18th May 2015

No Tolerance Policy

Made by Roberto in Announcements

1,137 posts
Seen 14th August 2023
19th May 2015, 10:48 AM

I'm on that much, more I guess.

2,814 posts
Seen 24th May 2023
19th May 2015, 12:10 PM

Yes, it's summer.
The season of fun, outdoors, joy! Moderators are humans too, they need to go have fun and go outdoors during the summer!
Even if they can get out after oldcp, mods aren't made to be stressed upon how they need to work REALLY hard for a GAME.
You're putting them in a sort of box!
Let them have freedom, I'm sure people can report things!

I am VERY sorry if my head speaks foul language, but it's what I think.

+1 by Augustine, Wheeler, Bp28, Scott and 2 others

Rap Diablo
3,463 posts
Seen 30th September 2022
19th May 2015, 12:26 PM

I left my other point of disagreement: See, a website controlling your life = HAHA NO LIFE LOSER HAHA YOU HAVE NO FRIENDS/LIFE. During the Summer is the WORST time to do this..I'm probably gonna be alot more inactive, since I have life-guarding, summer things to do..........*cough* anyways, lets not do 24 hours a week and cut it down to 12.

+1 by Jake01, CPManiac and Bp28

269 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
19th May 2015, 12:27 PM

Master Jakey wrote on 19th May 2015 12:10 PM:
Yes, it's summer.
The season of fun, outdoors, joy! Moderators are humans too, they need to go have fun and go outdoors during the summer!
Even if they can get out after oldcp, mods aren't made to be stressed upon how they need to work REALLY hard for a GAME.
You're putting them in a sort of box!
Let them have freedom, I'm sure people can report things!

I am VERY sorry if my head speaks foul language, but it's what I think.
Yes, they are humans too. But 'Moderator' is not just a title, it is a job, and with any job, you must fulfil your duties or you'll find yourself being excused from your job.
The minimum time set in place isn't even that intensive - I could easily spend that long online, and there's people who can be on for WAY longer.


2,814 posts
Seen 24th May 2023
19th May 2015, 12:29 PM

Wheeler wrote on 19th May 2015 12:27 PM:
Master Jakey said on 19th May 2015 12:10 PM:
Yes, it's summer.
The season of fun, outdoors, joy! Moderators are humans too, they need to go have fun and go outdoors during the summer!
Even if they can get out after oldcp, mods aren't made to be stressed upon how they need to work REALLY hard for a GAME.
You're putting them in a sort of box!
Let them have freedom, I'm sure people can report things!

I am VERY sorry if my head speaks foul language, but it's what I think.

Yes, they are humans too. But 'Moderator' is not just a title, it is a job, and with any job, you must fulfil your duties or you'll find yourself being excused from your job.
The minimum time set in place isn't even that intensive - I could easily spend that long online, and there's people who can be on for WAY longer.

Two words that explain alot in that quote.


2,325 posts
Seen 2nd November 2015
19th May 2015, 02:46 PM

24 hours a day is way too much. Sorry, but it should really be cut down to at least 10-15 hours a week, no more than 15. I know it is summer, but if you are like me, we dont sit in the house all summer, we try to get things done that we can't while in school. 5 hours wasn't enough, I agree, but doubling it should be enough.

+1 by Sled, Scott, Bailey, CPManiac and 1 other

713 posts
Seen 6th October 2020
19th May 2015, 03:34 PM

Perhaps 15 hours a week, yes.
Also, for everyone complaining about this policy being "unfair" because "moderators have lives too": This isn't personal. Yes, moderators have lives. Everyone who's alive has a life. The fact of the matter is that if you no longer have enough spare time to moderate, you shouldn't be moderator. There's nothing wrong with having too many outside activities, but you can't pretend everything is fine when you're only logging on once or twice a week. Being demoted for inactivity is almost a favor because if you can't handle the job you don't need to stress over it anymore. I actually recommend resigning if you no longer have time for OldCP. It feels and looks better than being fired. In fact, earning your rank back after resigning is much easier than earning it back after being fired.
Inactivity is never really anyone's fault. People get busy, and that's fine, but we can't have moderators that are too busy to moderate.

+1 by tess, Bailey, Roberto, Archie and 2 others, -1 by lylance

2,484 posts
Seen 30th July 2023
19th May 2015, 04:25 PM

Sorry, I have been studying for my SOL's lately, I will attempt to be online more :)

269 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
19th May 2015, 04:28 PM

Master Jakey wrote on 19th May 2015 12:29 PM:
Two words that explain alot in that quote.

What're you talking about?


night cruising
2,329 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
19th May 2015, 04:42 PM

I like this idea. Maybe some more mods will look into being more active as summer nears.

