18th May 2015

No Tolerance Policy

Made by Roberto in Announcements

Straight Outta Compton Sw
577 posts
Seen 1st June 2023
18th May 2015, 09:26 PM

I like the concept, but 24 hours per week is a bit extreme. 24 hours is about 14.2857143% of their time. Let's say they spend 39% of their time sleeping. And about 29.166% of their time in school per week. That's about 80% of a moderator or other staff member's time!

This leaves around 20% of their time to their life off of OldCP and school. Not to mention time spent with family... I'd see 12 hours a week, but 24 is farfetched. I understand you're looking for the most elite moderators, but they're children. Let them live while they're young!!

Yes, this is a nice policy, just consider lowering the numbers. This is just my opinion, and if you disagree I am fine with it. I really hope this didn't come out as rude.

With best regards,

+1 by Matt, Bp28, Lemonade, Cheep and 8 others

Breath in, Breath out.
629 posts
Seen 31st May 2016
18th May 2015, 09:54 PM

This policy is great!
I hope May23 doesn't get demoted she is a great and kind user/mod
24 hours I think that is fair most users are online 5 hours each day!
Oh and I suggest if you are looking for active mods go check the stats! :3

The Great
1,520 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
18th May 2015, 09:55 PM

ye the mods should be active. Nice post Rob.

+1 by Sneha

Lady of the Empire
1,003 posts
Seen 3rd November 2019
18th May 2015, 10:06 PM

The average amount of hours a student has to learn is about 40 each week. Not counting sports, so I personally think declining the amount of hours to either 15 or 14 as you stated. Also, I have not noticed that much of an increase within the user base, if anything it has been at a steady 50-70 users on at a time for the past several months. This year's moderator competition only brought in about 73-79 users!! It's usually in the 80s or even the hundreds (Snaildom :( ). To be fully honest, this spread sheet won't do much because moderators can easily make up false situations to cover themselves, but I like your enthusiasm dude ;). Great job on the idea and it's really cool!

+1 by Bp28, Scott and Jacobg627
Lady Cheep Glitz of the Royal Imperial Bank
Lady of the Bank - Detective - Forums Moderator - OldCP Moderator - Lady of the Empire



1,652 posts
Seen 30th July 2022
18th May 2015, 10:07 PM

I love this policy, and, if you need any full time summer mods, I'd be happy to do that.

graphic designer
3,098 posts
Seen 30th August 2023
18th May 2015, 10:08 PM

At this very moment, 24 hours a week is kind of extreme for me. I attend high school, and I have an actual job that sometimes requires me to work after school until my bed time. Nevertheless, I still try my best to get online when I can. When it is summer, I feel like I will be able to reach this many hours much easier since I will not be attending school. I'll try my best to reach this amount of hours anyways. I like the concept, truly, it is very encouraging, but it is kind of extreme at this point of time.

Like Jacob said, please consider lowering the numbers just a bit.

+1 by Bp28, Cheep, Scott, Lemonade and 5 others

do you feel like a young god
2,287 posts
Seen 14th March 2016
18th May 2015, 10:34 PM

Great post. I agree mods should be more active and help out more. Thank you for making this, it's very unique. But I agree with this idea. As sled has said, he has after school activities. Maybe you can lower it a little more. School should come first before this responsibility. Maybe being moderator is more fun, but some mods must take it more serious. As I was thinking, what if May was you? And you got demoted for having to study and do after school activities? Wouldn't that not be fair to you? What if you were sled and you had jobs after school? Wouldn't you want to pass school and move on to the next grade and become a smart A+ student? Honestly, I think sled and May should both be not demoted. I know sled hasn't been demoted yet, but if you do, it would be unfair. I saw May saying she was done with the activities, correct? Well she should have a second chance. Everyone should. What if May was you, and you were May? May had to decided wether to demote you or not.. And she understood you were done with the activities and test, exams, whatever it was, do you think she would honestly demote you? Or would she understand? I believe part of being a moderator or admin, any sort, is understanding users. What I don't get is why she was demoted? She was done. She would be an active user now. She was a great mod, and always made sure everyone followed rules. But honestly why did you demote her, only, yet, and no other mods for having X? May quit for a reason. And rob it was really rude of you saying "see you in a week" I found it very rude, indeed. No offense. I don't mean to start drama or anything such as, but honestly... What if she don't come back? I'd feel guilty for demoting her. How about you? Some people thought she should have been demoted, and all.. But that's their opinions. The fact you posted see you in a week was not an opinion. It was a statement. A statement that should not have been said at all. You should think before you post because what you said can hurt her feelings. Maybe she might visit, but did you have to not believe her? Why was she mod? Trusted, experience, nice to all users and staff members, she followed the rules, etc. Trusted. If she was trusted, why was she demoted? She was a perfect moderator, honestly in really dislike this new policy. It should be removed.


- Former OldCP Moderator - Former Drejk DSGHQ Moderator - Former Forum Master - Former XAT Member - Current Forum Moderator - Kacket House Guard -

520 posts
Seen 28th June 2021
18th May 2015, 11:47 PM

Gonna pitch my 2 cents,

To begin, I have to say I really like the basic structure and concept applied here, there is no doubt that it was needed. However, while ensuring moderators to be active and participate is important, the level and amount of hours per week is ridiculous. I totally understand that you guys have to be strict and what not, moderators have to do their work and all, but you have to remember that this isn't a real job where one gets paid, yet you are giving them hours as if it is one.

