripped of their firearms.

Losing Detective

Not far after the ice ghost war, Damen demoted all Detective Mods, and Detective knights. Except Detective Inspector Hashir, and Bp28.


Angi joined forums on the day of May 27th, 2014.

The beginning

Angi's beginning of forums was fairly slow. She did not understand the basics at first until about a week later. Even after her first week you could defiantly tell she was new to the forums. She didn't mind she posted as much as she could, but eventually slowed down.

Earning the Damencup badge

After Angi won the Damencup in Oldcp, it gave her a push to get more involved with forums. After that she posted daily and began to appreciate this community more and more. She enjoyed the fact that she earned her first badge, and wanted to earn a bit more. Angi began to post daily, and helped out users each day.

Becoming a Master

Not long after Angi became a Moderator on Oldcp Angi had other goals on the forums. Her goal was Master. After her first application she didn't earn it right away, but she didn't give up hope. She repeatedly made edits to the application, and posted it in her mood various times.

Finally, in late Auguest 2014, Angi requested Chelsey, (current Emperor Helper) to read her application and was successful to become a Master that day.


Angi joined Snaildom the day it was released. She was unsuccessful to earn a rank at first, but Angi didn't let that get in her way of helping out any user in need.

As time continued Oldcp was shut down so, the unique game of Snaildom got more users each day.

During Angi's time in Snaildom she was able to earn Moderator and Detective. When Oldcp came back Snaildoms population slowly fell, and Snaildom is currently unavailable.


Today, Angi is proud to Moderate Oldcp and Snaildom. She is still a Master on forums, but she will do her best to help out there any way possible. She has kept high spirits in this community and will continue to keep it safe.


This is a story of a unique girl who had an amazing journey that she will never forget. One who has had enough fun here to last her a lifetime.


Be yourself everyone else is already taken, to do that one must be unique

Be unique means standing out in a crowd of followers.

People often think it's easier to look on the bad side of things when they should be respecting what they have here, and now.
WIKI:DANCEBEAR, 30TH DECEMBER 2014 BY SANS , BODY: 4449374D82188D3BE6659B7A736FC620 , PROPS: 19BB6657AFBBC72FEF04399AD8B582C3 [RESTORE]

Grammatical mistake between your and you're. I edited a part of on of your quotes. No biggie c:

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(9) "DanceBear" ["title"]=> string(9) "Moderator" ["photo"]=> string(73) "" ["alias"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(5) "Dance" [1]=> string(4) "Bear" [2]=> string(5) "Dancy" } ["titles"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(9) "Moderator" [1]=> string(16) "Former Detective" [2]=> string(16) "Legendary Healer" } ["related"]=> string(0) "" ["gender"]=> string(1) "2" ["house"]=> string(9) "Freehawks" ["location"]=> string(6) "Canada" ["photos"]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(30) "" [1]=> string(30) "" [2]=> string(34) "" [3]=> string(34) "" } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> NULL ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(9) "DanceBear" }


DanceBear first arrived to the DSGHQ in January 2014 when OldCP re-opened. She was interested in knowing more about the community. She decided to stick around and check out what it had for her. About one week after she joined, there was a Moderator Competition. She had no idea what it was at that time. She joined a team and surprisingly she was doing well. She was in Team Emily and she was promoted to Co-Leader of the team. Because of that event, she got interested in the game and decided to stay. About a month after joining, she signed up for the Forums.


Legendary Healer

DanceBear was known as the Legendary Healer. Her job was to heal the people that died. She had a rocky start when she was hired to be a Royal Healer because after a couple of weeks of having that job, she was instructed to heal one of the most dangerous users in Oldcp,The Hound. When she healed him, there was chaos. He came back alive and started to kill many users. Luckily he was shot. During the Summer of 2014. A war started. DanceBear had to heal over 30 people who died in that war and it was a mess. Damen was impressed of her work and he promoted her with a Legendary Healer title and a Moderator Rank. In December 2014, DanceBear retired her Legendary Healer title.


DanceBear first became a Moderator after the Summer 2014 war. When OldCP shutdown, she lost her rank and continued her journey on Snaildom. She didn't get promoted on that game but when OldCP came back in November/December, she competed in the Winter Moderator Competition of 2014 and won the whole thing, thus earning Moderator once more.