♪ ♫ ♪
2,958 posts
Seen 30th December 2020
19th May 2015, 04:59 PM

I see that you may decrease the time each week, but I strongly disagree with this policy for many many reasons.

First of all, I see that we have time for moderating, but the thing is, we are not ensured to being 3 hours and 20 minutes a day. (I see that you may decrease the times) Even so, this whole idea is crazy. You are pretty much forcing the moderators that were HIRED for a reason to be on whenever possible. The reason is, people are in school at different times, so someone could start summer in like 2 months, but that's not all. Some people cannot come because it is unhealthy. We can only be on so much, because it hurts some people when being on too long. Also, we all have parents, and are all kids, that means that our parents will usually give us an amount of time we can be on. If we as mods and future mods have to follow this policy, I agree that administrators should have one similar, like 6-12 hours a week, because after all, they are the same as us, and will probably have as much time on their hands as we do. Also, this is summer. Are you actually forcing people to get on if they do not want to? I mean, we might be playing other games, spending time with family, but that is not the point. We all have events and special times, and we may be inactive for a certain period of time due to sports, family, etc. I get that you'd understand, but everyone is busy, and when there are new moderators, you will force this policy on them too.

I would like to see you and even some of the other administrators to get on as long as we do. You cannot simply put a label on someone if you have not tested it out. What I am saying is that you never tried this out. You should have done this a week before, and seen how long each of the mods get on. You can figure out an average, and see how much they would do compared to the next week because it is only fair if you know before taking any actions. This is not a good policy, because we should have to be on a certain amount of hours, we should be being responsible, not slacking off, and there should be a policy to make sure that moderators do their jobs in the certain amount of time they have, not how long they can be on. You see, If you continue this with 24 hours a week, most moderators may not want to come on after their 3 and a half hours, and it is almost impossible to catch up with in the later time that we have. Do whatever you want, but when you have like 10 moderators online, with like 2 doing their job and the other half texting, on xat, forums, etc, it will not be so effective will it?

With testing it out, you should have looked at the pattern for a month, yes, a month. You should have noticed a pattern if the moderators were active or not. Damen said we don't have to spend all our time here, and this seems like you are forcing us to if we want to keep our ranks. Some of us only come on at spare time, and with that spare time, we must always be alert and never play around for 3 and a half hours? Seems unfair. I believe this should be taken away, or you should temporarily take it away to test it. We need to know what we can do, not what we are forced to do. Anyways, this is not a good idea, with our time, we should be able to have fun, do what we want, within our time limit. There are so many components that you didn't think about before making this. I believe it is a good plan to do this, but it is horrible with the circumstances you are making. I believe you should temporarily REMOVE this whole thing, and see how long we each get on. Also, you guys as admins should join in too, seeing how tough our jobs really are, because we were all moderators at some point, talking to the administrators and moderators. Finally, you should realize what moderators are doing, and not slacking off, because there could be many moderators, but they cannot always get on, or they slack off with their time. Many have school when others are off, and it is the other way around. You are very busy I see, but you make it way to hard to have rules when YOU don't even FOLLOW your OWN rules. You can take some time off from whatever you do to join in and partake in playing, not on xat, but on oldcp also. I believe this has many flaws, it it should be fixed. You are just making all the good moderators that were hired be forced to spend all their time here even though you can't do the same. Change it, this is horrible if you don't change it.

Realize that this is only my opinion, yet it is very strong. I just want this to be changed, or taken away, because moderators should not always have to get on, they need to not slack off.

+1 by Lemonade, Bp28, Bailey, Faith and 2 others

Certified Nick Foles Fan
1,076 posts
Seen 19th April 2020
19th May 2015, 05:27 PM

Every single moderator and admin who I've spoken to agrees that 24 hours is too much. Rob, the fact that you don't feel the need to respond to our concerns bothers me. Why can't you understand that these requirements are only going to make us lose great mods. Change it to 15 hours, that's fine, but don't try to control how we spend 3 hours of our day. I understand a moderator not coming on enough is a problem, but setting a major standard like this for all mods angers me.

+1 by PenguinDSC and Jake01

Lead us Thorin!!
R.I.P Sean K.

Based God
133 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
19th May 2015, 05:40 PM

PenguinDSC wrote on 19th May 2015 04:59 PM:
I see that you may decrease the time each week, but I strongly disagree with this policy for many many reasons.