Let's put this into perspective, shall we?
First off, let me state that Oldcp, while technically being an online community, is still a videogame and will be treated as one in this first example. With that said, if a moderator met the 24 hour (3/day) requirement every week, they would end up with 96 in a month. And, if they met this requirement for summer (let's say four months), that would rack up to be 384 hours! In four months! That is a lot of hours for a videogame, especially in the time limit, and by most is considered a lot. Imagine seeing 384 hours on the Pokemon game you got four months ago. Yeah, I'd be a little bit concerned with myself and probably wondering that the excess time I spent on Pokemon could've been better spent.

As far as I can see,this is already in place and action is already being taken, (and the hours are likely to be lowered from what I know) but you should allow a bit of leeway for moderators in the forthcoming weeks to adjust and adapt to this schedule before taking any major action. Take note that I said a bit of leeway, if a moderator is showing no signs of attempting to adapt to the new requirements, action should of course be taken. Overall I do feel like the system can work and will help only attract the most dedicated users to the position, allowing for a better moderation team.

+1 by Lemonade, Bp28, Scott, Bailey and 2 others

"Everyone has heard that a million monkeys typing on a million typewriters would eventually reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare. Thanks to the internet, we now know that this is not true."

The Guy From Boston
1,779 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
19th May 2015, 01:58 AM

But what if a Moderator has to go on vacation and they won't be online the whole summer?

+1 by Jacobg627 and Sneha

623 posts
Seen 22nd December 2018
19th May 2015, 06:59 AM

Roberto wrote on 18th May 2015 08:40 PM:
Note- The Attendance policy may be considered a little bit too extreme, so this might not be permanent. I may decrease it to 12-15 hours a week.

As OldCP gets more popular through our stage of advertisement we need our mods to be on top of their game now that Summer is finally approaching and already here for some of us.

Attendance Spreadsheet

I have created a spreadsheet that accurately tracks the amount of hours a mod has been online OldCP every week.

Here's how it works:
An X means you haven't been online that week for the given amount of time moderators are supposed to be online weekly.(24 hours)

An O means you have completed your hours for that week and you have been cleared

If you have an X that says 'cleared' next to it that means you've been excused by a legitimate reason.

If you are given 3 X's you'll be confronted by either Tennis or me looking for a reason for your inactivity and if we find that reason sensible you will be excused, other than that it's pretty much a guaranteed demotion.

With the demotion of inactive mods, we shall be looking for more qualified members to take their place. So keep working hard.

Attendance Policy

I'm aware that the previous policy was that mods are required to be active for 5 hours a week on OLDCP, well I have increased this requirement to 24 hours a week.

Current Situation
Probation list: Mckinlee, Sled, Little, Deenie, Ellie, Saber574

Demotion: May23(Unless given a legitimate reason)

Let this be a warning to the mods, OldCP is looking for the best of the best and if you're the suitable mod we thought you were when we picked you then this policy should be easily doable.
I'm probably not fit for mod.

find comfort in the chaos
796 posts
Seen 6th June 2022
19th May 2015, 07:26 AM

This is a bit too extreme for me, as I can only get on 20 hours a week when I'm not too busy. Towards the end of the school year, it's harder to come on because of tests, sports, competitions,and much more. I could see changing the time to 15-17 hours a week. Also, I have this dumb rule that I can only play on weekends, but if I'm not too busy I can play. Right now, I'm dealing with so much stress because of tests and personal things I wish not to say. Also, I still have a month of school left, well auctally more! This is just my opinion.

+1 by Bp28

1,763 posts
Seen 11th March 2023
19th May 2015, 07:26 AM

There should be a 'Fooling Around Policy'.
Example for OldCP: So, say I see Rae fooling around when someone really needs help, and Rae is the only mod online. The person who needs help walks up to Rae and says 'Can u pls help me??' and when Rae notices the person (Let's just call the person T) she still doesn't help T, so T says '/report Rae'. You can only use '/report' once a day. When T said /report Rae, a tally mark gets put next to Rae's name.

Makes sense? :P

+1 by Jacobg627

Certified Nick Foles Fan
1,076 posts
Seen 19th April 2020
19th May 2015, 08:04 AM

Well, the people have spoken. It seems overall, 24 hours a week is unrealistic. All this is going to do is cause us to lose some very good moderators. So what if some can't be on 3 hours a day, if when they can come on, they moderate very well? Jumping from 5 hours all the way to 24 hours is a lot of work, I understand it is summer, but people's plans change all of the time, and maybe there are days we want to spend outside spending time with family or friends, or maybe playing other games that our parents spent good money on for us to play. Maybe we want to spend the day at a baseball game! 12-15 hours is much more reasonable. You're asking us to spend 96 hours a month, I think most parents would rather us spend that time outside instead, especially during the summer. Trust me, I'm happy to come on, I just don't like the fact that you're trying to dictate so much of my computer time.

Lead us Thorin!!
R.I.P Sean K.

1,349 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
19th May 2015, 10:04 AM

I think this is an absolutely great idea good job on this lost Rob +1

Below are the only pictures of mine that remain from the past..

http://i339.photobucket.com/albums/n463/textspace/lcd/lcd_7.swf?w=400&h=46&c=1&spd=2&b=2&t=Imperial Knight]quality=high wmode=transparent width=400 height=46[/flash]

Hey! Check out my Imperial Knight Application! Link:

Thank you, Glimmer! It's awesome!


Thanks, Mal! It's fab, like you!

Lemon, from now and on I will ask you to make the pixel letters! :D

Thanks for visiting.. come again! <3

Rap Diablo
3,463 posts
Seen 30th September 2022
19th May 2015, 10:07 AM

So they bring it up 2 years later.... *Crying*

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