DanceBear was a Detective on Snaildom. Her job was to make up theories, help out the other detectives in crime scenes. She was promoted on OldCP as well. In December 2014, DanceBear retired her Detective rank.


The Game of Mods

DanceBear competed in 4 Games of Mods. She competed in the 5th, the 6th, the 8th and finally the 10th. The 5th Competition was her first competition. She didn't have any experience since she only joined 1 week before the competition. But, she was able to manage herself and join a team. The 6th competition got a little more interesting. She decided to join the Freehawks. The days past and it was time for the Finals. Surprisingly, she was chosen as a finalist. The 8th Competition got a little more intense. She joined Team Nerds. During the second day of that competition, the 2 leaders didn't show up. DanceBear was technically the third leader and she decided to step in and help. At the end of that day, Team Nerds won 3 points. When the previous day they only had 1. The Nerds were building up. They were so close to get eliminated but DanceBear saved the day. At the finals, DanceBear was chosen once again. This time, she was in the Final two with Chex. Damen wanted to take a risk and Chex won the competition. The 10th Competition was a winner. DanceBear was in the Freehawks again. She really stood out during the competition and Damen picked her to be the newest Moderator.

The Game of Kings

DanceBear was a chosen user to participate in the Game of Kings/Queens. She ended up getting the runner up spot with her partner Sled and they were very close to winning this competition.


DanceBear got noticed really fast on Forums. She got her first rank as a member when she had 30 posts and over 100 rep. She had a really good start. When she gained 1000 rep, she only had about 300 posts. She first earned News Reporter and about 3 weeks later, and later earned Master.


Even if I'm not the Legendary Healer anymore, it's still in my blood
Moderator is a learning process. You learn even more than what you're teaching to the users.

Made some quotes

array(4) { ["character"]=> array(11) { ["name"]=> string(11) "Bashysmelly" ["title"]=> string(6) "Knight" ["photo"]=> string(33) "" ["alias"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(5) "Bashy" [1]=> string(8) "Bashdalf" [2]=> string(4) "Bash" } ["titles"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(15) "Imperial Knight" [1]=> string(9) "Detective" [2]=> string(11) "Black guard" } ["related"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(6) "Freddy" [1]=> string(5) "Gamer" } ["gender"]=> string(1) "1" ["house"]=> string(9) "Freehawks" ["location"]=> string(18) "Helsingborg Sweden" ["photos"]=> array(0) { } ["death"]=> string(0) "" } ["writeProtected"]=> NULL ["layout"]=> string(9) "character" ["title"]=> string(11) "Bashysmelly" }


Bashysmelly found Oldcp 20th March 2014.

Black guard

Bashy was a finalist in the first Black Guard comp hosted of the 5th May 2014. He had a match against XDesire to see which one of them the Emperor Helper Mikomi would talk as his Black Guard. Bashy got the right answer and got accepted into the Black Guards. During hi time as a Black Guard, he started to get into Loyalty, Death and Fire. He was a trusted Black Guard warrior until Old Oldcp came back. He lost his Black Guard rank but got another rank in its place.


Bashy was a curious person and wanted to know a lot of things. When the Detective was introduced he was curious it and applied. Shortly after some minutes Bashy got accepted and hired as a detective. During his time as a detective, unluckiness seemed to follow him wherever he want and Bashy got complaints from the Detective Sergeant constantly. Finally sick of all the complaints, Bashy retired from Detective to become an Imperial Knight.


Bashy wanted to be remembered for something. When the game Damenball came out Bashy had an idea, Damenball World Cup. When Damen saw this idea, he immediately liked it. When Oldcp came back Damen wanted to make Bashy's idea into a big event. There were 6 stages which were tough and funny. Bashy won the 5th stage and won a medal. Bashy's name is also included on a poster in Snaildom.


Bashy is a nice and caring person. He is also a strict Imperial Knight, influenced from the hard work and training as an elite Black Guard.


Bashy's virtual family is currently unknown or does not exist. He instead has 2 virtual brothers named Gamer and Freddy. Bashy is not really into marrige and other sorts of stuff but more into war. He combines war and brothers into "brothers in arms".


The Lord is my protector

A solider makes his own move. An enemy makes his own kill

Heart of the beloved sews in your blood