First of all, I see that we have time for moderating, but the thing is, we are not ensured to being 3 hours and 20 minutes a day. (I see that you may decrease the times) Even so, this whole idea is crazy. You are pretty much forcing the moderators that were HIRED for a reason to be on whenever possible. The reason is, people are in school at different times, so someone could start summer in like 2 months, but that's not all. Some people cannot come because it is unhealthy. We can only be on so much, because it hurts some people when being on too long. Also, we all have parents, and are all kids, that means that our parents will usually give us an amount of time we can be on. If we as mods and future mods have to follow this policy, I agree that administrators should have one similar, like 6-12 hours a week, because after all, they are the same as us, and will probably have as much time on their hands as we do. Also, this is summer. Are you actually forcing people to get on if they do not want to? I mean, we might be playing other games, spending time with family, but that is not the point. We all have events and special times, and we may be inactive for a certain period of time due to sports, family, etc. I get that you'd understand, but everyone is busy, and when there are new moderators, you will force this policy on them too.

I would like to see you and even some of the other administrators to get on as long as we do. You cannot simply put a label on someone if you have not tested it out. What I am saying is that you never tried this out. You should have done this a week before, and seen how long each of the mods get on. You can figure out an average, and see how much they would do compared to the next week because it is only fair if you know before taking any actions. This is not a good policy, because we should have to be on a certain amount of hours, we should be being responsible, not slacking off, and there should be a policy to make sure that moderators do their jobs in the certain amount of time they have, not how long they can be on. You see, If you continue this with 24 hours a week, most moderators may not want to come on after their 3 and a half hours, and it is almost impossible to catch up with in the later time that we have. Do whatever you want, but when you have like 10 moderators online, with like 2 doing their job and the other half texting, on xat, forums, etc, it will not be so effective will it?

With testing it out, you should have looked at the pattern for a month, yes, a month. You should have noticed a pattern if the moderators were active or not. Damen said we don't have to spend all our time here, and this seems like you are forcing us to if we want to keep our ranks. Some of us only come on at spare time, and with that spare time, we must always be alert and never play around for 3 and a half hours? Seems unfair. I believe this should be taken away, or you should temporarily take it away to test it. We need to know what we can do, not what we are forced to do. Anyways, this is not a good idea, with our time, we should be able to have fun, do what we want, within our time limit. There are so many components that you didn't think about before making this. I believe it is a good plan to do this, but it is horrible with the circumstances you are making. I believe you should temporarily REMOVE this whole thing, and see how long we each get on. Also, you guys as admins should join in too, seeing how tough our jobs really are, because we were all moderators at some point, talking to the administrators and moderators. Finally, you should realize what moderators are doing, and not slacking off, because there could be many moderators, but they cannot always get on, or they slack off with their time. Many have school when others are off, and it is the other way around. You are very busy I see, but you make it way to hard to have rules when YOU don't even FOLLOW your OWN rules. You can take some time off from whatever you do to join in and partake in playing, not on xat, but on oldcp also. I believe this has many flaws, it it should be fixed. You are just making all the good moderators that were hired be forced to spend all their time here even though you can't do the same. Change it, this is horrible if you don't change it.

Realize that this is only my opinion, yet it is very strong. I just want this to be changed, or taken away, because moderators should not always have to get on, they need to not slack off.

You chose the job, you chose the responsibility, you chose to serve under us admins and our rule. If you cannot handle the way we run our staff then please feel free to resign and I will find somebody that can handle it. Why apply for mod if you don't have enough time to do it in the first place? Like Chelsey said before, save your time and just resign if you can't keep up. Administrators are far more busy than most mods behind the scenes so your point about adding time for us makes no sense. Also, I already added a note saying I may decrease the time so stop worrying. This policy will be having changes accordingly as we move on through the weeks.

+1 by Lemonade, Archie , Rae and Kara, -1 by PenguinDSC and Augustine
Sincerely, God's Child

2,668 posts
Seen 12th April 2023
19th May 2015, 07:12 PM

this is a good policy. but there are some times in the summer for me and others. where we have a lot of activitys. and if your a mod with a lot of activitys, you might not be able to be on 24 hours. I definantly cant do that right now. and I have a lot of gymnastics stuff to do.

but again, great system


3,733 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
19th May 2015, 09:00 PM


The way you say 24 hours a week is just awkward to mods. The mods have stuff to do, School to studie/work on. They need to do they're stuff before they're time on the internet.Though it's bad that they're not that active, you need to remember that work comes first. Just like me, i have so much to do. If i was a mod i would easily be demoted because of my life outside of the internet. If i tried hard enough i would get like 20 in like 1 week and a half because my personal life is harder then it seems. Maybe you think everyone need to be very active but right now i just want the mods to retire from that rule (Not being Rude) And Chelsey, the spare time is a mith, spare time is a time to do something with you're family, not playing Oldcp for 24 hours a week, why waste time when you can do something fun with you're family or freinds. Spare time is when there is NOTHING to do, family comes first then a dumb computer/Tablet/etc.

And as for the demotion of May23 is crazy, cause is not this the first time we've heard of this? If May knew that demotions accured, she probably would have tried her best.


+1 by Augustine

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